Prove you're an oldfag

Prove you're an oldfag

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t.guy who saved this off KYM

All I dare say is: vy_xbXIJ898

But I'm actually a newfag, been here only since 2009


Oldest pic in my Sup Forums folder.

Why do I feel angry after looking at that pic? Angry and uncomfortable. Fuck.

This thing can turn on a dime, macross zero style!


Us 90's kids amirite?

Just report the edgy, unfunny shitter.

But in good old times I went to my country's domestic imageboad.

I like older women


My VHS tapes are still packed up at my mother's house and a lot of them are fan subs and recordings of dub shit airings like Sci-fi's Saturday Anime, so it wouldn't really help to take a picture of them.

>There was Internet in your 'good old times'
Young-fag detected.

Dunno, I started using the internet in 2001, when I was 11.

I miss ye olde meems like cockmongler, happy nigra and rei cock.
Also I unironically liked the DESU spam

Jesus! Everything after the 80's not fair game for good old times. I really don't feel like anything should be 'good old times' if it doesn't at least predate the The National Minimum Drinking Age Act.

I was using the Internet is '96, and I still consider it a relatively new thing. Certainly I've been enjoying anime since before then.

Fuck you.

Life like texture ;_;