Who actually likes this guy?
Who actually likes this guy?
Caleb Garcia
Levi Wilson
Chase Miller
Literally who?
Charles Evans
Who? Nevermind I'm probably better off not knowing.
Samuel Watson
Honestly, his production value don't match the quality of his opinions.
His opinions are trash, yet he pretties them up with decent editing and tricks you into watching for 10 minutes before you realize he's saying fucking nothing of value.
Also, I hate that fucking inflection thing he does when he talks.
Juan Williams
A anime critic called Digibro.
Caleb Lee
you mean digibrony
Ian Parker
Reminder to report and hide.
Isaiah Russell
His biggest fan is himself.
Jonathan Howard
Some faggot who nitpicks the shit out of anime. I accidentaly clicked his GATE review and he hates it because the girl on the first episode was too cute.