ANTICOM isn't working

We need to begin a new organization to rival that of ANTIFA with the premise of self defense. I believe Nordfront is a decent example, with their police riot shield tactics. We can easily push forward over an ANTIFA crowd just by using Roman Tactics. People also associate police shields with authority subconsciously as such, we will be almost seen as police to people viewing any media. Police do not own a monopoly on these tactics and in fact they have no good way to counter shields besides using their police cars which often results in their own injuries. These riot shields will be the next evolution in protest!

However, we need to also think about re-branding ANTICOM. ANTICOM only represents a fight against ANTIFA, this organization needs to be independent of any ties to ANTIFA in order for complete dominance in the media as they refuse to cover ANTICOM because it directly links to ANTIFA.

Suggested names from myself:
Washington Legion (America Only)
[Name of Country] First
New Republic
Werewolf (If this organization becomes a little more national socialist in nature)
There are countless others, but lets not focus on my own shitty names.

Other urls found in this thread:

Werewolf is too obvious


I really like the New Republic because it gives off a nice democratic vibe that people can get behind. Sorta like how normies go out and say that they aren't anti-fascist.

>the basement brownshirts try medieval LARPing
yeah this'll go over well

truk lovers

That they are* Anti Fascist

It already has gone well.

I don't have the actual video of the confrontation, but you can see that they are in fact using riot shields

Additionally, you can see that Korean riot police have already adopted Roman shield tactics in this video.

kys after you visit blacked for the last time.

I've actually thought about something like this a while ago.
A group called Dragon Shield, shitty name I know, who basically show up at these rallies that ANTIFA do. They would be calm, polite, and kind. Not attacking them unless one of their own was attacked. They would also all require basic medical training to help both sides with injured people if things go violent. They would be armed with large shields, and trained in hand-to-hand combat, avoiding weapons unless necessary.