"Allah" found on coming clothes

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Why did Vikings have 'Allah' embroidered into funeral clothes? - bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-41567391

Muslim man come home

Other urls found in this thread:


"Allah" found on Viking clothing *

They didn't. The Arabs did.

Then explain mass immigration of Muslims to Sweden, clearly their genetic compass is leading them home

I think he meant Allah followers cum on clothing and anything else they can rape.

Fuck I can't even shitpost right in the morning desu

>To unlock the puzzle, she enlarged the letters and examined them from all angles, including from behind.

"I suddenly saw that the word 'Allah' [God] had been written in mirrored lettering," she says.

Looking for faces in clouds

>We know from other Viking tomb excavations that DNA analysis has shown some of the people buried in them originated from places like Persia, where Islam was very dominant.

Sounds like bullshit. Is this the T mtdna is Persian meme?

>"I couldn't quite make sense of them and then I remembered where I had seen similar designs - in Spain, on Moorish textiles."

So even if it is kufic, lands Vikings raided, mystery solved

Allah found coming on clothes

You see user, muslims in Sweden is nothing new. The vikings allowed Arabs to settle in their land.
Also don't forget that raising your wife's son was seen as honorable in the viking culture.