Magical Index

why is he such a whiteknight faggot?

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Memory loss

Because the anime studio knows most of the people that will spend money on their shit is the ones who think being nice is enough to impress everyone and make them love you.

Why don't people just leave him alone? He's just trying to make sense of it all.

He tried stopping once. He got attacked for it.

I miss the old Kamijou
The punching girls Kamijou
The Save The Girl Kamijou
the Fight The World Kamijou
I hate the new Kamijou
The Bad Mood Kamijou
The always fueds Kamijou
The doesn't know what to do Kamijou
I miss the sweet Kamijou
The breaking illusions and misfortunes Kamijou
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to be Kamijou
See I invented Kamijou
There wasn't any Kamijous
And now I look and look around and there's so many Kamijous
I used to love Kamijou
I used to love Kamijou
I even said Fukou Da, I thought I was Kamijou
What if, Kazuma made a light novel about Kamijou
Called it A Certain Misfortunate Boy
Man, that's be so Kamijou
That's all it was Kamijou
We still love Kamijou
And I love you like Touma loves Kamijou

Change the Touma in the last verse to Misfortune and you're good

Because it Bothers Him.

He's just punching people that deserve to be punched

he beats the shit out of little girls
how is he a white knight
accelerator is more a white knight

He didn't even distort casualty to save a girl.
2/10 not knightly enough.


He punches women on the daily
How is that being a whiteknigget?



nice doobs styl

>Stiyl is 14

Has Kamachi ever seen a foreigner before?

>having morals is bad
I don't get this meme.

It's like you've never seen the names he gives foreigners when you ask questions like that

Stiyl's design was the result of a miscommunication with Haimura.


Because nobody is living their life correctly.

If Accelerator is any kind of knight it's a dark knight.

Even if he is truly a good person at his core and would take back the clone experiment in a heartbeat, he's still nowhere near a white knight

Reminder that Touma is shit and deserves every bit of suffering he gets for protecting Othinus

I'm only into the 2nd book atm

Reminder that LO and Worst's feelings for Accel are fake. They have always loved Touma and are sticking with Accel out of pity.

Get thee behind me Satan

Satanic trips confirm

Reminder if this meme were true Will never would have shown up in NT6 and allowed Accelerator to die, which is where you hit this meme from

Fuck off Satan

Why is this allowed.

Get off the internet High Priest

Accel kills and tears of limbs off robotic girls.

Touma can't compete.

Even Kamisato was a superior version than him and had a better right hand.

But Touma took the arms off a little girl, bullied her, then locked her inside his bathtub.

I hope there's plenty of Touma suffering in NT16. It looks like Touma's just there to try to save the day. I don't think the story will focus much on him so much as it will focus on what's going on around him. That being said, I still hope the volume manages to fit in some delicious Touma suffering

In their mind everyone should be pessimistic and only out for themselves.

> Whiteknight faggot
> Moralfag
If only you knew post NT9- he's worse than those.

Kamjiou is a mess

Question is, why aren't you?

Yeah he could easily mess up a lanket like you

he is pure man who will punch because you were being a faggot really nothing wrong with that

t. faggot

Because the writers of the series think that's the only way for him to compete with the Railgun girls and think that to keep people interested in the anime they'd need a male protagonist when in all realitly hardly anybody even cares about him in the first place because the Railgun girls are what truly makes their series shine bright. Kazuma has learned his lesson and that's why he's bringing the series back to Tokiwadai.

Too bad there is no Tokiwadai girls except Misaka who is important to the story, face it, railgirls will always be side characters and fap materials only.


Fucking secondaries

Keep telling yourself that because Kuroko is going to eventually become one of the most powerful espers in the series when she develops her warp ability along with Saten and Uiharu will be the first to have a love arc.

What are you talking about?

You seem to be confused, OP.
White knights desperately try to get nice guy points by defending attention whores and drama queens, naively hoping that some rescued maiden will finally start giving a crap about them.
Touma punches bitches with his pimp hand while telling them to start behaving themselves, resulting in him drowning in pussy he doesn't care about.

If you think about it alter users are sort of like the espers of their time. It would be neet if the two worlds were actually the same universe. They basically work the same way. Kazuma would be a pretty powerful esper in my opinion, easily a level five from where he ended the series. It just goes to show that with hard work it's possible. He remindes me of Mikoto while Kanami would likely be a level two telepath like Haruue.

It's literally all he has.

It seems like a weird meta future if anything. It would be ahead of the Raildex universe after a major war took place and the magic users lost the ability to use magic which I thinks going to happen anyways.


Kazuma would be an extremely powerful esper. He'd change the game for sure. Same with Ryuhou. I think Ryuhou would be a little better off though considering the Matchups.

I thought Only my Railgun was my current favorite intro but I completely forgot about Reckless Fire. Holy shit I need to watch this anime again.

Who is the best Index theme song singer?

I probably wouldn't as it might not hold up. Cougar would be the best esper btw.

>not having No Buts! as your favorite intro

The only one I could see Kazuma having trouble with is Kamijou. His imagine breaker would make Kuzumas arm usless.

>Implying See visionS isn't the best.




Kazuma could 100% beat up Touma without his arm.

I've watched this series a long time ago but also read a ton of fanfiction on it and now I can't remember what is real and what isn't.


Why did Mami Kawada's career die again?

If being justice makes you a faggot then faggotry is justice.

She can't read. Look it up if you don't believe me.


HQ NT16 cover when

NT16 preview when

Accel is a red knight, Touma is a green knight.

Railgun cover when

He isn't, he just makes shit up as he goes.

I still wonder how come index and railgun managed to have 0 bad openings

Reminder that Saten is and always has been blind.

NT16 spoilers when

Why can't kamachi just end the series with Touma getting his brain fixed and memories recovered by some randim miracle and then having Touma go back to school leaving an open end

Creating a Personal Reality is the first step to becoming an esper. Congratulation.

Cool, what is his ability would be?

Shitposter level 1


Why doesn't Mikoto just help Touma with his homework?

Touma is behind in school work that it would be easier for her to become saint tier than it would be to salvage his academic life.

Because she doesn't care about that?

She simply wants to be stronger than anyone or at least equal to him.

So does Mikoto want to be stronger for him or for herself. She seems fine with Touma being stronger than her but freaks out when anybody else is, and also after using AAA she wasn't thinking about how much can help Touma but rather how powerful she had become.

>not masterpiece

She's deluding herself into thinking she wants to be stronger for him.

In the very beginning, she didn't like him being stronger than her, either. And it was 100% about beating him to prove she was stronger. She wasn't willing to murder like Accelerator but her thought process was eerily similar. Even more so in NT15. And as for her heartfelt apology to Touma for powerlusting, it appears that she is still continuing on that path if she's the one using AAA next volume

Mikoto is creepy as fuck around Touma. She's much more interesting when she's out solving mysteries or stopping nasty scientists.

He didn't get broken yet by Othinus