why is he such a whiteknight faggot?
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Because the anime studio knows most of the people that will spend money on their shit is the ones who think being nice is enough to impress everyone and make them love you.
Why don't people just leave him alone? He's just trying to make sense of it all.
He tried stopping once. He got attacked for it.
I miss the old Kamijou
The punching girls Kamijou
The Save The Girl Kamijou
the Fight The World Kamijou
I hate the new Kamijou
The Bad Mood Kamijou
The always fueds Kamijou
The doesn't know what to do Kamijou
I miss the sweet Kamijou
The breaking illusions and misfortunes Kamijou
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to be Kamijou
See I invented Kamijou
There wasn't any Kamijous
And now I look and look around and there's so many Kamijous
I used to love Kamijou
I used to love Kamijou
I even said Fukou Da, I thought I was Kamijou
What if, Kazuma made a light novel about Kamijou
Called it A Certain Misfortunate Boy
Man, that's be so Kamijou
That's all it was Kamijou
We still love Kamijou
And I love you like Touma loves Kamijou
Change the Touma in the last verse to Misfortune and you're good
Because it Bothers Him.
He's just punching people that deserve to be punched
he beats the shit out of little girls
how is he a white knight
accelerator is more a white knight