Do you think letting girls into the Boy Scouts is a good or bad move?

it's not surprising because they already let women into the military.
the boy scouts is just indoctrination to prepare males for military service...

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little tenderfoot? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in National Youth Leadership Training, and I’ve been involved in numerous summer camps, and I have over 300 confirmed merit badges. I am trained in knot tying and I’m the top scout in the entire Boy Scouts of America. You are nothing to me but just another Girl Scout. I will out hike you with endurance the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the patrol meeting? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of scoutmasters across the USA and your troop number is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Raven Scout. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your scout spirit. You’re not prepared, kid. I can camp anywhere, anytime, and I can tie knots in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in setting up tents, but I have access to all of the gear of the Buffalo Patrol and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the campsite, you little Cub Scout. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in your tent. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying for everyone's food, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I think it's ultimately a bad move. There's a massive dichotomy between young boys personality wise a difference between their needs and wants. BSA is more than just merit badges, it's a safe space for young and growing men to feel like men, do manly things, and have friends and mentors that understand their issues and provide help. Throwing in future roasties would do nothing but harm this paradigm.

Onto the merit badges I feel adding girls would ultimately make them participation trophies as they'd have to lower standards otherwise girls would never get any, bitch, lobby, complain, and ultimately thrown a temper tantrum.

Scout Master here. You're out of the parade.

The death of our culture continues.

As an eagle scout I am very unhappy

Its not about Boys and Girls.
Its about Boys being comfortable in their own skin away from girls. Learning and growing up away from the pressures being around girls bring.

Why wouldn't the girl scouts just teach boy scout things?

They dug their own grave. Fuck em.

you mean the murder of our culture

It's called the boy scouts for a reason

girls wont want to join. this is just more virtue signaling. they would have to do dishes and shit and the parents would definitely complain about gender roles and garbage like that.

This is one of the most upsetting events so far on our our spiral into utter degeneracy. I expected Boy Scouts like traditional religion to be one of institutions that keeps manly virtue alive during this dark time. When we take back the culture where will we find leadership if all the old institutions are cucked?

How do we fight this user?

my church(LDS) was partnered with the boy scouts for a very long time
just last year they cut the connection from them for their own program
Now boy scouts are falling even further down

>B-but the girl scouts is dumb! They don't even go camping!!

Bullshit they don't. They could easily fix that. All it would fucking take is a couple of girls being willing to go out and do their own thing without direct orders from higher up

ask the troop leader to go camping
if she says no, fuck her and go with the group anyway

my sister was in girl scouts and you know what they did? they camped on a field outside of an amusement park so they could arrive right when it opened.

Over the night, three girls started crying because they were scared of a monster, two tents collapses because the women couldn't set them up properly, one girl pissed herself, and a mom slapped another mom. All in about 9 hours

The Boy Scouts was created for BOYS to have a separate environment from girls, where they could socialize and grow without worrying about women and what they think. There's a lot less dick measuring when there's no girls

>BUT the G-girl scouts don't teach life skills!

AGAIN something they could easily fix but don't! You think Boy Scout lessons are always 1000% relevant? I've never had to make a wallet or start a fire by rubbing sticks once in the real world, but I learned in scouts!

If women really wanted to have a proper scouting experience, they would change the Girl Scouts. But no

Women can innovate for shit. they just take and take and take from men because it's easier and because they can

Women don't like it when men have a space separate from them, they hate that. They need to be the center of attention because its the only way to get their disease ridden cunts filled with cock so they can get pregnant and leash some poor sap for the rest of his pathetic life.

Fuck women and fuck the girl scouts

As an Eagle Scout, I find this to be simply a leftist attack on masculinity and young men who build confidence in scouting. I will no longer support the BSA, and the lessons and methods can be transferred to another organization with the development of young men's mental, moral, and physical beings as a priority. There is nothing unique about the BSA that cannot be replicated, without the cucking and homo baggage imposed by progressives. It might even be liberating to be free of the BSAs apparently corrupted leadership. We will take everything from the neckerchief and the uniform and badge requirements and just replicate them. Eagle Scouts get it done and that's why the leftists want scouting destroyed. Scouting turns boys into confident and ideologically hardened nationalist men. We will do this easily.

I used to go to cam Tri Mount. How the hell will they do that with girls? Mixed genders in their early teens spread across remote camps, that wont fly. They will need camps for the girls and girl counselors. I don't think that camp was cheap to begin with.

Bullshit all it takes is one moderately hot girl with a chip on her shoulder who wants to prove she's just as tough as the boys to completely screw the dynamic of the troop. I dated a girl like this. She was constantly challenging me and trying to prove herself in traditionally male activities at the same time she loved the male attention she got. It was fucking annoying. I even confronted her a couple times about wanting attention. She always denied it. This is before I was replied on women.

Do you have an org in mind? Don't be so flippant about this. It takes a long time, like decades, to build an org like bsa. Think of the institutional knowledge, the ritual, tradition, training manuals, and physical infrastructure. Not to mention the size. It would take decades to build a national organization with the breadth and depth of BSA.

We can't keep letting the left just have things and think it's not going to matter. They have Hollywood, universities, large corporations, and recently critical internet portals and infrastructure. You can't keep running forever user. At this point there is nothing to run to except maybe this board. You have to fight user.

Eagle here. That was fuckin beautiful. Mein sides.

Every year they host a sleep out at a beach side location, both girls n boys. I can tell you both sides are filled with putrid little spastic fucks that people only refer to as "that kid". Shit you not, these little fuckwits aren't being told jack shit, half are obese, most have zero manners, and overall it's just pathetic. Sometimes they don't even camp outside, they go inside to "camp out". Also demos of the kids seem to be heavily azn leaning now, at least for cali side of things. They have lost their way of anything they used to hold to a candle, now it's a burning dumpster of an organization.

The BSA has been on a steady decline for the last ~20 years or so. This is just the final nail in the coffin.

The moment some young boys in the troop roughhouse a girl or talk about their willies, the stupid leftist faggot parents will sue the entire organization into oblivion.

Bad. If they want a coed scouts start one for that. Don't piggyback off of tradition.

Well done.
Have a (you)

All it would take is one.

The fuck is this? It's B O Y S C O U T S, not G I R L S C O U T S. Holy shit it's in the name. I'm actually sweating and seeing red. Just nuke us already.

This, fucking kill us

I would never let my daughter camp with boys. If they want to have an all-girls division of boy scouts, fine.

Boys are distracted enough. Adding girls to the mix just ruins any potential usefulness to the program.

Man if only there were some kind of boy scouts for girls. You could call it the Girl Scouts.

Further faggotry.

A spunky kikess will be the first one.

It really doesn’t matter. It will change the BSA, but they were hurting for memberships so it was bound to happen.