Why was Suzaku such a bootlicking faggot?
Why was Suzaku such a bootlicking faggot?
>iwn have the courage to express to my imouto just how much I love her
I might as well go full global dictator at this point tee bee aytch
>Nunnally has to live with the fact her brother directly and indirectly killed millions just for her
I don't know about the bootlicking, but he was a faggot because his bro was fucking hot.
Shut up faggot, Spinzaku is god.
Guilt and self-hatred due to killing his father and dooming his country to be occupied by a foreign power. He took 'legitimate' means to make up for it.
Lelouch is opposite, he was motivated by anger and hatred and wanted to burn the motherfucker to the ground. Therefore he took 'illegitimate' means to achieve that.
Wish I'd done more Britannia shitposting on the other boards after Brexit 2bh
Am I the only one who liked that last OP the most? I still like it almost better than all else...