
Danganronpa Thread
Whats gunna happen?

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Does someone have that picture of Juzo hating normal people?

Reposting because it's starting to get interesting again

Here yo go


> Chisa is actually alive
> Protects Naegi like her protecting Hinata.


Timer runs out, both fall asleep before the blow connects, and then they wake up in different locations.

In case anyone just searches 'dang' in the catalog like i do

Who will live next episode?

she does all kinds of things to my fearboner

Despair is carrying it so far.

>New update on Pokemon Sun and Moon today
>New episode today
Ahh, I can feel it, the exuberating power of Hope!

Doors was a red herring, his NG code is "Do not kill Naegi Makoto."

Naegi just builds a box to hide in with a door on each side. Only one door allows him to escape if he ever needs to, and the rest are booby trapped. Due to his Super High School Level Luck the person trying to attack him would never pick the right door

Naegi's luck will cause a Deus Ex Machina and he will escape relatively unharmed.

I like how Suwabe Junichi every role in his career is this kinda narcissic faggot

Makoto unleashes the secret ahoge arts.

Threadly reminder that this exists:

Naegi will break his sword with WORDS and Bullet Rebuttal.


You mean black.




If this what happen then im done with this series.
Iwish Kodaka would try to become the first oirignal and creative mind and kill off Naegi in the beginning of this story as huge twist. Because at this point, there is literally no value in the cliffhanger like this since in every other movies, cartoons and animes MC will always dodge this attack.

So... Why Hagakure organized third killing game?

>the thumbnail makes it look like he has a enourmously wide dick

Weedman is a man of many mysteries
>Large scar on his back
>Women's swimsuit with his name on it
>What he was doing for 3 years while hiding from the Yukaza
>Did he met the despair sisters before the killing games
>his hamburger being stolen

Thread reminder that Boxer is the Head Security guard at hope's peak during despair on Persona's orders

Remember what the Security guards do in DR0

I need your reactionary Mikan pictures to create the next hope for everyone in this thread, please help.

Any chances that we get some backstories?

Play the game, pleb. You got all the backstory you needed.

I thought this thing had limits

Got you bro.

>inb4 the secret agent kid is standing right fucking there and gets cut in half

> not watching DR3
"I hate this anime, everyone is acting rash and stupid
>wathing it
"Oh my god this is so amazing, whodunnit?"

>A normal Okinawan man

They took his hamburger as payment for the Eldritch knowledge they bestowed upon him and the skill to focus his ability into this timeline only for a 100% prediction truth rate.

I think they mean visuals.

Although her backstory is pretty realistic if you imagine she's from Brazil or some shit, her character could've used more work.

>cheapest possible shock twist
If he's gonna do it, he can do it with a better setup than this.

>implying they didn't import the blacks to fuck Jap women cause Jap men are hikis or gay
Germany imported Turks and blacks after WW2 cause all the men were fucking dead. What's the Japs' excuse?

Why is Naegi's luck weaker than Komaeda's?

is he even lucky?


Komaeda pays a price for his luck. For each lucky thing, something unlucky has to happen and the opposite. Naegi is a lesser version, used rarely throughout the first game, but is still used, though not as meaningful or extreme as Nagito's.

Gekkougahara is a hologram, that's why she didn't want to be touched, also her wheelchair is remote-controlled. Screencap this.

Because it just is. Why do people have average luck while Komaeda's luck is insane? Because that's just different levels of "talent" with luck.
And yes, Naegi is has above average luck, just not enough to lean on it like Nagito's.

That bacon's looking awfully juicy. Is there a particular meaning to the random braid? Also the thighs needed to be thiccer.

Is it coming out soon?

>if you imagine she's from Brazil or some shit
That's actually the first thing I thought of. I really hate it when clearly western characters get a Jap name slapped on them.

Not to mention the Ultimate Gymnast should have been from China or Russia. Her personality doesn't even make me think of a gymnast.

Why did everyone like Naegi more than Komaeda even if they both preach about Hope?

>enlarge image
>there isn't any bacon

Makoto's not totally nuts.

> Her personality doesn't even make me think of a gymnast.
Many ultimates personalities goes against their talents.

Makoto didn't orgasm every time he said hope.

I'm so sorry that your thirst for cock is so big you can't see it as literally anything else, user.

You too much drunk.


Komaeda's luck is just more visible and controllable, it also appears alot compare to Naegi on the other hand has no influence on his luck, it just happens and sometimes you can't tell if it was a coincidence or his luck at work.


>tries to keep everyone alive

>lol hope guys! let's kill eachother for hope! I have no problem with it! I actually planned to kill someone or get killed! HOPE!


Name one please. I think they've all been fitting for the most part.

So why do people call Danganronpa a waifubait series when realistically none of the girls are wife material? If they're not completely nuts (Mikan, Sayaka) they're retarded (Asahina, Ibuki) or bitchy (Kirigiri, Mahiru). Chiaki is the only girl I wouldn't be completely embarassed to be seen with at my high school reunion but she still has the drawback of being borderline autistic.
Meanwhile the guys are on average pretty well balanced and emotionally stable.



Naegi has bad luck, Komaeda has extreme luck.

Gekko is cute! CUTE!

>barely saved anyone, was played with thoroughly before being let go

>Worked towards achieving the Ultimate Hope
>saved the entire world by enabling Super Hajime
>is gonna save it again indirectly because of Izuru Hajime

> Chiaki is the only girl
I wouldn't be embarrassed for dating Princess, user.

He is chuuni, you retard.

Best new girl of DR3

Anything with anime girls can't be anything else others than trash waifubait according to Sup Forums and normalfags.
Don't search any reason or logic in this, there's none.

You say this every thread, you should just stop now.


>tfw sane, smart, non bitchy, non autistic waifu
feels good man

>I'd be embarrassed to show up at my High School reunion with Asahina in tow
>Chiaki is all right though

Are you fucking kidding me? Did you go to Video Game High or something? Or are you from the Bible Belt or something and would be lynched if you brought home a brown skinned girl?

Yeah, Sonia is pretty based.

Your reminder that Mirai-hen characters are supposed to be adults.

Reminder this is not the body of someone who who mutlated her own body to implant a crush uterus

But it's only really on the surface. I think even without his FTE's it's clear he's kind hearted and truly loves animals. His chuuni level is just Ultimate. Akane just eats, doesn't show any passion for her talent, and backstory aside she doesn't show any drive to do it.

People in their early twenties are still teenagers, they don't become real adults until about their 30s (like gozu and Bandai)

>Traditional Dancer
>not nationalistic
It's like if an American football player didn't have a US flag somewhere hanging up. Her being a bully is only proof of how much of a spoiled brat she is.

This is why Ultimate is a shit translation, it's misleading and makes it sound like they're at the top of their field world-wide.

>Video Game High

Fuck I haven't heard of that ever since I watched it off-hand on an airplane flight. What are people's general opinion on it anyways?

>bringing up anime and other stuff at inappropriate times
>princess but constantly says vulgar things
>not autistic

how biased can you be

Posting one of the best Dragonronpa girls

>those sweat drops coming down the inside of her thighs

gay as fuck but wew lad

> despair Asahina

>blonde hair

Are you ready for this?

So what your saying is Chiaki has no flaws

Anime is popular in her country, so she had the pretty good excuse.


fr*g off, they're both brown dumb big titted girls

daily reminder that if the ultimate gamer was a man he would have been fat, smelly, pale and extremely arrogant and autistic but since she is a girl she is perfect and with no flaws

Well she's great at being average

No, because it wont happen.

...I don't see it