Did anyone else notice that the US soldiers in Hearts Of Iron 4 are black?

Did anyone else notice that the US soldiers in Hearts Of Iron 4 are black?

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go comp[lain about it

Nilly bakes u dink

>he doesn't use counters
>he plays HoI4


No because I didn't play that shitty game

nogs actually served in WW2

>Hearts Of Iron 4
well there is your problem

Yeah, but as truck drivers and supply clerks far away from enemy lines. It was still illegal for them to be in combat arms. There was one group of nigger pilots who never did anything spectacular, but are still praised to this day. They are the only niggers to historically fight in WW2 in the american army.

and they also quite a bit of rape despite not being frontline troops. Well until high command strung some up on a truck and drove said truck past various nog units.

They should have put a placard on that truck with "Europe is below the Mason-Dixie line" on it


we wus pilots and shieet
we shoot down one of them jets
never mind that there is no gun cam footage of it
the shoot down is not registered in german log

Wasnt there a nigger tank crew that was highly decorated?

Just like real life

A whole lot of them fought.

I don't buy paradox titles anymore and I don't pirate and play them if they are new, because they are always going to be an unfinished bad excuse of a game, don't support the eternal swede and his eternal stream of shitty DLC's, also what exactly did you expect from the faggots that brought you that horrible women DLC in EU4?

>Abdul trying to make fun of other peoples skin color


Friendly reminder that the series peaked with HOI2.

I think he just has a tan

>NPCs are niggers
really rotated my raisins

yes. for the freedom of Poland. since you couldn't fight for yourselves. now accept those based hussar Refugees!

>be Poland
>get saved by Nogs

Are you drunk perhaps?

Downloading right now, seems fun. I hope it runs well with CrossOver under Debian

Seems about right.

Embrace your true identity, Americans, no need to hide your blackness.

American Soldiers in WW2 WERE niggers.
US raped France harder than Germany did and Germans were actually at war with them.

Fuck this nigger infested jew ran country. Such an embarrassment.

What was Johan's excuse for doing away with the only neat and intuitive way of displaying units again?

forgot pic, my bad

>weren't frontline troops

uh, think again sweetie

White people all have relatives that served the Murder Cube. Now the foreigners will have to also.

It's only trying to be accurate

>mfw HoI3 crashes every time I start it up
>HoI4 is a piece of shit but runs fine

US is nothing if not a full blown African tier nigger country composed of nothing but niggers and the white cuck faggots that worship them.

Is he dead?

>0 manpower
>complete lack of theater organization
>unused factories
>missing equipment
>no template
>outdated equipment
>unassigned divisions
>using tard icons instead of NATO symbols


You should play CK2 instead, niggers are in africa where they belong and mongols stronk.

>Demand historical accuracy in Paradox games
>They make all Americans niggers
>Get upset