
Why is he so grumpy and apathetic? This isn't the goofball Araragi I know.

Other urls found in this thread:

The movie is a little tiny bit more accurate to the LN than the TV series.
Shaft still cut a few lines of dialog though, and considering that they dragged a lot of scenes in movie, that really doesn't make sense.

You would be like that too if you were a friendless manlet.

Where can I stream kizu for free?

This was his emo phase before Cat shows him the power of friendship.


Please leave.

Give me your e-mail and I will send it to you for free.

>posting tumblr file names on purpose
Come on, nigger you know better than that.


You need to watch Sodachi Puzzle. Araragi lost his faith in humanity after watching a teacher sell out a student for something that wasn't even their fault.

because this is the beginning



do I have to watch katanagatari if I want to watch kizu?



Yes, but it also has 4 prequels: Saiunkoku Monogatari, Binbou Shimai Monogatari, Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari, and Ore Monogatari. Good luck mate.

>tfw I am a friendless manlet and am like this

When will I run into my Hanekawa on the street?

You're doing a service to this user by keeping him away from this garbage as much as possible.

get out with your shit taste

Glad to find somebody else who appreciates streaming anime. I'll give you one of my Crunchyroll passes if you'd like.

I'll be honest. I've always shitposted monogatari stuff because I really feel like the show is trash. But I've also always been interested in the story. I did watch Bake up to Snake's introduction, after that I never felt like continuing because the screenshots posted here never feel like there's any substance in the story, since it's always just fanservice and wacky faces and shit. This movie came out and the screenshots look a bit more serious than the show, so I downloaded it and I'm watching it. When I started watching it I realized that I really am interested in the story, but I just hate, hate, hate the way Shaft adapted it in the TV show. I don't plan on watching the show even if the movie ends up being great (I'm only like 11 minutes in) and the story is super interesting, because I genuinely think Shaft made a shit show out of a good series of novels, and I think the stupid visuals of the show literally break it. Fuck you Shaft. The show is garbage, but the movie is decent. If I wanted to know the rest of the story, I'd read the novels instead of watching the show because honestly it's not worth it.


Also, this part here looks like a fucking seasonal anime, no wonder Shaft circlejerkers never post screenshot of this.


streams look like shit

He saw a picture of what he would become.

a harem master

Subscribed ;)

>Shaft is a jew studio

There was no need to write a wall of text just to imply that, fag-kun.

>that jacket

This is before he had any friends. He was a edgy cunt before he became a vampire. When hegave up his life to heartunderblade, in the LN he had the thought that in the next life he would live it to the fullest.

>3d image



My rant wasn't about bad production values.

OH FUG I knew it looked familiar.

>this part here looks like a fucking seasonal anime
What did he mean by this

>greedy companies don't badly adapt shows because they rush everything and 'time is money'
Then, you don't even have idea what your own 'rant' was about.

Why so much hate? Did Shaft kill your mom or what?

Wait what subs does everyone have? Sephirotic?

Does it matter?

So, I just gotta lift first, right?

agreed 100%. there's a narrative beneath "manlet gets his dick ridden by a new flavor of the week" but i don't care enough to suffer through the bullshit

it's also clear that nisio is just cashing in at this point; monogatarifags are no better than shonenfags

>agreeing to your post

Kizu was produced at a relatively low resolution for a high-budget movie.

No, you don't.
Read well:
>just fanservice and wacky faces and shit

This kind of story could have interesting, relevant visuals, even if they were cheap as fuck. But Shaft made it into a porn fest and waifubait show. My rant isn't about production values, it's about the direction. Even if you insist that it has good cinematography or whatever, that doesn't change the fact that its main appeal to the fans is the naked girls galore, wacky faces, DEEP cinematography, and other bullshit like that. I feel like the show is a complete disservice to the actual story.

What are you new? Yes it matters. What else are we gonna shitpost over

For Bake it might.

wow you sure showed him

It's probably the best out of what's been released so far. It still badly needs an editor, though.

because he want to fuck

That image is cropped, the BD is 1080p

Sodachi -> Guilt -> No more friends -> Guilt -> Lose motivation -> Fail exams -> Guilt -> Desire to remove self intensifies

It's 2.35:1, fucking idiot.

Why did they include cg walking scenes they look so bad

>being this retarded

It looks like dogshit compared to rebellion.

I guess they were trying to be super serious business mature cartoons, but it doesn't work.

you're wrong.

They didn't bother to change it on BD

Did you not watch Owari?

Do you actually think it was animated at 1920x816? Don't tell me you're this retarded.

hey buddy, just thought I'd pop in and say you're a retard

It does have interesting and relevant visuals. It also has fanservice, which is distracting to you because western society likes to pretend sex is a bad thing.

I've only read Kizu and some bits of other arcs, but I feel like Shaft translated the Nisios tone pretty well. Monogatari does have serious parts but for the most part it's fairly light. The first chapter of Kizu includes an almost four page description of a girls panties after all.

I'm not the guy you were replying to, I just don't like when people bemoan fanservice when it is done well and adds to or at least doesn't detract from the story.

It's been brought up before that the ticking clock in Araragi's room represented Araragi's building sexual arousal. However, did you guys notice there's one other point in the film where there's the sound of a ticking clock in the background?

But it's just a coincidence, right? There's no way that Araragi could be a lolicon who has impure feelings about a little girl he doesn't even know right?

>Screening in Canada
>playing in fishfucker land but not the second largest city in the country because muh language laws

>Being a fucking leaf

>western society likes to pretend sex is a bad thing
Yeah, because fucking Japan is sexually liberated. Get your head out of your ass, fanservice isn't something that is family friendly.

>because western society likes to pretend sex is a bad thing.
nice meme desu

>fanservice isn't something that is family friendly
What does being family friendly have to do with anything? Lots of art isn't family friendly.

>which is distracting to you because western society likes to pretend sex is a bad thing
No, it's distracting to me because it's uninteresting and irrelevant. And the nudity is the least of my problems, mostly I hate how it pretends to be super deep with all these bullshit necktilts and self-masturbatory DEEP visual direction, and the nudity is just a part of that. The random wacky faces and art-shifts also don't add anything to the show other than turning it into reaction faces. It just feels like the whole show is made with the intention of drawing your attention to the visuals, so the visuals feel so empty, like there's no story behind them. And yet, the show feels like they don't much thought into what to put on screen, like they just put random imagery up, just to get through the volumes without much effort. When you look at the visuals, it feels like they didn't put much thought into it (aside from making it look good), like there's no substance. That's how disjointed the show is.

Remember that I'm talking only about the TV show, not about the movie.

I'm sorry if my point isn't clear, it's really hard explaining how this show feels to me, I'm just saying that the story and the visuals don't look like they go well together.

fucking incredible

is he the most effay character in all of anime, Sup Forums?

The one outfit he wears in this movie apart from his uniform was alright. I'd still say Oreki is more /fa/.

You're the one using the west seeing sex badly when trying to defend a part of anime which is by definition gratitious and perverted. The other guy's an idiot, but the fanservice in Monogatari is often there just for itself.

Does someone know when the first scene takes place? Did it even really happen? Or does it happen in the time frame of one of the other two movies?

Oh wait I'm stupid, I didn't realize that the second time he was shown on fire, we didn't see how it started. So that scene must have happened right before that.

To be fair, a lot of the wacky faces and art shifts are references to things you aren't going to get without being from Japan. And I think the comedic style of shifting quickly from serious to wacky is also an old Japanese thing. I happen to like it, but I can see why some wouldn't.

>When you look at the visuals, it feels like they didn't put much thought into it (aside from making it look good), like there's no substance.
It's a show with a ton of dialogue, so it's only natural they put something interesting on the screen when there's a lot of talking. I disagree that it lacks substance though, there's a fair bit of symbolism thrown in with the SYMBOLYSM.

Shaft loves to put some scenes out of chronological order because that's what nice western movies do and it looks cool.

Oh, I'm sure there's a lot of real symbolism in the visuals here and there. I guess what it comes down to is that the parts that are just there to look interesting are just not appealing to me personally. Like you said, I happen to dislike it, but I guess I could see why some would like it. I finished the movie already, and I definitely am interested in the story, but I'm still hesitant about watching the show. I still have Bake on my hard drive, I could give it a rewatch and decide after that, I though I know a lot of people agree that the quality drops after Bake.

I mean, I'm not saying it's bad. I think it's a good way to presenting it, of hooking you from the start, and making you wonder what had to happen in order to get to that point. It's a way of inciting anticipation. I'm the guy you replied to.

rrrgi is such a relatable character

>the fanservice in Monogatari is often there just for itself
Sometimes yeah, but a lot of the time it adds something valuable to the scene. Senjougahara being bad at wearing clothes because of her affliction was interesting. Nadeko's snake-rape scene was extreme, but it was certainly memorable.

This is how he was after the shit involving little miss math fairy happened the first time.

It didn't play in the six did it?

>though I know a lot of people agree that the quality drops after Bake.
True, but in my opinion not as much as some claim.

I didn't get this, what was Araragi being selfish about? Especially when I first saw it in theaters the subs said "I'll be smooth in the next life!"


Movie looked way too good.

Can't even watch Mob anymore because of all the limited animation nonsense between the remarkable cuts.

>most effay
>when fucking jojo exists

Is Meme the batman of the bakemonogatari's universe? The fucker is OP as fuck, according to the light novel and had planned everything to kill Kisshot.

He fears the cat.

>implying that wasn't a plan to fix kisshot and kekoragi's relationship.

>watch on the right side

To be fair, the jacket and long hair are so that nobody sees the holes in his neck IIRC.

I like Kizumonogatari Araragi the best.

Shinobu specifically calls him out on that during Kabuki.

>that watch
Could it be that gatari is a prequel to DKR?

That's what makes it funny.

>mfw I wear my watch on the right side too

Isn't Kiss-shot supposed to be the strongest being on earth or something? How did those 3 jabronies managed to fuck her up like that?

I dunno, maybe try watching the movie? :)