Are you ready for more JUSTICE in 45 minutes?
Active Raid
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It finally clicked last episode that she's the lead of section 9.
The embarrassment over making those cringe inducing commercials must keep her up at night. Also she's a lousy leader.
But she's JUSTICE!
When the fuck is my bathhouse flashback filled with naked men?
Sweet Marimo.
Glossary update for episode 3 of Active Raid 2nd
>new clothing material from Shinyurigaoka
It's some high-tech textile co-developed by the information and electronics industries. Basically color-changing clothes that can even display some patterns.
Yeah, that's Asami's callsign
Callsign of her subordinates
>Spinning Rush Ether
A supermove based on Asami's superkick in episode 2 of Active Raid 1st. Spinning fast allows her to deflect attacks, gives her a wide attack range, and allows her to stabilize her trajectory.
That's the nickname that Asami gave to bossu because she really respects her.
>Osaka catapult
Used for super-far remote location dispatch, mainly from the West to East. It's advantage compared to unit 8's mobile assault headquarter railgun is that multiple people can be shot at the same time to the same location.
>Liko calling Kyoukai-sama "uncle"
It's a niece (kid) version of the Liko app. The real-world version of this app will not be the same as the one depicted in fiction, obviously.
The anime discs for Active Raid 2nd volume 1 comes with a code to download a Liko niece (kid) version where she then calls you uncle.
Same deal as the ones of Active Raid 1st. You'll get the TV broadcast version as well as the director's cut version of episode 1-4.
Also, the manga adaptation of Active Raid got updated.
Asami and Kuroki fight Dog.
Asami gets a scar from the fight, making her look similar to Kuroki now.
I want Asami to call me a little shit.
Polska's willwear.
I watched Season 1 and thought it was pretty average so haven't bothered with Season 2 so far, but I figure I better at least check. How's it going for you guys so far?
Cute tie.
So far, Active Raid 2nd has been a real blast.
Truly, studio IMS is on a roll.
>Asami's superkick
Hopefully she's read the manual by now.
Ha ha, time for Mythos.
Guy's design is just so great.
Is there some romance on the series? I was thinking of giving it a watch, but /m/ is not an enough excuse for me.
No romance, unless you mean bromance and tsundere exes.
>Asami gets a scar from the fight, making her look similar to Kuroki now.
Oh shit lad.
>Asami gives the old guy some /m/-related DVDs and manga as an apology
Ex-ex-ex-ex, really.
I love how Marimo sits facing away from everyone even while at the bar.
Why are the cops stopping at stoplights? Are Japanese cops not allowed to ignore traffic laws or something?
Scarred girls are really, really hot
Isn't the show setting up Kuroki/Asami?
Do they have their siren on? If they have their siren on then they can ignore traffic laws just fine, if not then it mean that it's probably not an immediate emergency.
They had their sirens on, and they were actively pursuing a suspect.
Then that's really weird. Maybe there's new law in the future.
Sadly not.
Emilia looks like she's bonding up good with Kuroki.
The manga version of Asami on the other hand does look like she's getting close with Kuroki.
It's a good thing they picked Kuroki as Mythos' handler. It's not like he's easily manipulated at all.
Because half of the joke in the anime is having the police obey regulations in inappropriate times.
Angry BOSSU is cute!
So I guess Mythos will be the otouto Kuroki never had.
We otouto now
I love seeing all these commercials for /m/-related things.
The following episode next episode will be delayed by half an hour.
What about Pickpocket-chan?
And now, the hour-long wait for horriblesub begins again.
I think that was just him being his usual smooth self. Do you see how he interacts with the reporter?
Subs should be out soon.
Goddamnit HS let me have the best part of my Sunday already!
Shut up, you little shit
Did CR fuck up again like episode 2?
It should be out in a few minutes when the next show is put up on HS.
Why has asami become so rude?
She's a shit senpai
Be careful. You'll get ten years in an iso-cube for saying that.
She have always been rude.
I know what I am fapping to later. Hopefully the couch one gets scanned.
It's out faggots.
Oh Hinata.
I would love to have this.
I wonder how a party with people who all had scopophobia would look like.
Marimo is literally perfect for that eye-covering JAV pose.
Sena is probably having a stroke when seeing this.
It's to stop for someone crossing the road.
>those magazines
Is everyone in this universe a trapfag?
Can't wait to see Noir Chaton.
Mythos is handsome.
No homo.
Is that the fucking trap on the cover of those magazines?
I don't care.
I want order.
>many people who are making prolonged pit stops in the race of life helped me
That place is going down the dumpster
Well, straight to the point.
Bossu is a failure at life
Having Kuroki's used workout clothes strewn about my office would be heavenly.
It's a game after all.
This guy will come to terms with justice.
Just wait.
>ywn be Kuroki's little bro
As is tradition in Active Raid, the ED is evolving.
Where the hell is pickpocket-chan this episode?
Wow, imouto is a bitch. I'd take care of bossu even if she was a failure at home.
Is that a motherfucking macaroon?
Dat ass.
Being stealthier than usual.
holy shit, she's pick-pocketing a wallet there and everything.
>lawl, Mythos-bro, I tricked you into saying it
>>curse you, Burd
The rusemaster is at his game
Was there no pickpocket-chan this week? I didn't notice her.
Jew is back?
What did the director's cut for season 1 have?
This episode was a little QUALITY
I miss Liko being cute, but the new previews are great.
I want Marimo to turn repeatedly more S when she puts her glasses on.