What's with anime in general and its lack of 'show don't tell'? Over-exposition, internal monologues up its ass...

What's with anime in general and its lack of 'show don't tell'? Over-exposition, internal monologues up its ass, unnecessary explanations and flashbacks for things that happened not even 5 minutes ago are a staple in this industry. Either they think otaku are too stupid to figure out and piece things together by themselves or they're just very bad directors and writers overall.

Even shows that are supposed to be the best in their respective genres suffer from this.

>otaku are too stupid to figure out and piece things together by themselves
That is always true, be it in Japan or the West or the rest of Asia.

This show does that a lot and is universally regarded as shit by everyone.

You're not actually asking a question, you just wanted to complain.

Evangelion, Fate, Bake, Madoka are shows that do it too and they're universally regarded as great by everyone.

So we don't have stupid people asking stupid questions like what you are doing right now

"Show, don't tell" is vastly overrated

Can we all agree that Phantom World was a mistake?

"B-but I'm smart. I can totally figure out the story" is what many foolish anons think, and then it turns out that they weren't really smart anyway, or didn't pay attention at all.

anime is made for high schoolers, manchildren and morons with double digit IQs.

This. Fuck off, OP.

Re:Zero shows

Phantom was clearly doing it ironically. Essentially pointing out the lack of subtlety in anime that OP is bitching about.

Truly ahead of its time.


b8 more

most simply can't pull it off
beisdes being subtle is an art few can master

Are you posting this 'ironically', or should I be worried?

>I hate talking
inb4 "it's a visual medium!"

Japanese people are autistic, it's not just anime for filthy otaku scum, all their media is incredibly overacted and in your face, japan cannot into subtlety.

Worried about what? That someone actually appreciates anime meta humor?

there's nothing wrong with talking, but explaining something that has just happened 5 seconds before is annoying and is an insult to your intelligence.

He's right, Phantom didn't really took itself seriously. They most likely did it ironically.

Isn't it funny?

Every time a shit anime is being criticized for one of its shit traits, an apologist quickly jumps to the rescue and explains that its intentionally bad.

Apparently every trope in every shit show is just a parody of that exact trope.
Pretty amazing if you ask me.

To be honest this is true for other industries as well, but anime does it more often.

>Kawabata can't into subtlety

Blaming the audience for them not understanding something is what people do to defend shitty anime. If the anime wasn't so crap, it would be easier to pay attention to.

it's what a fanbase do

>watch Japanese news show
>constant facecam of random celebrities in the corner, who overreacts to everything to tell the audience how to feel

It's because they are kids show for most of them.

Because anime and manga are made with how often they're released in mind. They're meant to be the kind of thing someone could pop in on at any time while channel surfing and still keep up with what's going on. It's also a useful way to save on budget.

If they did that, how else would they be able to pad out the episodes to be twenty and a half minutes (excluding OP and ED)?

Also the Japs have never been terribly good at anything involving subtly and since anime is a medium for people who aspired and failed to become directors and writers and decided to work in a medium which has a severe lack of actual talent, this problem is magnified by many powers of 10.

user, please. Every major news station in the world is invested in telling its audience how to feel.

who gives a shit if the protagonist is a retard know-it-all i'm just watching for the qt gurls also, please, someone kill that fucking useless loli waste of time whore

Obviously, but Japan takes it to another level.

what the fuck are you talking about?? unless you're making a show for children


Oh, boy, another thread where people who hate anime post on the anime board.

>Evangelion, Fate, Bake, Madoka
Maybe for people with shit taste

unless you're making a show for children, that's the only way it should happen

>people who aspired and failed to become directors and writers and decided to work in a medium which has a severe lack of actual talent

Need some citations on this. And also if by 'become directors and writers' you mean 'become directors and writers for the Hollywood industry', then there isn't that much of a difference. Box office monsters are void of any semblance of subtlety.

cause most of em are adapted from wordy light novels

Honest question. Can you a provide an example or two of where this happens in Evangelion?

You should try G-reco.

If you don't hate anime, you haven't watched enough anime.

This. You can't really "Show" in a fucking book.

That's why "Ballad of Fallen Angels" is such a great episode; we learn so much about Spike's past with very little exposition

He should try Tenjou Tenge.

user, "show don't tell" was literary a writing adage in the first place.

How many till I get there?

Since LNs are essentially picture books for teenagers and self-inserting salarymen, it's quite easy to show things.

>You can't really "Show" in a fucking book.

Not really though. The writing equivalent could just be descriptors instead of exposition.

When Shinji jacks off to Asuka, that's a metaphor four our sexual needs, that we are too afraid to let out sexuality.
Stop being so dumb, senpai.

You are literally retarded.

>watch American news show
>no news, only talking heads telling me how to feel

It's because most anime are based on LN and manga. Since you can't show as much as easily, you tell.

>Fate, Bake, Madoka

Nice joke

If you hate anime then it was never for you in the first place.

It's been so long since I watched Madoka but I don't remember many inner monologues.


That obviously happens in Japanese newscasts as well.

But as an added bonus, there's a shitty facecam attached to any raw footage shown, which either acts comically shocked or happy.

It's like adding sad music or a laugh track to a scene to manipulate the viewer into feeling a certain way.

You've only disproved his point, baka!

Nah, audiences in general are just dumb.

>hurr why did Batman stop fighting Superman in BvS even though there was an entire flashback explaining it

You're taking it too literally, the idea behind the saying is that showcasing a character's personality through action is more effective than straight up telling the reader about the character.

I didn't, senpai you're just too dumb and can't grasp how deep eva is.

I couldnt watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure because the characters narrated their actions and motivations all the time. Why is that show so popular?

Not an excuse. Most of a LN is made up of the MC's insufferable inner monologues and exposition that can be adequately told through the visuals or creative directing. I feel Saekano managed to do this well enough and it's why it's more enjoyable to watch than other LN adaptations.

Is this a confused falseflagger or something?

I'm fully aware Japanese variety shows are terrible. The celebrity in a corner is because Japan's entertainment industry is in that stage where all the content is controlled by the people pushing the celebrities, so they cram whoever they want to make famous anywhere they can without shame or moderation.

>I can't watch wrestling because they narrate their actions and motivations all the time

woah sugoi desu ne


Re:Zero does a lot of show don't tell, and most of Sup Forums completely misunderstands half the stuff that happens in the show, so that's probably why more anime doesn't do it.

>Why is that show so popular?
Sup Forums were never known for their high standards.

That's a poor example because wrestling is shit.

But they explain everything in Evangelion pretty directly.
You'd have to be a mega fucking moron not to understand the actual plot and story beats of Eva.

>being this dumb

Maybe if they didn't stuff the show with irritating inner monologues and focused more on the show part people wouldn't complain.

They misunderstand it because the show is bad and it does a poor job of showing what it wants to, possibly because it's not actually sure what it's trying to show.

>if you don't like my favorite show, you just misunderstood it
Fuck off.

Literally only rednecks watch wrestling.

Everytime we get an anime that it doesn't show everything explicit, we get retards asking the same questions over and over again.

We get animes with too much monologue, and we get the same shit just at far lesser number.

Please be bait.

I'm curious as to what people think are series that actually do show don't tell well

>basically saying a LN adaption can actually have a good subtle story
top kek user

JJBA is good in the same way an 80's action film is good. Being overly blatant and campy is part of its appeal

Because anime fans will label any show that doesn't have over-exposition as "pretentious".

Evangelion is the only that does that right. No wonder it's a masterpiece.

Madoka, Evangelion, Fate, Bake, Re:Zero, and Phantom World.

this Sup Forumsro

Watch Texhnolyze

This. Also pro wrestling.

Kuma Miko

The same reason they have some faggot explaining every joke
Anime fans are too dumb

b-but I'm a 30 yo otaku and I only watch mature anime.

To pad time for budget.

we should not forget that most of the animes who do this, are manga and LN adaptions.most of them are targeted at teens who prefer that someones explains it to them then,think for a bit to understand what is going on.

>Phantom World

>taking bait

>being dumb a nigger
