Mods are asleep

Post your waifu



professor bun bun


Still mad that the anime skipped this arc.




Yoshida-chan... pre-addiction.

I had a dream about her last night. It wasn't one of those typically lewd ones, it was just the two of us out for lunch, eating pizza, talking. It was nice.




You are absolutely pathetic. Fucking die now, you are scum.

no judge

you had a DREAM, about a DRAWING, and that brings you emotion? Holy shit, you are actually a plague upon human beings. You seriously need to consider taking steps toward a REAL suicide. Worthless.

Goddamn right.

>They don't practice lucid dreaming to be with their waifus


>i had a lucid dream, now me spergers is valid.

Now and always, the current season's girls are always passing trifles.

You're just jelly you never get to be with the girl you love.

I don't even practice, I just get these instances of quasi-lucidity in dreams sometimes with her.


Nice -desu


Did I hear lucid dream

You're lucky, I had to work at it. I get maybe one or two a week of full lucidity.

She's the best.

someone's mad because he can't dream about his waifu

My feels :(



It's the happy tail wag in the top left that kills me.

I just want to be with Holo ;-;

I love Yuu!

Sleepy too


she is not real just end with my suffering


One day VR will bring her to us user. We just have to make it that far. Lucid dreaming is a decent mid-way point though.

She's super not real
What do I do?

15 years and still going strong

you're right, my soul is torn asunder over the fact that i can't truly love a drawing. Die faggot.


Disgusting subhuman trash that needs to be thrown out. Gl once mommy kicks you out faggots.


Did she tell you 'No'?

>Implying I don't live bymyself
>Implying I don't make decent money with my economics degree which is why I like Spice and Wolf so much in the first place
>Implying I won't use my savings to fully invest in VR technology when the time comes
>Implying I don't keep myself in good physical shape so I live long enough to see VR

Holo gives my life purpose, can you say that about yourself?


Implying you didnt make all that up, and are about 5 feet away from your mothers bed. Just get the rope and do it faggot.

Is not real only if you want that user


Someones angry.
Sure I could have made that all up but why would I?

You're just upset that someone can be dedicated to their waifu and have a functional life when you have neither.


I had a dream a few months ago where Yuno called me unrelated to the dream i was having and said "user I love you!" then hung up and it made me so incredibly happy i woke up

She is a CUTE drawing

Isana good taste user


Reina a qt





if mods are asleep, why did they delete moot thread

Literally perfect.

I love my Yui.

The best and she is very real. I was with her last night.

My cute pink fluffball!

I love this mummy!


Stupid sexy vampire waifu.

I got a new phone someone give me fan art of Revy

My love





She has everything.

Refined taste.

>people on Sup Forums will most likely not recognize her today
At least Sup Forums is okay





i wish my dreams werent such shit

I sometimes feel old for liking her so much.



I still don't consider it my waifu. Just a game. 1000 dolkars for that is a bit much anyway.

Season 3 never



She is my waif and I love her.

So speaking of dreams, how many of you have had genuinely lewd dreams with theirs?


they never said janitors were asleep



>we will never get season 3 because autists threw a fit about Ayano having sex like a human being and being a grown adult living her life
I still want that tongue bath shirt.


But that's wrong, Aya did Haruhi for the spinoff, it's the writer who should be putting out new novels that's at fault. Just google "the reason behind no S3" or something like that

If you had to choose, would you rather have your waifu's mind in a different body, or your waifu's body with different personhood inside it?

That isn't my waifu either way.
Fuck off.


Why not