
Explain why this anime is so good.

Ayame a shit

As per usual, Silver was the best girl.

The best part.

Toilet humour and overused predictable anime tropes appeal to people (e.g you) with lower intelligence.

Poor mans Prison School


It was ok.

This character is all the explanation you need

indirect ass to mouth


Anna a best

Catchy ED

it's just 12 episodes of pure fanservice, which is why the pervs on Sup Forums like it. It's just like all the sexual tropes present in a typical anime were condensed down and pasted together into an anime. It adds nothing to anime culture and acts as a repellant to normal people who might want to try watching an anime.

>normal people
>watching anime

The fuck is a "normal" person anyways? Whenever anyone describes it to me it sounds like the worst kind of person to be around.

This is a pretty fair reaction. Vaginas are kind of the same. If you' only ever read about them and seen porn then you'd see the best of the best. In reality a lot of vaginas make the sarlaac from Star Wars look pretty by comparison.

It was chock full of semen demons.

Anna and her mother.

>Anna's mom will never get lewd unless anime original content or an absurd gag when the betamax snaps and goes full polygamy


I've seen enough normalfags discuss this show/badly cosplay Ayame's Blue Snow get up.