> there are retards browsing pol right now, who sincerely think that hitler, the guy responsible for the BLACK-ing of Europe, did nothing wrong
When will the retards of pol realize that the nazis were the cause of the massive shame that lead directly to the germans opening the BLACKED gates of africa?
If he hadn't done it, Germany would be as white as Poland. All of Europe would be, because all the working age males wouldn't have been killed by the nazi retards, and there would be no need to bring in workers
Especially given how the next President is guy who denies the holomeme and supports racial extermination youtube.com/watch?v=tyqAWCx-I38
Grayson Smith
Isaiah Baker
>as White as Poland I can claim that the general share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40% That means Poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel United States was 30 years ago
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees", gypsy infested Slovakia and gook-ape overrun Russia are all more European than Poland
One shitskin = ten million niggers
The Germanic Genocide is not mass migration or race-mixing.
The Germanic Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" American hookers being able to sneak in Norway and procreate.
The Germanic Genocide is 1/32 Jewish, 1/16 Italian or 1/8 Bosnian "Germans" that think they will be allowed to stay or when they claim to be German
Evan Harris
Kayden Hall
Horasho dear Ivan
Bentley Gutierrez
Jack Barnes
>italians invent fascism to defend europe from communism >germans use it to destroy europe even worse than communism ever would have as bad as communism is, at least it's possible to recover from it. the nazis making nationalism taboo means there won't be any europeans left to restore europe.
Leo Ramirez
>nationalism wouldn't have been made taboo if it weren't for the Nazis
You naive fag
The Nazis didn't do the shit they accuse them of to render them taboo
They created the scandal, they could have done it to any group, all they did was choose the biggest