
So, Hopeman bites the dust tomorrow? Whether he dies this soon or miraculously survives, I will despair. Will you despair with me, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


im just hoping this comes true

how about i kill everyone

Lets check what is your talent

Dont forget to vote for best waifu


>she can easily lift 2 people with no efforts, and other one is a fatty dude

she could easily lift great gozu


Oh boy, i became Juzo

Why don't you want them to be happy Sup Forums?

Never forget

Sup Forums hates things it will never experience

is he became an ultimate faggot?

Did they incorporate some elements of this design into Servant Nagito? I swear she reminds me of him for some reason.


Similar jacket and chain collar.

No way someone that cute can do such things.

So what's my talent

>Arm, coke, malice

So I'm the ultimate jacked up druggie?


I'm Bully-kun?


I was not expecting that.






I'm the SHSL Voyeur?!

nah.. you are just normie

eat dream feel



Wait, does that make me a slutty waifu? Does this make me a fucking Sonia?

forever alone.jpg

She's coming


I have no idea.

I can get behind this. There seems to be something around her neck there.


It'll be one of these two next time. these keep showing us that he's refusing the candy over and over, she'll end up killing him by accident



Literally just started the first episode of Future arc (having beat dangit ronpaul 2 about 30 minutes ago) and I can't get over the black guy's voice.

Also, am I supposed to be watching it Future/Despair/future/despair or does it matter?

Yes. Future Episode 1, then Despair Episode 1, then Future Episode 2 and so on.

Alternate them starting with Future yeah.

This is almost as bad as the rolling posts

He'll fall asleep and she'll force feed him candy to keep him under her control, not knowing that it's against his NG code

It's worse than the rolling posts, there's a chance you'll get interesting results from rolls.

The "physiological find-a-word" is just a bunch of nonsense that's never related to any thread it's posted in.


Is it possible to waifu a character that doesn't exist?


What an annoying tumblr tier image.


Do you worship Junko Sup Forums?

Some of you are already. Don't come to Hope's Peak Academy tomorrow

I need more theories, but we already got all the mileage out of Izuru/Mikan today and we got all the mileage out of Miaya is X a week ago.

Someone please fuel me.

I wasn't going to, but thanks for the warning


>normalfags don't know about AA2


I'm already what!?


oh boy I won

Need opinions, what's the worst and what's the best murder and motive?

Celeste, definitely worst motive.
Komaeda was good. Maybe Ogami.

Thanks I suppose.

Passion, suicide, scum. I-I'm more of a Despairfag?

muh dick

You're already in despair

I don't remember DR0 too well
Was it implied that Matsuda was keeping "Ryoko" at the school before the DR1 cast enrolled?


You're welcome normalfag. Now go the fuck back to bumblr.

No. They were already there, enrolled and well.

I love this set


hot. where's it from

>Mad Dread Lust


>Ultimate Animator
The anime ends with him waking up after drawing the whole danganronpa future anime.

>he doesn't know about Jinjojess's fanfiction

Fuckin nice.


I think I'm retarded but i don't think I have autism


Literally Me

How'd they know?

Set? Care to share?

Mondo's was the worst. No tact involved, just a brute force hit, and he didn't even manage to leave the crime scene without getting spotted.
His motive was weak too.

Was he even seriously trying to escape? I know he modified the crime scene before Byakuya got involved, but I remember it as an attempt to protect Chihiro. I haven't played DR1 in ages though.

That's basically what happened. He still got spotted leaving though.

Gundam or Hopeman

Are you guys pretending not to notice?

Yeah, Celes is probably the worst. Mondo and Mikan are up there too
As for best, toss up between Sakura or Gundam

Artist is Hairu

Owada's murder was the worst, if I recall correctly he literally just smashed Chihiro's skull with a fucking weight because he had more balls than him despite being a trap, Celeste's motive was indeed the worst tho, I don't even remember, why did she assume she could get a castle and shit? Was the motive Monokuma gave that time money or some shit like that?
As for the best murder it had to be Nagito's, fucking madman, but if we're talking motive it had to be Gundham or Sakura,

I thought 2-2 was the worst personally. Peko's impulsiveness and logic jumps were weird and that case had more than one instance of bullshit. Gravel and climbing with the sword come to mind. I actually don't have a problem with Celes' motive, and as I remember things the flaws in her murder mostly had to do with Yamada.

Gundham's case is my favourite. I don't need to say anything about that one for people to understand.

I also liked 2-3 which a lot of people seem to hate, but I thought was good all the way through.

Daily reminder that Chisa could easily lift Great Gozu

Guys, help me. I love her but i am gonna have to watch her die twice. What can i do?

But corpses cant lift anything.

>implying she's dead

Come on user.


The waiting is killing me, is Despair Arc the same with Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair?


>this shit again
Whenever someone brings up a dead character, someone always has to post something to this effect. We get it, they're dead. Just let us shitpost about characters we like in peace

I liked the outcome of the third case with Mikan having her memories back and turning batshit insane, but her motive and Ibuki and Sainoji dying with no one giving a shit after the trial was a waste. I liked Ibuki even when she was just a bland character. Not best girl, though.


That doesn't make sense.


You're Yu

I'm ready for 20 more minutes of sitting around not trying to find the traitor


Oh. I just realized.
Persona 4 protagonist can't open Persona 3 protagonist.

At least the last episode seemed to set up a lot of cool confrontations
>Hulk vs Naruto
>Tengan (?) vs Retard
>Naegi vs Viper
We're also yet to see who's Kizakura gonna meet with and what are Asahina and Greninja doing


>is Despair Arc the same with Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair?

Despair Arc is a prequel to DR2. However, due to spoiler reasons, you definitely should not watch Despair Arc before playing DR2

Could you please not derial the thread with ebingames/dubchecks ?