Redpill thread/we are under attack?

What the flying fuck is up with all these jew/Isr*el apologists on Sup Forums today?
Post all redpills you have so the balance is reestablished.

Other urls found in this thread:







Israel won't exist soon. Don't worry.














I’m immune to red pills because I don’t fucking read your stupid propaganda shit tards get rekt.





In 2017, A Washington post-ABC news poll determined that 10% of Americans roughly 25 million people- were not only sympathetic with the "Alt-Right", they also supported "Neo-Nazi ideology". According to the 2013 census, there are roughly 197 million white people in the US. thus, roughly 13% of white Americans support Nazism. That's equivalent to the rate of German popular support for Nazism in the year 1929.


Everything explained in 2 hours:
















>we are under attack?
As always.



Spencer is a kike-project. You can recognize all kike-animals by their love for Israel and whitewashing soviet-russian-jewish crimes on white christians during WW2. Spencer is pro-Jewish and pro-Russian (pro-soviet) and at the same time fanatically anti-European (anti-white).

Jewry tries to push this new agenda as a mainstream


is she eating a moth?



>not believing jews are lizard demons.

Weinstein makes me hatejews

what creates antisemitism is Zionism




Liberalism = Socialism = Communism = Bolshevism = Talmud Judaism


Richard specner is fag

And it's just so fucking obvious, but there is still thousands that listen to this queer, all he does is promote kike, communism and faggot apologism

Why are Jews so satanic?

These animals and their russian tools killed around 3 mln of catholic Poles in 1939-1953 years. All these millions of deaths were erased from history books. Today Jewry and Russians still want the world to perceive them only as victims and "liberators". Those who win wars, gain a right to rewrite histor they way they want. But their time is going to an end. They realize it, that's why they try to take control ovr all alternative-thinking movements to make them pro-Russian and pro-Israel. All these trolls on alt-right forums and sites shilling for Israel and Russia are a common operation of these two states

they're worried now that the public is becoming much more anti-semitic as a result of these hollywood jews molestation revelations

they look at all the jews doing this stuff and say OY VEY could be a shoah! better defend and deflect, but not address the problem in a useful way like stopping it. So they shill and shill.

OP, we have the same problem at home.