Hey if Trump sets precedent for shutting off NBC broadcast via executive order, and SCOTUS says that's fine...

Hey if Trump sets precedent for shutting off NBC broadcast via executive order, and SCOTUS says that's fine, can future liberal presidents shut down entire websites and social media tools if they want to? Like say if Facebook or Google publish or host fake news..

Would it work at the user level? Or is it organization?

Like say if I got elected president and I decide to kick Trump off of Twitter. Could I kick just Trump off Twitter, or would I have to ban Twitter altogether via executive order?

I really love this new ground the new president is taking, sure hope the Justice branch doesn't overstep and override Trump's Constitutional rights to decree whatever he wants as president. I bet they do. I bet they're like "wah wah wah first amendment"

Hopefully Gorsuch will back Trump!

(..also, does Trump realize he's taking on General Electric when he picks this fight? Microsoft, as well..)

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Don’t bother op. The trump cultists have drank the kook aid.

I was going to call you a complete and total faggot, then I saw your flag.

I hope he fucking shuts down Media Matters and throws every one of you fucking faggots in prison. I don't care if you call him hitler I don't care if you chimp out in the streets. You delusional retards have gone on too long and it's time to end this. You're not right. Objectively you're all fucking retarded and you need to learn a lesson you weren't taught by your parents.

In prison for what?

Oh hey and while you're answering what's your opinion on the whole Lavoy Finicum thing?


Oh you know seditious conspiracy against the United State of America. Tribunals are on the way. Enjoy your demise.

> you are now aware that El Chapo's trial begins April 2018

> you are now aware Trump fired all the AG's who extradited him and hasn't been preparing

> and now he's focused on shutting off NBC?

And how have I caused a rebellion?

(I'm assuming you know what seditious means)

(I'm assuming you know you have to prove your assertion thats the point of the 6th amendment)

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

he's baiting the MSM morons, just like the butt hurts fags on this thread


And how exactly does pointing out flaws in Donald Trump's plans result in that shit you just copypasta'ed?

I mean, congratulations on being able to Google and ctrl+c but you haven't answered any questions

yep, precedent's a bitch

>broadcasting license

It’s a frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum tNBC broadcasts for TVs with antennas.

Most people watch through their cable provided, not over the air.

He can’t shut down NBC you idiot.

Why are you faggots so obsessed with Trump's tweets though? Like this one thing that unites you faggots is your hatred for Trump being able to communicate directly to his supporters without passing through your media filter and frame. Do you even know why you hate it? It's just some emotional thing because you've been trained by the media you watch to hate it, right? You see Kimmel and Colbert and whoever else you faggots watch these days joke about his twitter and you lose your mind, just parrot whatever they program into you?

Broadcast networks like NBC, etc are REGULATED, bro. The airwaves they broadcast on, to make them accessible to any home with an antenna and a tv, are public property, owned by the state and licensed off to the big networks. ABC/CBS/NBC operate on a different legal framework than your huffington post or freelance newspaper writer. The state still has a lot of control over what they can air. This is why, for example, you don't see porn and full frontal on NBC.

NBC doesn't have a "free speech right" to broadcast porn over the airwaves that belong to the public. Maybe you should do a bit of research before applying your usual "criticism" of "by that logic" and "mah hypocrisy" which are quite frankly so played out and lazy, signs of a weak mind. Come up with something new, please.

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

put a fork in that


typing that long but not answered any of OP questions?

i wonder why

Revoking a license for airwave broadcast doesn't "shut them down"

Why can't another company have the frequency license?

>future liberal presidents

> Do you even know why you hate it? It's just some emotional thing because you've been trained by the media you watch to hate it, right?

Do you understand that when you ask a question and don't answer it, that it's not actually debate? And that everything after this is stupid?

No, no one told you that did they?

Why are you accusing NBC of broadcasting porn?

Failing to rekanize all dem delicious numeric values

OP is a faggot

Sorry is this better?


Guess you'll be finding out, now wontcha?

Except he did, in the last paragraph. You stupid fucking sand nigger.

>Why are you accusing NBC of broadcasting porn?
It's a hypothetical to prove a point you stupid fucking swine.

Oh ok.

So if Trump bans NBC it'll be over porn not news

Does that mean I can only ban Melania?

>shut down entire websites and social media tools if they want to?
Dumbass, this is already happening. Time for Trump to make an example out of someone from the corporate left.

I'm so glad Trump started the fire in Cali

Facebook and (especially) Google have no real control over the content they have, where as something like NBC has complete control over the shit they advertise, you fucking peanut brain

No control! Someone should fix that. Sounds dangerous!

why are niggers always brainlets?


that guy looks more like a toe

Why would he do it by EO? That's retarded. He can simply have the FCC revoke their broadcast license and take them off the air for fake news.

Fake news is illegal as per the FCC code.

Anderson Cooper can yell fake news into a blog, but if CNN wants to keep their broadcast license they should stop doing what they're doing, which is fomenting an insurrection.

>all this buttmad because trump is going to shut down his favorite fake news media
That's right shills and fake journalists, you're going to be out of a job.

>broadcast license
>clear, obvious and demonstrable violation of public trust using public airwaves
you are one dumb motherfucker, you know that? no, you you probably don't know that. yet another consequence of being really a very stupid, stupid person.

I find it hilarious that left use Twitter to get kids lynched for saying nigger on the Internet, but when megacorps like NBC, CNN, etc. blatantly misrepresent exchanges; that does not deserve retaliation...

I.e. "Trump called Tillerson a fool!" but actual words were "the fake news media made Tillerson out to be a fool", or calling everyone at a literal free speech rally "Nazis" and using Jew gravity to force their Uni into kicking them out of college they had to actually pay for... all for a sick ideology that wishes to eliminate individual traits by invalidating or shifting their meanings...

22, 33, and 99 complete the cycle

The news media has even less support than their polls indicate (10% believe them?) and when they disappear with a whiff people will simply stop watching so much TV.

TV is a giant waste of time and TV watchers should be castrated.