Digimon Thread

It has just turned midnight in Japan, which means it's 1st August.

That also means it's the 16th Odaiba Memorial Day.

It's 17 years since seven (eventually eight) children were taken from their summer camp and went on the most significant Adventure they would ever experience.

Digimon Adventure tri. part 3, Confession, is released on September 24th with special preview screenings on August 19th.

On an non-Adventure note, the newest iteration of the franchise in Digimon Universe (a.k.a. Appmon) begins its TV series on October 1st at 7:00am JST.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oops, I forgot to include this in the OP: desuarchive.org/a/thread/142816958

A thread from a month ago detailing the history of the franchise. It's a pretty good thread.

>My new favourite character (Chika Takami) Birthday
>Odaiba Day
>Both of them are affiliated with Bamco
I love you Bamco

Who reckons the Digimon U app if there is one will be like Pokemon Go?

>still no good Digimon game

Goddammit Japan. And don't say sluts because that game was boring as fuck.

To bad Sup Forums sings Butterfly never made it.

>Juri/Leomon figurine prototype
Oh my.

The fanart deluge begins: pixiv.net/search.php?word=8/1

Would it have pantsu?

I finished Adventure for the first time just in time for the anniversary I guess. Too bad I'm too terrified to wath 02

Just watch 02 and see the train wreck unfold.

How old would they be? Are they old enough to be the age when they were all grown up with kids who had digimon of their own yet?

In Tri? No, the oldest is still in high school.

How are they still in highschool if its 16 years later?

Have you actually watched tri. ?

Digimon double cover on Animedia.

Idntbknw what tri is.

Im talking kai and kari and joe and sora and all them

Other side.

>Idntbknw what tri is.
fucking hell

>Koushiro still being Mimi's bitch
I don't blame him.


>Tri´s Kokuhaku ending theme will be "僕にとって"/"Boku ni Totte" by Knife of Day.

Sup Forums, tell me that it's okay to delete my shitty digimon fanfic that people still bug me to finish.

If it has romantic melodrama, then yes. Unless it's nice SoL Koushiro spilling his spaghetti for Mimi, then no.

No romantic melodrama (despite some shipperfags asking for it), just a shitty alt-Zero Two where I basically tried to do the same overall plot but with character personalities changed to be more likable (my main criticism of alt Zero Two fics is that most tend to go full retard in making a convoluted plot that somehow makes less sense than the original without making the characters any more enjoyable to read; I remember one that made one of the girls a masturbation addict or some shit).

I can't write slice of life for shit.

>I remember one that made one of the girls a masturbation addict or some shit
Pic related.
And continue it if you like it, user.

Would you buy it?

No. It's not a V-pet, just a glorified noise maker.


This is an example of my inability to write slice of life.

So it´s the appli-drive.

The first arc lasts almost half of the season. It's not brilliant but it holds up, its last episodes are very good.

However, once that arc ends...ohh boy do things go wrong.

How does it feel to be a Digimon fan in 2016 knowing kids nowadays are more into Yokai Watch?

Sometimes I wonder how many alt 02 fanfics have been written. I remember there was one that was like 2 million words long.

Too many

I hit about 170,000 before I had a crisis of confidence and wondered what the hell I was even doing

02 really fucked up. It had an established world with a cast full of likable and well developed chracters and started with the innovative idea of an evil human.

But it all went to hell. No wonder everyone and their mother thought they could do a better job and wrote a fanfic to fix it.

>you are now aware there are people who genuinely like Daisuke, Miyako and Iori

I remember there was a really fucked up 02 fic where Kari dies and a possessive Davis steals Kari's corpse to sleep with it, rapes Sora while she is dresses as Kari before he is sentenced to hell to be tortured by Kari and T.K. forever.

Please someone tell me they saved it. It's a work of unholy art.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters was better.

Confession TV CM here: twitter.com/pKjd/status/759773184019173378

for the love of god don't kill tentomon

>fanfics mean shit

Typical murrican.

Fun fact. 02 is the 3rd most popular series after Adventure and Xros Wars. Savers is the least.

>No Keep On

Fucking what.

season without humans never ;_;

well there was the season without partners

it was shit

Bug and Gerbil die apparently.

2nd best ratings and fanart behind Adventure

>2nd best ratings
Xros's ratings were absolutely disastrous, even before the timeslot change that killed it.

That means nothing.

Basically Miyako schlicked every night on schedule, even if other people were around. She couldn't help it. That and the fact that she had poor hygiene.

Ken was also Tony Stark in the same fanfic

>Vic Macaroni is Matt

I still can't fucking believe this

Porn is more important than ratings

>caring about dubs

Happy Odaiba Memorial, everyone. I hope they're not gonna kill Tentomon next movie.

Killing Patamon is one thing, but killing one of the best partners?


99% of American fans were introduced to Digimon through the dub, jackass. Stop being that fucking guy in EVERY Digimon thread, fuck.

odd how pokemon and ygo fans have no problem admitting their dub is garbage g
yet Digimon fans swear by it

The Saban dub is shit though.


I'm scared. He's my favrioute Partner int he whole franchise.

I will give that the D-3 is my favorite looking Digivice.

Juri & Leomon, my heart. It still hurts I think I might need this.

Based on the reactions, not wanting Tentomon to die might be the one thing that unites the splintered Digimon fandom.

Which other partner's death would cause such a reaction?


In terms of what matters to Bandai though 02 has far and away the best merchandise sales followed by Adventure. I believe Xros Wars did at least as good as Tamers, maybe better, but I think I've also heard sales started dropping heavily as it want on.

Really in both the US and Japan the Adventure series outpace every other take in expanding and creating long term fans it's sad. Just been down hill for the series in terms of relevancy ever since 02 ended.

Who cares?

Seriously, they come back just fine anyways. Tamersverse was the only one to give Digimon death actual impact.

>Tamersverse was the only one to give Digimon death actual impact.
>who is wizarmon

Can we all sing butterfly please?

Where are my sound people at?

>I believe Xros Wars did at least as good as Tamers, maybe better
That would be quite the feat given no new merchandise was made during or after the Death Generals arc.

So I watched Adventure 01 and 02 as a kid didn't like the rewatch I did a while back that much. Should I continue with Tamers? Should I try different seasons?
I just played a Digimon dusk and World 3 and am really in the digimon mood. What would you suggest anons?

Watch Tamers first.

From there it gets a bit inconsistent in terms of quality.

Tamers is very good and I would reccomend it even to a non-digimon fan.

Frontier varies from mediocre to shit so watch only if you have nostalgia or feel like consuming everything Digimon.

Savers deviates a bit from the usual formula and is closer to a shounen so it's ridden with shounen cliches. It's ok imo but it has a lot of wasted potential.

Xros is actually three seasons. The first one is good, second one is ok, third one is a crime against humanity and I rate it below 02.

No they fucking weren't. The Japanese and Spanish version were more present than Saban's shitpile.

Tamers is the best in the series imo.
For most people it is a toss up between tamers and adventures.
I also liked savers, because the protag gives no fuck and straight up punches mega level digimon in the face.
Frontier is basically a sentai series which I didn't mind, but after the first arc it gets really wonky.
It becomes even more of a red guy blue guy show than usual and they job for like 20 episodes straight untill the last few episodes.
Xross wars is okay if you like mecha shows, around episode 30 it kinda loses it steams.
I never finished boy hunters I only watched the first few episodes and the cross over episode.

>I also liked savers, because the protag gives no fuck and straight up punches mega level digimon in the face.

He's GAR as fuck.

Truly the greatest of protagonists.

Might as well Check out Tamers.
Remember it going like 3rd or 2nd in the Best Anime 2001 or 2002 Poll.

>Truly the worst of protagonists.


>Hating on the man who punched both digi-satan and digi-god in the face.
I have no words for your taste.

How come only Americans dislike 02 but other places love it and it's the second most beloved series? Was the dub supershit?

T.k. Is a handsome boy.

>other places love it and it's the second most beloved series
That's called "nostalgiafagging", user.

02 is terrible even in its original form.

>nostalgiafagging applying to anything other than genwun

Where are these other places?

The dub didn't help, but there's still a lot of US love for it in places that aren't purely dedicated to Digimon. A lot of people dropped out of mainline Digimon fandom and formed a sort of sub-fandom to Adventure only, that's in all honestly probably bigger then the mainline "we embrace everything" Digimon fandom. and the two fandom factions rarely interact

Also 02' strongest point was early on and the epilogue left a very bad taste in many people's mouths so that colors people's overall feelings when looking back. Were Adventure's strongest stuff was the on earth Vamdemon stuff followed by the Dark Masters so people walked away with the good stuff more on their mind.

I really don't like that "Adventure only" sub-fandom.

There's more to the franchise than just Adventure, even if it is the most popular part of it.

02 got better ratings than Tamers did.

I think part of the problem is the dub created Taiora garbage so a lot of dubbies were mad Sora and Yamato hooked up. They also hate the epilogue because it ruins their headcanon ships. In short, theyre idiots

Tamers suffered from having to come after 02, when the fandom had shrunk from the damage 02 did.

world and sluts were both good so suck a butt

02 was liked at the time but after a period, once people started rewatching it, they realized all the huge issues it had and how inferior it was compared to the original.

That doesn't explain why 02 has tons more art than Tamers on pixiv which wasn't even around back then

What are Yuya and Yuzu doing in Digimon?

>02 got better ratings than Tamers did.
>seriously trying to use "good ratings = good quality"

Zero Two fails from the start because the three new kids are either obnoxiously awful (Daisuke & Miyako) or downright boring to the point of being irrelevant (Iori).

These new kids were the combination of the worst parts of their Digimentals' crest holders.

It really amazes me how two great characters in Koushiro and Jou ended up having a complete non-entity as their protégé.

Because most of it's just the 02 grown up versions of the Adventure characters

>I think part of the problem is the dub created Taiora garbage so a lot of dubbies were mad Sora and Yamato hooked up.

The sub's just as bad, if not worse. And this is coming from someone who only saw the original Adventure duology in the last couple of years. None of it made any sense when it came to that. Sora was the mother of the group; she shouldn't have ended up with anybody.

I have, complicated feelings on it, especially since I do try to understand where people are coming from as a habit.

But overall they mostly stick to themselves and no one should "have" to like everything in a franchise.

>Tamers suffered from having to come after 02, when the fandom had shrunk from the damage 02 did.

Ehhhhh, merchandise and ratings were strong right to the end of 02, Tamers started weaker merchandise sales wise and got worse as it want along. Ratings remind only a little lower then 02 though, so people enjoyed watching it, it just wasn't able to sell stuff. So whatever we may think of Tamers personally it was were franchise started falling financially, not 02.

>and no one should "have" to like everything in a franchise.

I see it as "you should try another part and if you don't like it, that's fine; at least you tried it".

Mimi will forever be the best Digigirl.

>ratings were strong right to the end of 02
Are these same ratings which dipped during the Ken's defeat, BlackWarGreymon, and World Tour episodes?

So, what the 3rd Tri movie will be focusing on?

quality is subjective

popularity is not

Overall yes, Ratings went down but they never fell into "bad" territory. An impotent thing to remember when looking at both 02's and Tamer's ratings is that Adventures were insanely high, both 02 and Tamer had ratings far more in line with what is expected for shows aimed at the 10 year old-ish boy demographic.

And Taichi is best boy.
