ITT: Confession thread

ITT: Confession thread
I unironically think One Punch Man was the best anime I've seen in the last 5 years.

Let me guess OP, you've seen less than 300 anime and you also think Re:zero is AOTY/AOTS, right?

So this is a circlejerk thread for redditors and crossboarders? Fuck off.

more people will agree with you on that then if you said rezero

Did you read the webcomic? The anime didn't even cover any good arcs, and quality-wise it was regular madhouse level, same as parasyte, hxh and their other titles with a bit of budget
Its not amazing.

NTR is delicious

Dumb newshit. Confessions only work in threads that are about be purged. How else are your sins going to be cleansed?

Macross has been shit since SDF.

I unironically think Akagami no Shirayuki-hime was the second best show in both seasons it aired in, it felt like a Disney anime. No amount of anons calling it baby's first shojo or spamming zzz will change my opinion.

Re:Zero fags hate OPM

Reminder to report and ignore rec threads

It is
>One punch man
>Re Zero
are all good, but Sup Forums cannot admit it because they would realize the only reason they watch moe is because they want a gf.

I haven't watched an anime or read manga in years and I come here daily

Shimoneta was AoTY 2015
Sword Art Online is merely okay
Akame ga Kill does its gimmick well regardless of people thinking it went too far
Witchblade is a testament to early-mid 00s "forgettable" ecchi being superior to modern forgettable ecchi like Valkyrie Drive
Galko-chan is my personal AoTY with Luluco a close second.

I used to be a really big fan of Gundam Seed, I watched through the whole 50 episode show four times over the course of two years and I watched the movie trilogy compilation twice. I "only" watched through Destiny while it aired, my taste has become less shit since then. I still think all four of the opening themes are awesome though along with some of the Destiny ones.

Burn in hell, faggot.

The animation was a lot better than regular madhouse level senpai.

How can anyone hate him?

I don't get how so many people like him.

Gate had a garbage first season and SAO is shit I dropped even before the first half of the first season was over when it was airing. But there is nothing wrong with One punch man, and Rezero, even if they not as good as the internet says. I don't care for DBZ in the slightest though.

I unironically think Umaru is one of the best SoLs in this decade.

Nisekoi(anime) s1 is amazing

Mekakucity Actors were pretty good.

>But there is nothing wrong with One punch man, and Rezero
tips fedora

I enjoyed most of Nadia's island episodes. They're so goofy, I can't hate them.

Mapo tofu?

Beta scumbags aka re:zero and LNfags

He is bored, doesn't know what to do with his life and likes playing videogames just like 90% of Sup Forums.

What did I say that was euphoric in any way user?

I haven't truly enjoyed single Trigger anime.

I just lurked 1 (ONE) year before posting
Despite being almost a sjw, rape, loli and mindbreak are my favorite tags

Sup Forums can hardly be considered the "best anime community" anymore with how shitty it has become. The constant generals don't have any worthwhile discussion while making up half of the threads on the board, while another quarter are cancerous threads like this and "What did he/she mean by this?", "This is your date for tonight", etc. The rare few threads that don't fall into either category usually die rapidly or have the bare minimum of intelligent conversation occurring. Even worse is that Sup Forums users have the gall to think that elitism is still alive while shitposting or ignoring the sparse few worthwhile threads or screaming for mods when any form of interaction that even resembles a community occurs.

But he doesn't act like standard anime neets and behave his age.

Rejoice user

That just makes him dull to me.

>Sup Forums can hardly be considered the "best anime community" anymore with how shitty it has become.
What is the best anime community now?

The first season of full metal panic is the most garbage, generic mecha I have ever seen and it killed any interest in watching any of the other seasons because it's bland Betty the mecha.

Reddit duh

>say you don't like something
>get down voted and everyone calls you a troll

He can't beat mob at level 100

Best action anime ever, expected nothing less from Madhouse. However the jokes are unfunny, a lot of characters are one-dimensional. You never really feel attached to anyone or anything. Just like the manga, it's just a flashy spectacle of action but that's all it is. One Punch Man is just a Michael Bay movie.

The premise makes Saitama's fights predictable and the gag got stale after the first few chapters. There's really nothing interesting other than Blast. And please don't give me the "it's comedy so you can't criticize it hurrrr!" because by that logic those awful parody movies by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer can't be criticized. It doesn't matter if something is self-aware, if it's shit, it's still shit. OPM is not shit, but everything that's not action scene is pretty boring.

Madhouse's best anime is still pic related.

I liked the first half of SAO season 1.

>say you don't like something
>get "down voted" by people replying with b8 pics and making "here's (you)" posts

everyone did. even Sup Forums. ignore all the hating threads, when the anime was airing everyone on Sup Forums called it AOTY/AOTS save a few exceptions as is usual with any good anime. what ruined it is them leaving the game which should have ended the anime right then. anyone who says otherwise wasn't here for the threads

>Lying on the internet.

>Tatami Galaxy
>Dennou Coil

You're still a newfriend aren't you


>Gunslinger Girl

ONE's humor is absolutely horrible, I don't understand why so many people like the humor of that hack.

Yes, true. That list is just more memory though

I've watched most of the major titles of the last three or four years and the only one that could elicit even the slightest chuckle from me was Jojo.

I don't understand the hate towards Aldnoah Zero. I liked it a lot.

I think ping pong is over hyped and beside good animation the story lacked depth and the character development was on par with an average novel

I might be wrong, but doesn't downvoting on reddit hide your post? If you get replied to enough on Sup Forums everyone will start looking at your post to see what the fuss is about if it happens on reddit you don't exist.

The first season was solid. Sup Forums liked it back when it was airing. Then season 2 got announced.

hunter x hunter > flavor of the month man

>The first season was solid. Sup Forums liked it back when it was airing

I've seen all of those and Hunter x Hunter has better story, characters, animation and music. Just because Hunter x Hunter is superior doesn't mean you have to be a contrarian hipster. Ironically that's what newfags usually do

It's a "If the normalfags like it then I hate it" episode

Yeah. If it falls below a certain threshold. The >good subbreddit strum that off though.

Yes. I remember the Aldnoah threads you fucking memester

>I unironically watched Queen's Blade for the plot and liked it

Fate/zero is the best Fate series and I have finished the VN+F/HA and almost finish Apocrypha.

Urobutcher is better than Nasu but I think Fate/strange fake is going to be the best Fate series once its finished

Fuck off.


Kill yourself, buddy.

>He tries to tell me HxH has a better story than Monster
>He tries to tell me HxH has better characters than Tatami Galaxy
>He tries to tell me HxH has better animation than Rainbow
>He tries to tell me HxH has better music than Nana

Nice bait but lying about seeing them doesn't support your bullshit

OPM got better during the Garou arc, because there is actual character development in that arc, and the current arc, which shows potential. If by the gag you mean Saitama defeating his opponent in one punch, then i must inform you that it wasn't really a joke besides the first few chapters. The comedy wasn't really the main focus of the manga which anime was based on, and lots of jokes couldn't work without the goofy, shitty ONE scribbles, like the dine&dashing Saitama.

You are beyond help.

Eggs and shitposting is all I can remember.

fate/zero was made for fags with a fetish for choking women

I think that AmaBri is the best anime that kyoani have ever produced since FMP fumoffu

First half was dumb filler like the ghost stories and meeting Kirito's lesser harem members.

All of SAO was bad; its just SAO went from Active Raid/Sacred Seven/Kiba bad to schlocky hentai bad

It wasn't that good, the second part was average

>He still uses newfag
What a newfriend

OPM is anything but flavor of the month.

So you wasn't around, then. Sup Forums got really into the Slaine vs Inaho shitposting. And the ending was quite a shitstorm.

When I started to watch anime i would watch every show that it aired in that season, now I watch at most 10 in a year , the same goes for Sup Forums i post here just a few times in a year

I unironically find myself enjoying chinese anime more than regular anime nowadays.

(You) first, fag.

I can't watch anime with suffering, no matter how small. Everytime something half sad happens i need to watch something happy to cheer up.

I wouldn't necessarily interpret that as the show being liked though.
Either way, Aldnoah Zero was already subpar in its first half.

You clearly wrong because sakamichi no apollon came out in 2012 friendo

You know dbz stopped airing in 1996 right?

please keep your autism in one thread R&I

because can kick the ass of your favorite character

What is this even about? I remember asking who rob or some shit was and the only reply I got was the t.his name meme.


I enjoyed chobits

Is that from Gurren Lagann?


>quality-wise it was regular madhouse level, same as parasyte
What the fuck are you on? It was much better than normal Madhouse level, and Parasyte was worse than normal Madhouse level. Parasyte had a bunch of absolute garbage-tier fights.

I drop anime I don't enjoy watching regardless of what others think.

To think I would come across this obscure meme here

Hokuto no Ken is the best Manga of all time.


i unironically came to saitama jerking me off at high speeds

delete this message

I think Another is a 10/10 anime

there will never be a SoL better than Non Non Biyori

I only watch slice of life anime from the 60s

Patrician taste

I have a few confessions to make.

I genuinely like Black Clover.

Until the BNHA anime came out, I had only watched dubbed anime.

I think a lot of you are massive faggots

I'm not going to watch any anime but Precure until I've finished it. Cure black is best cure.