Love Live: Sunshine!!

where's the Sunshine thread at

starting with PRETTY BOMBER HEAD~

Yoshiko's probably my #3 now, after Riko and Dia.


Riko's mom is pretty cute


Ruby is a big baby!

Reminder to not bully Kanan. Kanan is cute.

Marikanan is OTP

Is she a mime?


Can you yurifags fuck off back to your containment board?

Shes just trying to protect ruby from people on the internet, like us

But we're already there.

>all the delicious thigh/leg/cloth outline service of all the girls
>but Ruby
Staff confirmed for hating her and her fans.



love live is an anime with all girls
are you REALLY complaining about yuri?

Kurosawa Ruby is a giant Baby!


everytime you show up the thread becomes 3 times better

My waifu on the left, her canon ship on the right.

Kanan plz

>he still posts the photo

Hanayo can't afford rice anymore so she's doing enjo kosai.


Such lust for knots.


Shut up MariDia a best

I'm sorry for degrading the character's relationships with my fantasies. Please, let's go back to talking about how we want Riko to be violently sodomized by large dogs.

I'm just going to continue to fantasise about you getting fucked by the thing you fear the most, user. It gets me ridiculously wet.

No I still can't think of a reason why anyone could possibly hate yuri.

So I'll take this as a bait.

some people just dont know the beauty of girl on girl

Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss! and 02. Step! ZERO to ONE are the only good songs in that entire cd dumping

Some people would prefer to get fucked by dogs than a girl.

Like Riko.

Only Ruby would.

Yes, it's really good.

What? SZtO is the worst song in the LL project as a whole so far. It's fucking awful.

Nothing is worse than solge.

>Yes, it's really good.
>SZtO is the worst song

Well, thanks for contributing your opinion to the trash.

Not sure if bait or abysmally awful taste.

I still don't like any of these girls as much as Nico, but that's fine.

That's like resisting love itself.

>muh deep mature voices
It's shit mate. Pure shit.

Yohane is my chuunifu!

I'm not sure, after that last episode I think Ruby wants to be fucked by everything that lives. Dogs, girls, faceless men, her sister, everything. How did they change the girl who is scared of everything into such a giant slut?

Good for you Riko.

>trying to shit on Ruby to get people people off Riko
Blame Sunrise for making Riko a dogfucker, not Ruby.

You sound like the kind of cancer who likes Nico Puri and thinks it's a legitimately good song.

let a little popularity inside and an entire character can be fucked over

Oh I agree about Riko being a dogfucker, but that last episode singled out Ruby as a hyperslut.

>You will never eiffel tower Riko with Shiitake all night long and then upload the video to the idol ranking website for all to see

Why is she so perfect, lads?

Not really.

wtf i hate pure girls now

Not my fault Ruby has a card with a dog prepared to get the knot.

Zura is a dork.

The promo art literally has Ruby about to be fucked by a dog.

Look at her how much she wants it.

>Rikofags so mad that their waifu is a dogfucker they call Ruby a dogfucker.

I want the μ's members to show up, I don't care if they got old.

Rubyfags are just upset that the anime took away her bestiality, her only redeeming trait.

>Rubyfag so mad that their waifu is a dogfucker they call Riko a dogfucker.

Girls lose their charm as soon they graduate.

Preferably as preggos.

>Chika's Birthday
>No Chika OP
You would be disappointed.


If you like small girls in general, you are not in luck with Sunshine.
And any kind of Love Live style fanservice while every girl gets a lot. Even the staff knows there's nothing to like Ruby for now, so they threw in that ridiculous segment where people were praising her, what a joke.

I'm going to marry this Maru and there's nothing you can do about it.

>If you like small girls in general, you are not in luck with Sunshine.
What? The first years this time are ten times better than the µ first years.

Dia a cute. CUTE!

They're all worn out gravure hags now. Except Nico.

A couple of those posts are mine, yes, but I'm not a Rikofag. I just hate Ruby.

[spolier]Yohane/You/Dia best girls[/spoiler]

>youfag in charge of spoiler

>except Nico

Nico's the most likely girl to be a gravure idol, she's desperate for attention.

Except she has the body of a preteen boy.

Nips won't allow it, they don't like DFC

I never said she'd be a successful gravure idol, but she'd damn well try if she didn't get anywhere trying to go solo.

Kanan is delicious.

Time for tits?

Small != young.
And while Nico got some nice fanservice, Ruby sure isn't getting any.
It's all the mature girls getting all the service this time around.

It's been 5 episodes, was Nico even introduced at this point?

I'm presuming the final order will be

Kanan and Dia>Mari

Kanan will join because Chika is her childhood friend and helps brings her back. Dia will lose to Chika and make up a lie about protecting her sister.

5 was her introduction episode, but she appeared briefly in episodes before it.

Except Ruby had her introduction episode, and a lot of times to get the usual legservice and whatnot the others got.
Yet the staff is just not one for giving her any fanservice, and as a result her popularity is a thing of the past.
They even joked about it this episode.

Reminder to not reply to LRD.

Reminder that you're a shitposter.

Kanan and Chika being childhood friends got retcon'd/given to You.

Kanan is still childhood friend in the anime.

You should know things like this by heart user, did you even watch the show?

I try to forget anything that had to do with that "thing"

Yeah, of Mari and/or Dia probably. Not Chika though.

>not remembering the moment that LL was ruined by her introduction

Did you even watch episode 1?

Is YohaRiko the EliUmi of our generation?

What? When Kanan wasn't in any flashbacks?

When they were interchanging presents..

>retconned in favor of a dog
>retconned in facor of a cow
Pretty much


Nico is my waifu.

>Get teased in the beginning
>Get retconned in the anime
>People keep defending it untill the bitter end, posting fanart as if it would make it canon

Now we just need to wait and see if Sunshine replaces it with a much better ship, then we'll have our answer.

August 1 in Japan.

Happy birthday Chika-chan!!