This thread is for fellow Whites who understand what is happening in our home nations and want to stop this destructive future >Inb4 shills say race isn't real >Inb4 fags say everyone in the Alt-Right is a kike >Inb4 shills and retatds post "Le Dicky Spencie memes"
"Alt-right" is a Liberal's term for Conservatives manufactured to further divide Americans during the 2016 US elections. I will not participate in a thread that has uses this falsified phrase.
Nice try tho, Paco.
Parker Bell
Hunter Lopez
If you really want to promote the alt-right you need a fucking DREAM. You need something for people to look forward to, using the past for inspiration is great, but they also need vision. Hitler had his Thousand Year Reich, progressives have their multi-culti dystopia, Christians have their resurrection and the return of Christ, even niggers have their flying pyramids. The right needs a fucking DREAM.
Jaxon Ramirez
wrong magepede!, its bee around for a long ass time Spencer coined the term way before the faggot leftist used it.
Thomas Ward
You dont think a white ethnostate is a dream?
Jordan Cox
Body Building and Fitness is in the Minor and Moderate. Fail. Sage
Leo Rivera
Did they fucking take down ANOTHER of dailystormers domains?
Hello alt-right, I'm a 1/3 nig can I join your club
Evan Peterson
>unironically saying alt-right you're a fucking mix of newfag and low-value shill sage beyond limits
Luke Stewart
Nolan Rodriguez
FUCK off shit skin
Landon Nelson
The 19th. I predict it will be similar to A&M and Auburn, it's a southern school in a college town. Probably not too much of an organized antifa presence.
Jeremiah Torres
Is it 100% sure that he'll be there?
Andrew Hall
Nolan Harris
As of today yes. The university cancelled, then they threatened to sue, then the university gave the go ahead.
Ryder Reed
hopefully they don't jew out on him I'm looking forward to seeing kikes btfo
Liam Ramirez
nice, does anyone know how the lawsuit against cville is going?
Evan Ortiz
If you can imagine a white ethnostate, you can achieve a white ethnostate. If you had a large scale disaster as a distraction, you could have it in as little as two years, given the depletion of food stocks in urban areas, and an inability to distribute fuel, then stabilization by a governing force.
Leo Mitchell
James Johnson
lets hope it happens soon
Alexander Williams
Leo Brooks
Good thread
Hunter King
Asher Phillips
Is the Discord filled with same anos in the of /Alt Right discord?
Kevin Lopez
I think so some look familiar to me.
Landon Phillips
Why did Discord remove the Alt Right one, but no the official Sup Forums one?
Tyler Gutierrez
Laura loomer got it shut down over some stupid shit.
Leo Ortiz
That's fucking gay.
Austin Perry
I don't understand why people have to counter signal other alt-right type people. does nothing for anyone
Andrew Sullivan
Why "isolationism"? I'd vote for expansionist; any civilization that does not expand historically contracts
Caleb Butler
Loomer needs to fucking kill herself. I cant believe nu/pol/ was sourcing laura loomer posts during the Vegas shooting shit. How fucking Shit Sup Forums has become
Henry Brown
kind of defeats the purpose of self-determination
Christian Baker
Manifest Destiny was pretty self determining
Adrian Ramirez
Go eat a monkey brain monkey
Isaiah Ross
>Alt-right has more opposition to Rush Limbaugh then it does to CNN
Wyatt Ramirez
Ayden White
All those fucking slide threads going on right now fuck
Parker Thomas
Rush Limbaugh is under the Cuckservative thing.
Jayden Anderson
Hes establishment might not be full like rubio or whatever but he still does cuck
Dominic Clark
Isaac Harris
Charles Evans
Hunter Parker
Zachary Nelson
>suports both Christianity and Paganism wut
Angel Martin
Carson Collins
All this sliding on Sup Forums right now is fucking insane
Jacob Diaz
Anthony Turner
Nathaniel Hill
Have a bump
Anthony Howard
Take the condemnation of hentai out of the picture, you're making us look lame.
Brody Lewis
you do know where you are at right?
Levi Williams
Yeah, that's why I told you to take it off.
Dylan Bell
You know where you are right?
John Brooks
yeah an image board based on a japanese image board with anime themes all over the site where else? It sure as fuck isn't reddit
Angel Morris
Nick Fuentes got rekt by Will chamberlain in a debate today
Gabriel Turner
Sebastian Sullivan
I love this so much. That is the one thing you animefags say time and time again. Thats like saying I live in Cali and i'm not a faggot "you know where you are right"
getting mad at anime on Sup Forums is like being surprised you get burned when you put your hand on a stove it's okay if you're young or new, but keep doing it and it's obvious you're retarded
Wyatt Barnes
Look If I live in Cali and I am not a faggot, a faggot would say to me you know where you are right? Does that mean the state and mind set should never change? Does that mean that people in that state have no right to differing oppinons that go against the status quo?
Mason Rodriguez
Stop posting, you're barely coherent.
Ethan White
If you have been here for a while before 2015 then you should know that Sup Forums has always had a debate about anime.
Noah Brown
I'll answer questions about Identity Evropa. Everyone in the most recent demonstration DC and Charlottesville, besides Spencer and Enoch were part of Identity Evropa.
Austin Adams
were you there?
Leo Johnson
Mason Gray
Second this. Any good pics of leftist flipping out?
Parker Butler
I'm watching this an Chamberlain did not win at all. The guy is fucking faggot who seems extremely asshurt and defensive at every turn. >YOU LOSE
Dylan Sanchez
Not really, but there was some screeching banshee during Spencer's speech.
>Western men will need to join together to stop it's collapse. We aren't going to stop it. We need to mitigate the damage and prepare to rebuild.
Tyler Long
True but at least we can salvage something
Andrew Evans
>Economics do not concern us. then you have a serious problem
Sebastian Gray
The Alt Right has multiple groups of economic thought, but generally it varies from group to group. Identity Evropa has no economic vision due to its activism centered vision, but Traditionalist Workers Party is Strasserist for example.