
Hibiki is a miracle of the universe.

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Gear thread?

You know it

It's basically canon at this point

Bestest, cutest, loveliest dork.

Yukine Chris was really hot, and the show was so stupid but cool. I mean, S2 started with a motorcycle exploding.

Chris > everyone else


Don't you mean train?

>something something GX ruined her character

There, it's out of the way. Go on posting miracles.

Miku is my favorite geah!

I will post this every thread until they dock.

GX really did ruin her character though

GX did nothing but reaffirm her hero complex, the ideas that her songs and handholding can save people no matter what.

That said, my love never wavered at any point during the season. She may be dense, but that only makes her more lovable.

I just watched this, I was surprised by how much I got into it.
I can't decide between Chris and Hibiki as best Symphogear. I wish Chris got more stuff to do in the later seasons though.

holy fuck just started watching this
shit makes me feel like im watching nanoha A's again

I want to lose to Hibiki in arm wrestling!


It's not like you'd have any choice in the matter. She'd wreck your sissy ass.

What kind of name is Yukine Chris anyway?

A cute one.

preach it senpais

Chris-chan is cute! CUTE!

4th season never soon enough

What's wrong with it?

Am I the only one who enjoyed the short skits more than the main series?

They were GOAT

i love you

Chris is my waifu!

I fap to the fantasy of futa Tsubasa fucking Chris far more than I should.

Not so fast

Don't waifu my daughteru.

It's Chris, although Tsubasa has the best battle songs out of the gear cast.

Anyone know if there's been a date released regarding season 4 yet? Any kind of event or something? It's been almost a whole year since GX finished airing

I literally watched this series because of Nana. Not sure why. Yeah I knew I am autist here.

I have a few questions left after my first viewing.
Why is Maria so useless?
Why doesn't Chris just solve everyone's problems with nukes?
Why is Miku so fucking gay?
Why didn't they befriend the dolls?
How do you nullify an explosion with martial arts?
What will season 4 be about?
Will Dr. Ver save the day again?

what are you tryihng to say

Nana wills for a 4th season

Hmm really makes you think

Hasn't that already been confirmed?

When is season 4 again? I want more Nana too.

Appearantly 2 more seasons are in the works, but no exact airing date yet.

It has, but it's not soon™ enough


So what will it be for seasons 4 and 5?
We had evil shrine priestess/god/being in the season 1.
We had mirror symphogeahs in season 2.
We had alchemists in season 3.
Can I safely expect magical girls and witches to be in the next season?

I'm thinking aliens.
Cute aliens.
Maybe they land on the moon and we get to have Symphogears IN SPACE

>Cute aliens

but how cute though? cuter than chris?

That seems unlikely.

tsurugi da!

thought so

What did she mean by this?

Tsubasa was objectively better when she was edgy. Now she is just a dumb dumb cute girl.

Only got to watch S3 with Sup Forumsnons but it was a great time from start to finish.

first time drinking with Sup Forumsnons too

I will literally marry Tsubasa.

Swords can't get married.

Me on the left

This is why homosexual marriage should be illegal, what's next sword marriage? Doll marriage?

She's mine, user.

season 4,5,6,7 and movie when?

Hibiki and Miku have a child in the final season 17

> Tfw still remember when more seasons were announced
> More chances to nab shit for my chris shrine


Hibiki ruined her own series.
It's not an easy feat to accomplish, but she managed to.

I hope that at least 2 gears will die at the start of the next season.
6 protagonist are unmanageable.

That's what happens when a star of her own show somehow manages to lose her spirit every damn season.

Hopefully 3rd season shafts it back to main trio instead of juggling between 6 mains.

It's even more hilarious when you have people going "GX ruined her character" like when it's been the same hypocrite every season. Hibiki never developed during these 3 seasons because every time she was faced with a choice that needed making some sort of deux ex machina saved her from having to actually decide anything.
The only thing GX did is point out of how shit Hibiki's beliefs and resolve are. Despite not doing anything to fix them.

Maybe it's about time we switch protags.

Leave Symphogear to me.

I'd rather have the sword be the protag, no thank you.

It's a shame that the fight with the dolls are bloodless in Gx.
I never felt the Gears never in real danger after that Micha hit Hibiki without really wound her.