Why is goku a literal retard in Super? He wasn't this dumb in Z. He was dumb in Dragon Ball but it made sense

Why is goku a literal retard in Super? He wasn't this dumb in Z. He was dumb in Dragon Ball but it made sense.

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what anime is this

was goku less or more retarded in all the dbz filler?

because toei is trying to force goku became toriko

its fucking ruined his character

super is aimed at kids
they rather go with cheap jokes than good written stuff

but most Dragonball fans are grown men now

Brain damage and old age.

yes and?
db was always meant for kids

>good written

>This thread again

Lurk more crossboarder.

by the Saiyan saga is had obviously shifted to a teen audience

Kill la kill


Re Zero


"Mega Man" to you westerners but I prefer the original japanese name "Rokku Man (ロックマン) because it carries across the purpose and theming of the series better.


Well, too bad. They're not the target audience.

Toei writers made Goku a toughboy altruistic superman for a long time in their filler. I guess they decided to swing the pendulum to the other extreme for Super.

Boku no pico

But Toriko isn't a retard.

Because he doesn't worry about anything anymore. In dbz there was constant threat after threat where he was always on his toes and serious. In super he and his rival are literal Gods who are casual friends with more powerful gods. He just doesn't pay attention to much because it isn't important, he finally gets to relax and train. I personally think he knows that nipplefedex is weak but he is humoring everyone.
Tl;dr he's merely pretending to be retarded

I guarantee that this is going to be the punchline when the "truth about monaka" finally comes out to Goku. The cast spend an entire episode again going to ridiculous lengths to keep it a secret and Goku says he found out a while ago.


My Little Sister Cant Be This Cute

I'm honestly fine with the way they've handled his character. He's goofy and all about fighting for sport like he was in the really old Dragon Ball days, there's none of this excessively heroic moralfag shit that was awkwardly peppered throughout DBZ even though it conflicted with his more traditionally goofy moments (like in the Buu saga for instance).

Super doesn't try as hard as Z and isn't as pretentious as Z and that's exactly where it succeeds IMO.


>Super doesn't try as hard as Z and isn't as pretentious as Z and that's exactly where it succeeds IMO.
>Succeeding at literally anything

So did your parents drop you when you were a kid, or were you always this stupid?

if with "teen" you mean 13-14, yes, it''s true.

DBZ is incredibly pretentious compared to DB. It's okay though, I wouldn't expect a Toonamifag to understand this.


>he doesn't think DBZ was tryhard as fuck

How old are you?

Most people mad with Super are just manbabies who treat the series like it's serious shit and only care about edginess, muh powerlevels and muh Gohan.

Can't you be less hypocrite? Super is trying too hard to be Z.

It seems like Goku became a retard after he got brought back to life for the second time.
During the cell saga and most of the buu saga he was actually portrayed as just being a teacher and wanting the new generation to succeed him. After he got revived all that character development went completely down the toilet and Goku becomes the big dumb hero who likes to fight again.

That's how he was originally meant to be portrayed

>What is Son Goku to Toriyama-sensei?
>Toriyama: At any rate, I wanted him to have the sense of being that rare guy who seeks only “to become stronger than before”, so much so that it feels like “there’s no one as pure as this person”. And while he does end up saving everyone as a result of that, he himself at least has a very pure sincerity about “wanting to become stronger”. What I wanted to depict the most was the sense that he might not be a good guy at all, although he does do good things as a result.

tl;dr Goku was always meant to be retarded


That is what bother me too. In Cell saga he want Gohan to replace him while in Buu saga he want Gotenks to replace him. But then after that he just lost all hope on them. Well maybe he figured they are just a jobber after all.

How is it trying hard to be Z?

Complete different reaction they took.

No wonder Buu saga is shit. Super might actually be better than it. We'll see how Black Goku saga pans out, i'm more hyped for multiverse tournament (and oh god, will we get Trunks and Gohan finally?)

But they are the one that mostly still watch Dragon Ball

Toei doesn't care.


Goku is Lennie Small.

After watching fights in like Saitama vs Boros, All might vs noumu, Gon vs Pitou, Netero vs Meruem, I just can't see what I found so exciting about Dragon Ball. I haven't seen super, but I saw Goku's super saiyan/kaioken transformation and fight. It was absolutely boring. Not crap, just boring. I couldn't even bother to care.

Well they should care. What kind of dumb company would voluntery shit on his main audience just because they want another target audience. Not even EA is that stupid

Dunno, this whole arc should have gave an idea.

>Saitama more exciting than DB
>Comparing a anime with modern assets to a older one
>rewatching old fights and doesn't get the point of watching first time/on the time ir aired

Plebbit sure is taking control of this place

I understand that he is a selfish cunt who only cares about fight, but in the last chapter he couldn't even fucking behave like a functional sentient being, he act like a 5 year old or like he had brain damage , it's ridiculous.

>like, I watched the hype part without the buildup and I didn't like it.

No fucking shit. Also, I wished he came from /reddit/ but that way of thinking is so prominent in this board, it's fucking annoying.

Lemme guess, you grew up with the "Let's make a kids show in Japan more edgy with shittier music" dub, right? Z was still appropriate for kids.

>selfish cunt
Bruh, he was able harvest an entire field by himself just because Chichi "asked" him to. That's rather impressive.


Saitama absolutely steamrolled DB. Anyone that disagrees is just on a hardcore nostalgia trip.
The hype means nothing if the execution is boring. And for all it's modern assets, Super is DC animated movies tier.

but the dub was censored and removed violence and sexual situations. Why are you accusing HIM of being a dubfag?

Because Super's flanderized him hard. Goku was a doofus who enjoyed fighting, but he wasn't completely retarded and understood how to behave. He could count, too.

Benoit when?

Dragon Ball GT

Hahaha, dub fans. None of you get Goku.

You'd think Kai would have given you a clearer picture, with its accuracy.

This is how Goku has always really been.

>t. Didn't read lol


But in Japan it IS mostly kids who watch it on Saturday mornings. Everyone else is secondary to that demographic.

It's not about that is just dbs goku can't even count or behave

he's never really the same after Raditz. It shifts focus to Gohan and he becomes more of a mythical figure and plot device than the main character. This only changed after Gohan jobbed to Gotenks Buu, but still he was an irresponsible and immature man but was still kind of a mentor and parental figure and not a literal child

>Superfriends trying so hard to defending Super, that they'll shit on DBZ in it's entirety to do it
This fanbase is fucking cancer.

Dragon Ball Z is fucking garbage. Defend that is basically like defend the one piece adaptation.
It's fine to like it but if you don't see that it has major issues with pacing and shit, you're literally retarded.
Yes, I'm a manga fag, no I've never liked the Dragon Ball anime past the Saiya-jin saga. Go fuck yourself.

>ANYONE and EVERYONE who doesn't like the direction Super is going is a silly dubfag/Toonami fag.

I don't know what's worse
-the idea that you're conceited enough to believe that no one else has read the manga/watched the original's by the year 2016.
-The idea that you have to shit on the original series in order to defend Super.
-The idea that you're being an elitist in favor of DB Super of all series

You Superfriends gotta be trolling at this point

Because Super is a shitty cashgrab. Nobody actually cares about the source material on this project.

Kill yourself for spoonfeeding retards.

I knew Goku was always desperate to fight, but Super just took this to a whole new level, enough to make it so that his incessant need to battle every living thing was enough for a Kaioshin to create hatred towards humans and begin his transition as Black Goku.

Goku looks like he's at that point where he's so strong, he feels like there's no challenge near him and he feels the need to pressure people, even higher deities into battling with him.

tl;dr Goku became the walking "I WANT TO FIGHT EVERYTHING" trope

>I couldn't even bother to care

That pretty much describes my feeling as a whole regarding Super. I want to care about it, but the anime doesn't really try that hard for me to.

Why no DBS last week. And this week too? 2 weeks and no eps, wtf?

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of. You're embarrassing yourself.

In a way, with him bothering gods and even irritating them, Goku now is actually closer to Sun Wukong than ever before.

Anyway, I guess part of it at least is how there isn't a character being built up as Goku's successor anymore, so he's mostly a goof as far as personality goes, without the more mature stuff that came alongside his mentor side.

I really love DB and DBZ but I still don't understand why someone would watch DBS.
Saw the dragon bigger than galaxies shit animation and holy fuck...
Not even in its worst days was DBZ so trash.

So you saw a small clip of shitty animation?

It was actually at the end of tournament arc where the solutions to the fights wasn't just "my power level is bigger" or "super powerful attack" for the first time since dragonball, basically.

I don't like the "new" transformation, don't like Pills and I don't like that apparently every other non-sayajin character was discarded.

Breaking Bad

But guys

What about


So you're saying Goku and Goku Black will become best friends after this arc?

Because Super makes things way lighthearted to a point Goku is way too stupid and retarded, Vegeta is silly and goofy, Piccolo overreacts too much with everything, Gohan isn't even Gohan like that guy that would love to hang around with the others despite loving studies, Videl isn't a tomboy anymore nor loves to fight crime, Goten and Trunks after seeing his friends and family getting killed literally got a brainwash which made them forget everything that happened in Buu saga so they just keep playing around like 7yo kids when they are 13, Krillin is a cheerleader with other waifus, 18 just smiles and says nothing like a bunch of other characters in there and BUU IS ALWAYS FUCKING SLEEPING.
The only character that was the same as before is Bulma and now joins Future Trunks. Chichi is always changing around. Beerus is a food joke guy that is there. Whis gives info but also food joke guy.
In short, Super is a parody of what Dragon Ball was.
>but Goku always retarded
>anime made him a super hero
No. Goku was always the "super hero" because everyone relies on him to do shit and usually saves the day.
When BoG happened Goku was serious,why? Because someone much stronger than him appeared and he gets serious every time that happens. Since Super until now doesn't have a super villian that everyone shit their pants to the point of thinking about fusion, this is what we get of Toei.
Dragon Ball was always aimed for kids and teenagers. That's not an excuse, just because kids are different these days you can't change characters like this.

mortal kombat

Buttlord GT

prison school


I agree, he became so boring in supava.


Nice trips btw

Toriko's like wicked smart though.

How is misusing the word? Dragon Ball Z absolutely tries, at almost every turn, to be more edgy and sophisticated than it actually should be or was in Dragon Ball. Super serious plots where Goku suddenly doesn't prioritize his love for fighting above all else is OOC bullshit and DBZ was filled with it.

Go back to watching Toonami and mourning the loss of Bruce Falconer, you fucking faggot.

This started in GT already, but the idea is to have small kids relate to a guy who doesn't understand what the adults are talking about.

Toriyama's Goku wasn't stupid. He was illiterate. All his grandfather taught him was how to fight, he could barely read but it wasn't because he was retarded, it was because no one had educated him properly.

And even though many DB fans are adults, it doesn't change the fact that this show is aimed at kids.

He was naive and inocent in DB, toriyama made him retarded in DBZ in order for the plot to move on multiple times.

>because toei is trying to force goku to become Luffy

The only retard here is you if you think Toei's DBS Goku isn't flanderized as hell.
Yes Goku fights to get stronger but he doesn't act like fucking adhd,touchy feely,obnoxious kid like he did in the latest episode.

>It was actually at the end of tournament arc where the solutions to the fights wasn't just "my power level is bigger" or "super powerful attack" for the first time since dragonball, basically

This. And in fact, several elements of every arc in Super so far have borrowed heavily from Dragon Ball in tone and plot structure, far more so than in DBZ.

The ones who can't appreciate this are the same faggots who grew up with DBZ on Toonami and don't really like DB as much as they claim to, so the callbacks to DB are obviously going to frustrate them.

Reminder that people saying "b-but Goku was never this retarded!" have never read the original Dragon Ball manga in their lives and are mostly only familiar with Z.

But he wasn't. He was uneducated, that's not the same. He was a kid from the mountains that never went to school, who had a grandfather that taught him how to fight but barely how to read or sum.
Wasn't he the one who realized that killing Piccolo he'd be killing kaio-sama as well?

Learn how to read, stupid. I said he was always MEANT to be retarded. If he didn't act retarded enough in the past, it's because Toei didn't portray him as Toriyama envisioned the character.

Less. Koyama turned Goku into a self insert character. Even canon parts of Toei's DBZ portrayed Goku as less retarded and more righteous.

Goku was always retarded in Toriyama's mango. He's even more cocky, arrogant and reckless in the manga compared to the anime

>I said he was always MEANT to be retarded.
Then you're a fucking retard. See this >Toriyama envisioned the character.
Again you're retarded, he's nothing like this in the original manga.

>Toei's DBS Goku isn't flanderized as hell.
Deal with it.

>No. Goku was always the "super hero" because everyone relies on him to do shit and usually saves the day.

That was Takao Koyama's portrayal of Goku because he wanted a self-insert character for the 9-11 years old demographic. Toriyama's Goku was more of A MFKING ANTIHERO WHO DOES UNINTENTIONAL HEROIC THINGS, BUT HE IS NOT BETTER THAN YOUR REGULAR DB "VILLAIN" AT HIS CORE (and sometimes he's even worse than the villains. Even Piccolo and Vegeta did more heroic things).
Tori's Goku never cared about universe's safety nor his friends. He only wants to fight strong opponents, and doesn't give a fuck about destroying universes.

He is not a complete retard, but he is like a savant with fighting. Very smart in fights, but stupid at everything else.
Why do you get so mad when people say that? I'm not even trashing Goku, just saying how he is like.
And about the flanderized thing, that's your opinion, not a fact.