Dragon Ball Super


>implying he won't come back stronger than before.

zamasu did literally nothing wrong.
it was all goku's fault all along

Zangya is love
Zangya is life
Zangya is everything
Zangya a miracle of the universe
Zangya might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

From the latest episode am I to understand that Black's creation was due to a time loop and Goku's bad manners/stupidity?

yeah, probably.


And before anyone decides to parrot some stupid shit, Gowasu has more of a chance of being Black than Zamasu.

Yes, Goku always fucks everything up.

So will Trunks go SSB or SSJ3? Place bets now

Also what color will Black's hair be? Any whitefags still clinging on to hope?

Future Trunks really screwed up with Kid Trunk's chances. I hope he hooks up with future Pan and then we can have the combined goku and vegeta bloodlines

Did Black even knew who Goku was before going back in time?

I can't remember.

not really, it-s obvious that zamasu is going to kill gowasu, steal the time ring and the earrings.

Nah, fuck that. Kid Mai will eventually notice him. She'll have to get over her crush on F Trunks anyway since he already has F Mai.

Explain. Because that just seems too obvious to me.

I was thinking about this too, unless kid Trunks steps up his game, present Trunks/Mai is pretty much dead.

he poisoned gowasu's tea

I wonder where he will get an extra Goku's body?

>Talking about DB
>"Seems too obvious"

user are you high?

I thought this before the episode and I still think now, it's best to go with Goku's impression after fighting him, Zamasu is a red herring.

SSB. From what we saw in the preview, it looks like Trunks was trying to reach that calm state of mind that is required to achieve God ki.

>unless kid Trunks steps up his game
He is still a kid, he'll do a lot of stupid things until he figures how he'll win Mai's heart.

If he gets SSG, Trunks would look exactly like Goku. Wonder how they'll shoe horn God Trunks into Xenoverse if he does become a thing.

>"Oh yeah, I could totally solo Demigra's forces and fix his mess with my own god powers that I've been hiding in the original game, but I need you because of plot."

>I was using the 0.000001% of my strength
That sounds very Dragon Ball

I kinda hate the fact the power of the gods is so obtainable. I mean shit Vegeta and Goku just started to understand the form, it took vegeta months of god training, for Goku it was a ritual, but a half breed is going to become a god in a day?

It indirectly explains how he was able to hold his own against Beerus and Whis while fighting alongside the player, who could only go up to SSJ2, at least.

I want to fuck this monkey

>I would have used it to help, but... Chronoa told me not to.

There. Solved...

>but a half breed is going to become a god in a day?
half breeds are stronger than the full blooded ones.

Vegeta did say that Gohan has the potential to surpass them all, and Trunks shouldn't have any less potential than Gohan since they're both half-breeds I guess. In fact, it bodes better for Trunks since Vegeta was born with higher powerlevels than Goku. Guess Mirai Trunks is what any half-breed could be if they're forced into a life of nonstop battles.

Doesn't matter, he shouldn't be able to achieve that power THE DAY he saw it

That Mai tho...

Do you prefer the simple SSJ1 hair or would you prefer that SSJBlue was overlydesigned like SSJ3?

Well, we don't know yet if he'll achieve it in just one day.

Honestly a hair style in between 4 and 3 would have been great


That episode hasn't been released yet. It's possible that Trunks has yet to achieve god status by the end of the episode, or that the episode itself takes place within the span of a couple of days. Chances are that he visits Krillin in order to clear his mind to continue with his training.

>use hairgel to keep his hair standing and pretend to be SSJB


Is this an EVA reference?

>Loli Mai in danger
>Shouta Trunks saves her


what's happening here?

This. Maybe he'll start to act a little more mature too, without making a fool of himself. That will make him more attractive to Mai.

>wanting your favorite character to get screentime in this garbage series

more time in super = lower quality character

Yes, he did.

Reminder that now this is official.

How did they survive as babies?

Dude. Trunks in Xenoverse has no idea who Beerus is. It's not part of continuity.

They survived thanks to being fictional characters user.

puppy shu needs a dicking

He is already trying to mount baby Mai.

Stop being so meta, user.

Eh, it's okay. I would have preferred using SS2's hair style, but the base SS hair is fine.

Better than SSG, anyway.

I know, I know. Sorry guys.

>Trunks transforms in SSB for the first time against SSP Black
>Hikari no Willpower plays in the background as Trunks goes even further beyond

It will never happen, but if it does it'll be hype as hell.

I am more excited that we might see a ssj2 grade 2 or an ultra super saiyan 2

This pleases me

>SSG Oozaru

What happens if someone retains reasoning while a SSGSS Oozaru?

Then they can go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND to SSGSS 4.

Then they blow up from the power, like the original Super Saiyan.

He needs to leave her and go to Goten and then find a better girl

I wish it were even simpler. Like the way Toriyama used to draw Super Saiyans. That way you can suggest a higher power output, but still have it look different from what we're used to.

>[Tompel fansubs]

Are they at least decent?

I want it to look like SSJ4 as it would make a lot of sense aesthetically and thematically. Oozaru is the saiyan's most primal form where one is in a constant state of frenzy. SSJ form makes you more aggressive but not as mindless as Oozaru form.

How SSJ4 aesthetics being SSG would work better thematically is that it combines and masters the most primal and frenzy state into more of a controlled and calm state.

So who is Black?

Is that Zamasu somehow getting Goku's dead body in his universe and then fuse with him?

If only there was a place that lets you train for a year in one day

Black is Goku from Universe 10 after Futuree Zamasu hit him over his head reverting him back to his evil saiyan ways and making a deal with him that he can become a Kaio, if he carries out his tasks, since he killed Future Gawasu.

the multiverse in db isn't exactly mirror worlds so goku probably doesn't exist in his universe

>dont be stupid
>ends up enacting Nappas plan

How many panels of empty sky will the next chapter have?

>two two page spreads
>of this image

what a lazy fuck

the simple fact that new trunks has cyan hair invalidates your point OP

Trunks a pedoshit

I want to fuck this one.

I still don't get why we don't have hentai about this by now

>that face at the end

Straight DB porn is kind of a rarity.

It would stand to reason that they still retained most of their intelligence when they were transformed. Although I'm not sure to what extent due to having not the underdeveloped brain of a child. I suppose they were at least smart enough to be able to survive on their own for a while or seek out someone to care for them until they were a bit older.

ponchi matsuri is still straight right?

>please kamisama let me have trunks benis, adult trunks to be precise

I'm pretty sure Gowasu's taking Zamasu to Babari for a lesson on ningens but I don't think a planet of primitive reptilian cavemen would make him think any better of them. Worse yet, he'll probably wind up killing a few.

>I'm pretty sure Gowasu's taking Zamasu to Babari for a lesson on ningens but I don't think a planet of primitive reptilian cavemen would make him think any better of them.
is this spoiler?

didn't Cabba achieve SS the day he saw it? And that shit was the thing of legend.

But with Trunks I find it hard to believe he'd be capable of it, seeing as he is still bulking up. If anyone, I'd say Gohan if he never stopped training, would have achieved it after beating the shit out of Beerus.

hello where are the subs my friends

>Gohanfags and Gotenfags moved to Trunks

I see. This is really sad, how many characters will get SSB "soon", halfbreedfags?

racemixed saiyan can't reach the god level

As far as I remember I may be the first guy who said Black's 'Human hatred' extends to all mortals.Seems like I was right.
No subs,just watch the raws.Unless you are a newfriend you can easily understand whats going.

That was when Tori thought about making Gohan the MC soon.He's scrapped that plan long since he ended first arc of Buu Saga.

Swastika is a Hindu & Buddhist religious symbol.If anything its the Nazis who ripped that symbol from them
Just an infodumpfag

Is there a gif of the very fast goku running at incredible hihg speed towards Zamasu?

What the shit, is Gohan the scapegoat of the entire franchise now?

Just the last episode, you loathsome fucks were telling off "Gohanfags" that he retired and that Trunks was the new hotness and that's what Gohan gets for being a cuck, and now that Trunks is "threatening Goku/Vegeta Time", you're turning on him?

Anyone who thinks that they're going to let Trunks attain SSB is in for huge disappointment.

the nazi symbol comes from the greek wheel which has the same meaning of the uroboro, so probably the manji is the same thing

I wouldn't be surprised if Beerus suddenly declares that only Future Trunks can travel to the future to fight Black Goku because they have to minimize the consequences of time travel or something.

The earliest known swastika-like symbol dates from around 10,000-13,000 BC in Mezine, Ukraine.It might although be a bird pic.
Among the earliest cultures usin swastika is the Vincas of South-East Europe and Indus Valley Civilization in Northern India.
Greeks came long after these civilizations

In other words Nazis used the symbols used by Serbs,Slavs and Dravidians-3 races Nazis considered as untersmesch as their emblem

you can find presence of that symbol among etrurians and even southern italian population as well as. So as you can see the manji is actually the same thing all around the world and it has the same meaning of the uroboro
also in Shorinji Kempo the manji is a basic defensive position

So is this the first meme pic?

>also in Shorinji Kempo the manji is a basic defensive
everything is a meme


Unlike Kaoshin in Universe 7 who is based.

Where the fuck are the subs?

would make sense though, you can only tamper with time lines so much before things go wrong.

hopefully they will add supreme kai of time soon, so she can make trunks her bitch

Is there any additional info on the original SSJ and SSJG?

I kind of like Zamasu. I feel like he might be a red herring. He'll have something to do with Black, but I don't think it's actually him.

>The other kai is the guy behind Black
>Zamasu now has to work together with the NINGEN he hates so much to stop him