You can only serve one king who would you die for Sup Forums ?

You can only serve one king who would you die for Sup Forums ?

Fuck that, King Hassan, Nero, or Ozymandias?

There is but one king for me, and he's not among the options you've posted.

The rest are shit desu

>Iskander would shed a tear when you die
>Gil wouldnt notice
>Arturia will just accept it as a needed sacrifice to MAKE BRITANNIA GREAT AGAIN

If you're well-adjusted, Iskander is the king for you.

If you're do-M, Gil is the king for you.

If you're do-S, then Arturia is a most wonderful king.

Is the faggot on the right another Gil clone?

One of them is not a king and doesn't have a place in a debate of kings.

My king for all eternity.

The only good one there.

This one.

Gil all the way

King Hassan
Reminder that he was supposed to kill Hassan but he didn't. based king doesn't give a shit about rules

The one and only.

I want Lancer Arturia to be the filling in a shota sandwich.

Alexander the king of banter any day

If she's wearing that then why would anyone think she's a guy

the Welsh aren't the brightest

Arthur, without a doubt.

Majima of course!

I no longer acknowledge Saber as a king

My queen

As much as I love Saber, she was a terrible king. She thought she had to shoulder everything by herself, which distanced herself from everyone.

Gil would kill me the very second I displeased him unless I proved myself to the point of being another Enkidu.

By process of elimination, Iskandar.

I didn't vote for any of you.

>wanting a king

Gil isn't a bad king in F/SF is anything to go by and he wasn't bad in zero.

Iskander might also kill you when he's drunk, though.

only if you're being a bitch

Stop posting Griffith.

The one and true king, of course.

>she was a terrible king
Did you even read the VN?

Iskander wouldnt give a shit about me or my family and would likely lead me to certain death all for his silly ambition

Gilgamesh would probably kill me on a whim

Arturia would dedicate herself to my protection as long as it was beneficial to the rest of the relm

Going to have to go with Arturia.

Why not serve all three?

>exterminated mudslimes
>built a wall
>made Camelot great again
Artrumpia is the king we deserve.

The fabulous one of course. Gil's kingdom would be /fa/ as fuck.

>would get rekt by King Hassan in the blink of an eye
Sorry man, but I'd want my king to be strong.

Shush Muzzie

What's King Hassan's abilities man?

This is just too fucking juvenile.

MeoDP on crack.

He kills fates.

I didn't vote for them.

I'd vote for Hassan, that's rad.

I want Saber to bully me into serving her.

>Gil would kill me the very second I displeased him
Only if you're absolutely worthless in his eyes, otherwise he'd just berate you. You're a modern day human so you'd have to prove yourself to not be worthless

You don't vote for Kings.

>I'd vote for Hassan, that's rad.

Cool story, Ahmed.

Gilgamesh, because there are no other kings.





>Die for someone

I'm my only king and every real man should be his own king and ruler

Then I will worship her and establish a cult of Saber.

Saber Alter. Though I wouldn't serving Gil or Alex. As long as it's CCC Gil he seems chill.

It was awesome how Gilgamesh admired Waver's loyalty towards Iskandar.

Lol as if it's our choice. Gilgamesh has an A+ rank charisma so the highest out of the 3. It's not about choosing it's about if you are worthy enough for him to let you live and serve him.

>Iskander wouldnt give a shit about me or my family and would likely lead me to certain death all for his silly ambition

This 2bh people say he is the best King but he lead his whole army and friends to death for the sole purpose of his dream.

Left or right ?

Left on my right and right on my left.

Like picking between AIDS and anthrax

They both look retarded with their breasts hanging out. I like Alter's dragon-y armor though, it's cool.

Either is good as long as they keep their armor on.

Wait, is the "mouth"-looking part a visor, or are her eyes behind the glowy eye slit? One of those must be redundant.

Her armor is great.

I believe it's a visor, and the glowy eyes are just there for intimidation.

Trying to compare the placement of her eyes in the second artwork to the helmet in the first actually puts them slightly above the slit, but still below the glowy eyes.



Left is clearly stronger. Look at dem numbers.

Numbers aren't everything

Actualy right is stronger in game than left.

Uglier too.

Easy, Gil. Give me one artifact from your stash of treasure's and I will easily follow you unto death, oh King of Babylon.

I disagree with your opinion user.

No you don't.

Would gilgamesh love big tits sabe?

I serve someone who can pay me with real gold not some dream and bullshit.
So Gil.

the one with the best boipucci

I do.

Prototype Arthur


The only king for me

>Garry Tsu faggot

I really want to impregnate her.

Emperors are a better kind of king, good choice.

What is the difference between an Emperor and a King?

Well for the Romans the real title of the Emperor was that of "prime senator" as in the most important one like in "prime minister". The emperor was also supposed to be an example to the people and a representation of it. Later on it became more like a position of godhood, as in the rules because he is a divine incarnation like the kings of before. The Latin speaking Romans have never liked or respected kings ever since they became a republic and more or less to the end so while the emperor was functionally the same thing he was thought to be something different and better.

I did not choose her though.

Google user.

This desu

I would most likely follow Gilgamesh. Out of the three of them, he is the one i would love to have a meaningful and sexual relationship with. Sure he would dominating me, but we could have some really interesting banter going on, since i share some of his views. I would most likely be the Pucci to his DIO. Also, i hope that he will not rip my heart out, since i happen to share a name with a certain character who Gil de-hearted.

>called a King
>doesn't do any king shit in the modern world
Gil is a hack

Plebs wanting to be ruled, such is the will of the weak and lowly, how pathetic.

None, I'll travel around the world with my Captain !

He did the whole 'attempt to reduce humanity to only the worthy' thing, man.

Whore of babylon

You're either a faggot or a woman, he took them on the greatest lads holiday in human history.

Americans don't die for a King you monarcuck.


The revolutionaries initially wanted to keep ties with the monarchy. The anti-monarchy thing is pretty recent.

Do I start with zero or stay night? Google isn't helping.

Read the Fate Stay Night Realta Nua first. Then you can watch literally anything you want in the fate franchise.

If you do not want to read a VN: Start with Fate/Zero. Then watch Unlimited Blade Works. Then you read the wiki and pretend you are not a secondary.

>not wanting to be ruled

zero, though you are supposed to read the fucking awful visual novels first


He's Gil if he was a lot less of a twat