
Hey, Sup Forums, I want to learn more about World War 2, but without all the biases of a historian that thinks one side was better than the other.

What books, docs, etc exists that could fill in the massive blanks left from public education.

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watch an impartial truth/greatest story never told
those are pretty big eye openers

It's also propaganda tier biased

But so is conventional history.

if you are constantly bombarded by left propaganda, whats the issue in seeing both sides of propaganda and then forming your own opinion.
OP asked what schools left out, and they sure as hell left out most of what he said in speeches

Know a history major, WWII nut, travels to exotic countries where stuff happened, and I'm jealous--great hobby

so what, which part in it is misleading?

Look for old newspaper and magazine articles before and during the war. Transcripts of speeches and diplomatic meetings too.

Also look into the financial markets and what they were reacting too.

Other things to look at may be the automobile industry, certain companies,etc.

Nationalism's back.

It's only controversial because the insidious left-wing has a monopoly on formal history. consider this

Serious question...who do you think won WWII? I think it is the Russians. Look at all the land they took over.

To study WWII you also need to study the results of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles.

watch "Hellstorm," "Httler on taking the Red Pill," and listen to Mein Kampf chapter 11 at the very least for that book all of it on youtube.

"the world at war" is pretty good, more about what happened than why happened. was made in 1974 so they spoke to people who were actually there and certain other people only had 30 years to make shit up.

Mu ha ha... I may be up for a while checking this out!

Russia had control of Poland after the war so you can safely assume anything found in Poland after the war was potentially propaganda.

For example, Katyn was blamed on the Germans for the longest time even though Germany asked the international community for an impartial review.

>potentially propaganda.
extremely likely.
The soviets had a tendency to to alter photos to paint the Germans as evil.

just watch the eternal jew, one hour red pill.

listen "Benjamin Freedman 1961" speech so you understand WW1 and why the US got into it, it was because the Zionist factions wanted Palestine. Sick and twisted shit. That one is very important, Hellstorm documentary probably the most important.

Benjamin Freedman speech 1961
Hellstorm documentary
Hitler on taking the Red Pill
Mein Kampf chapter 11
Eternal Jew 1940
--all on youtube

this one is really good, so you can see how FUCKED UP Berlin was pre 1930. Place was crawling with Harvey Weinsteins. not to mention the inflation.

Read the International Jew, by Henry Ford.

Read about Bolshevism and about the 'revolution in Russia', and how all that shit got started. Other anons, help me with the details here. I'm too lazy right now. Lol

Anyways. You have to ground yourself first with the base facts to understand what motivated Hitler and what led to WW2. If you want to know the whole truth.

Kind of off topic. Shouldn't Danzig still officially be declared a city/state?