If enough of us believe, a new thing can be made to exist...

If enough of us believe, a new thing can be made to exist. Belief structure creates a filter through which chaos is sifted into /ai/ - Idle Activities

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The Guide:


From ashes a fire shall be woken
A light from the shadows shall spring
Renewed shall be blade that was broken
The crownless shall again be king

The world is grey, the mountains old
The forge's fire is ashen and cold
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls
The darkness dwells in /ai/ - Idle Activities

>[Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 016 [4664A94A].mkv

Laura holding two /ai/nons.








/ai/ coloring books folder
I locked myself out of my account, kill me

Tomorrow is the three week mark for Coloring Project 5, and we still have a lot of open and uncolored squares. If you're interested in coloring a square, let me know. If you want to color a second square, that's fine too! The previous completed coloring projects can be found here: imgur.com/a/aDhUk

Zip file with each individual squares: mega.nz/#!OsAViR6S!iQ26ozjWraXzkwmoFE8Oe4LRR9rz8j6KoPdeSfXx_YM

They now make irl cyalume wedding coords.


I want to fuck Lala.

Me too dude.


Don't let your dreams be dreams /ai/.

folow you're dreams.......

>juri's birthday
>the OP is not Juri



RIP in peace, Rola


The episode really did make it feel like Rola was dead at points.


>Andou background dancers


I think I liked the duet version better than any other version thus far.

>182 'Laura!''s in an episode
What's his face doesn't stand a chance.


Would you say livewatches create a general increase in quality on /ai/?


In my dream I was drowning my idles. But my idles, they learned to swim.

You don't have any idles.

That's why it was a dream.


You could use nicer dreams.

She should be in the main cast instead of Mahiru.
I mean why do we need two models.

Sidles are the miracle of the universe

Can we mass produce them?

I miss teddy bear sidle.

Let's make an /ai/ video game.

kubota miyu/sophie wearing a horse mask

Haruka tension down doowwwwn!

The goal is for them to self-produce.

We can call it suic/ai/dolm@ster

crossover idle rpg?


I want to make some sort of turn-based RPG/SRPG about idols.

/ai/non is living his normal, pathetic life when he gets pulled into his favorite /ai/ show and becomes a main character. He can fulfill his fantasies as he wishes and lead the show into whatever he wants, however, his life is tied to /ai/. When the last /ai/non quits /ai/, he will die. He must find the perfect balance in order to keep his show and his life alive and relevant.

Idle Musou.


I would legitimately put effort into making an idol game if I had someone to work with.

Sorry, I specialize in Hardware.

>Saiga Mitsuki will never steal your bus tickets

I don't specialize in anything. I'm just teaching myself how to play music right now.

I specialize in jotting down ideas in notepad, daydreaming about them for years, making them into imaginary tv shows, games, movies, comics, huge fake franchises that span decades, etc. and not actually doing anything with them.


we should hang out some time.


We're hanging out on /ai/ right now!

Me on the left.

Is this yuri?


No but this is

I mean hang out hang out, not in /ai/. Like I pass you a drink, you drink it, we get sloshed together and talk about the weird shit that goes on in our brains.

I can code but I can't come up with anything interesting to do. I've lost my imagination.


That sounds like fun. I can't drink anymore, but I would enjoy sitting around passing ideas with someone.

I have the opposite problem. I don't give a shit about coding but I have infinite ideas running through my head that never stop.

Chibi Dorothy a cute.

See, how these things tend to work is people with ideas and skills get together and make something of them. A little cross training and a bit of business sense and something might happen.

I too have the problem of many ideas most or all of which are probably shit and none of the skills to actually realize them.

That's why I'd be interested in working with someone on something, just for fun. I have plenty of ideas, and I'm currently teaching myself to play piano (though I'm still new and learning so it hardly matters at this point.) I've always wanted to make a game or something but making anything of value on your own is unlikely. Spreading yourself too thin is the enemy of creativity.

They really tried to fit as many 100s into this episode as they could, didn't they?


Aikatsu would work pretty well as a persona ripoff rpg
Start as a new sidle at starlight
Investigate mysterious phenomenon at night
Befriend different idles in the day to access their brand's dress styles for better skills
Rhythm game performance to regularly earn money and increase your idle ranking

And invite them up to your room.


Take out the Aikatsu, keep it at an Idol school or even some generic boarding and make it more of a Mahou Shoujo Idol thing and that might work.

what a SHIT episode. yet AGAIN we get good characters shit on just to give the creator's favorite undeserved perks. this is turning into akari generation all over again.


Maybe even take some inspiration perhaps from FFXIII-3: Lightning Returns

Was she a draw?



>peeks outside of /ai/
Well, it seems everyone is extremely upset. I'm guessing a best girl lost and a worst girl won?



I noticed that too. I still want to watch it for the super popular twins though, just to see what the fuss is all about.


Non stronk


Man, was this performance underwhelming. Or maybe I've become way too picky. The only song that's managed to stick in my head is Episode Solo. The rest of the songs seem to lack something, they're just not appealing to me.


Non was probably too full of herself.

Is the full version of POWERFUL MUTEKI out yet?

Btw comment said "Non's face when doing special training to beat her sister"
Their faces look weird.

The Stars models still have a long way to go. It's really disappointing how much of a downgrade they are.


Out of S4, Yozora is the one I like the most.

The new artstyle just doesn't translate too good to 3D. I think it's because the faces are longer, were they more round for 3D it would look way better.