What is ruining modern anime?

What is ruining modern anime?



Anything you don't like

Shitty threads like yours.

Not enough pantyshots.

Pandering to purityfags.


>What is ruining modern anime?
Yaoi, traps, and futa.

Male characters.

Only making promotional adaptation and not fully adapting a series

they should make a shota gil anime.

OP said ruining not saving

Not this, that's for sure.

Not yuri.
That's for sure.

>Pic not related

I feel like the age of male MCs is over

They ruin Sup Forums not anime.

Not enough of nipples.

So more shoujo like Orange?

>implying there's anything to ruin in the first place

>Only making promotional adaptation and not fully adapting a series

I don't even like this kind of shitposting but I consider this thread to be 10 times the quality of all those waifu and hentai threads talking about netorare.

Honestly, people giving good reviews to fucking shit shows. I look at anime reviews and everyone keeps fucking slamming that 8 star rating when the show sucks ass.

otaku have no standards.
Sup Forums doesn't either.


There's nothing wrong with anime aside from certain things like Are you really getting mad over people giving high ratings to some popular series on MAL?



Lack of lolis

Shit taste.
Idiots that think old anime is better than new ones.
Not enough MS anime.

Yuri, and people who like and buy yuri

Not only on MAL but even in nips sites.

But yuri is literally saving anime

Maybe if you are a lesbian

Its literally destroying anime for normal males

>maybe if you are a lesbian
What are you, gay?

It's very obvious you're projecting again user.

Damn you're right. Girls are totally gross. As a normal male I hate it

Are you talking about shit taste or people not understanding that 8 means "great"


He's talking about people who don't share his opinions.

Nothing is ruining anime, the medium has just shifted to portraying characters and scenarios that you don't enjoy as much.

>muh damage control
Nice one user


It's really just this. Otherwise things have been pretty great.

Ii think anime is in a great place. It's cheaper and easier to acquire in top quality than it ever has been with a variety of adaptions across many genres. New revenue streams allow studios to take risks on shows they probably wouldn't before. More theaters are willing to show films that aren't just Ghibli productions. It's nice.

>Being this blatantly autistic

What does a normal male do?

The sort of people who think RE:Zero is a big deal and have very little clue about what else is airing.

edgy shonen. it doesn't matter which deconstructionist or parody excuse they give to justify it. They're all irreparably shit.

Re:Zero and everything isekai harem

They still haven't bought traditional animation. They have all the damn money.


Fap to traps.

As it should be. Male MCs add nothing to a show.



Teens. I'm sick of seeing a 15 y/o kid beating a someone twice older than him.

Adaptations. They add nothing and are such good money makers that studios refuse to make original shows anymore. And if they do, they're usual generic as hell to insure sales.

>Fap to traps.
According to this user, maybe.


Digital production leading to more and more low effort shows a season.

Why do studios do this? Yuri is so much better if there are males getting cucked by a girl in the anime.

>unironically enjoying ree:zero

This picture is as disgusting as your soul.

Anime fans

>No results

Not enough loli fanservice.

Better than watching bunch of girls do nothing with some yuribait throw in to the mix

Its just showing the average male yurifags

>implying /u/ hasn't always been a bunch of annoying dykes
Call them whatever flavor of the moment label, but they've absolutely always been a bunch of cunts.

This only apply if is not some master/sensei. They are undefeatable even when they are in their 90s.

The difference between yuri and yaoi perfectly represented in a pic.

They make things based on what sells instead having effort put into good, quality series

>be best girl
>lose Waifu War to trash

How are losers like us supposed to self-interest if the worst girl always wins?

Funny how this old ass pic still holds up today.

Somebody should add in a haremshitter as a sweaty 30 yo neckbeard self-inserting into androgynous jap teenager

>Its just showing the average male yurifags
More like the average male on Sup Forums, what were you trying accomplish again?

>More like the average male on Sup Forums

Speak for yourself yurishitter

I agree. Also, adapting ongoing series with no end in sight, and for manga, writing a meandering story with no end game. Prisma 1 and Prisma 2wei are an example of how to do it right, divide the story into concrete sections that can mostly be enjoyed on their own.

3rei might be good, but it remains to be seen, the fact that the author took a break after the flashback arc is worrying. Hopefully we get a decent ending to the story in time for an anime adaption.



>the current year
>not being handsome

Why the fuck an hetero male would like to see other males in an anime? Putting aside the self insertion one.

Beta MC

That's it.

Not enough /ll/

Consider myself as a Yurifan, but I am not
...caring of myself
...fit, clean, groomed and healthy
Maybe, sometimes, but not always...

Awful attempt at a strawman, seriously no effort at all.

Lolis are only to be loved by their oniichans.

I really don't understand how can exist someone that unironically hate the cutest and most adorable form of romance. And the most heartwarming and sweet pairings.
I bet people like this kick puppies and torture kittens too.

I guess some people arent cucks

> the cutest and most adorable form of romance
Well there is your problem, it isnt.

I don't get it either, but I've long since accepted that some people just have incurable shit taste.


You will get it someday, when you become straight

I guess you can prove me wrong then, but wait, you can't.



Basically anyone trying to escape into a world of 2d girls, who won't let characters grow or have good/bad things happen to them because they are attached to a character.

From the bottom of your heart, do you really think that males are not physically disgusting as hell? You've been brainwashed too much by your culture.

You're funny, user.

No, I dont hate my own dick.

I wonder how yurifags dont kill themselves for being males

The people who watch it.