how can japs live with themselves
I would literally kill myself on the spot if I ever caught myself being at work at this time
How can japs live with themselves
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Implying you even work.
why would I lie about having a job on an anonymous imageboard
Why would you get upset and complain about something normal people do on an anonymous message board.
This is Sup Forums we all live in our mothers basements.
I dunno, how do ants live with themselves? They just don't think about it.
I wish I cared enough about my job to be able to care this much
>I would literally kill myself
Hold on, OP.
I think you just discovered why Japan has such a high rate of suicide.
Quick, get a sociologist on the line.
Not exactly work, but when I was a PhD I had twice extracting nucleotides *beyond* this hour.
Lol I work that late at least once a week.
Git gud scrub.
Job security.
You're less likely to be laid off if/when business is slow, but you'd better pull your weight when it's not.
That's the idea, anyway.
but do you enjoy your job?
It's could be the graveyard shift, you retard.
You let a corporation cuckold you out of your life, bro.
but in this context it is definitely someone who arrived at 8 am
Of course, no one's more honorable than the average working man
My dad worked this late semi-regularly at his last job. I mean, that's part of why he quit, but still.
ITT: NEETs and corporate drones
And you're what, a self-employed small business owner?
Why is it always just a mother in this stereotype? Don't any NEETs have parents that are still together? I do.
Welcome to video game design.
there is a balance between being a complete slave yo your employer and not having an employer
self-managed within a company
If you're a NEET you're cohabiting with your mom most of the day, but you only cohabit with your dad during the period where he's not either asleep or working to support you.
>Aoba likes her job and wants to improve her work
>stays late
How is this bad?
it's detrimental to both your physical and mental health
Why does everyone else stay late then?
That specific NEET sounds like an insufferable faggot. Good NEETs use their spare time to jack off and shitpost.
We know, it's only to make wagecucks mad
Unless you like your job, overtime fucking sucks.
I used to work night shift at a distribution center and that job was pretty cool and easy and we did overtime pretty much every night besides fridays (we usually finished at 9-10pm rather than 2-3am.) Working overtime during night shift doesn't feel like working overtime though. You don't really see the sun, so you don't feel the time that's passed. The only thing you see is your paycheck being bigger.
wouldn't simply stating "I can jerk off for 10 hours a day" convince enough anons
>git gud
But user, if you work overtime it means you work slow af, how is that good?
i got a job recently after being a neet for a year. when i work i feel happier and less depressed most of the time (perhaps because i have less free time to feel like shit or because i have a more scheduled sleep-wake cycle). However, during the weekends i feel completely hopeless. Before, i used to feel bad but not as bad as i feel now during weekends
And i get paid now
>Caring about what hours you work, or having weekends off.
Holy shit end yourself.
that's pretty depressing
Don't forget, they're paid like shit,too. You'd make more money working at a fast food place in America.
Have you ever experience the joy of being on call over night? Being woken up at 1 AM and then 2AM and then 3 AM? Then going to work at 6 AM that morning?
Then you have not lived life to its fullest.
what job user?
Being a doc is suffering, but every time a patient thanks you or someone did well it is all worth it.
Paper punch cards still exist?
wait, wtf? where are the day offs?
>days off
user, I..
In Japan you live to work, and the only time you have a day off is when you're dying in the hospital and even then you're expected to try and keep working that the nurses are actually trained to restrain people and report those who don't at least make an attempt at it. Japan doesn't like lazy workers.
Aoba actually enjoys what she does
You keep telling yourself that, drone.
>Working from 8:00 to 23:00
That's baby level of work in the third year of highschool in order to get in a
university i woke up 8:00am and went to sleep at 02:00-03:00 am for a year.
My program was like this:
08:00-13:00 Goto school and solve for 6 hours(several 5 minute breaks) every
task that i was given at cramschool last evening,WHILE attending class.
1300-1600 Come home eat & shit as fast i caould cause you have cramschool
soon,maybe lie for half a hour.
1600-21:00 : 4 hours of cram school and we are talking university level subjects
2100-(0200-0300) :Come home eat shit take bath solve everythinh you can till
your eyes are closing and brain shutdowns,cause if you dont you wont have enough
time in school to solve all of this and will fall behind schedule :^)
Developed 2 nervous eye ticks (passed after 2 years),but eyes stat twitching
when i read more than needed,
A hate the size of thousand suns for studying and anything non math/science related.
Severy apathy plus borderline crazyness.
This is a post from Sup Forums three years ago.
>I don't hate my job
>I work in a company where I can call my boss at any time to unload some boxes without being fired
ok man
Chinese education system?
For me it's the exact opposite, when I do something I don't like I start to feel more and more depressed until I just give up
>inb4 then find a job you like
are you a jap?
I work from 10-4, and that's a large corporate too.
wouldn't it get easier after you get in a good university though?
Why exactly do they have this system anyway? I get maybe it's because they're a smaller population than places like America and Europe and therefore each person has to pull more weight. But why is it the standard? I never hear of a salaryman working at a happy lax company. Do they not pay their workers enough? Why if so? Can Japanese really not make a living and keep their economy going from a western 8ish hour work days?
>caring about your health
What are you? A faggot?
How is New Game?
Does it reflect the working experience like Shirobako did?
I dont think this kind of shit should be allowed.
Depends, in the gaming industry, you are typically fired after the game is done.
muh honoruburu
>I once didn't get off from work at this hour once
>had to get back to work at 9:30am the next day.
Never end up like me. I know people who didn't get off until 3:00am because of an emergency situation.
But that's not usually usual even in Japanese salary jobs unless you are trying for a promotion or have shitty bosses.
it is quite a bit more moe than shirobako
however it has decent links to reality as the author actually worked in the industry
Like 90% of game jobs are one-off though
>I really desire to have a brain hemorrhage for over-work and stress!
More countries need to adopt this system. It builds discipline and knowledge. Just look at this successful poster.
>mental health
I fail to see why some Sup Forumsnons are bitching about practices that would detrimentally affect their mental health. We're all mentally broken in one way or another already.
Seriously? I know it can be a game-by-game basis, but I thought you just get sorted into different projects and teams once you're done.
It means they would rather be lazy and do nothing. Health is just an excuse.
Thanks anons!
Jap work is just easy sitting infront of the computer shit, try being american
They lost ww2.
Despite being highly technologically advanced, Japanese workplaces often have a weird aversion to technology. Many offices still use fax machines.
I would straight up kill myself if I had to live like that - if the stress didn't kill me first.
Oh I remember that manga. It was cute.
> I never hear of a salaryman working at a happy lax company
Not that I think their work culture is good, but the impression I get is that they are actually a bit more lax/intense with regards to how much work they get done in a given period of time. The boss' word is law, but the flipside of that is that there's less sense of personal responsibility and more shirking - you do what you're told and don't really take the prerogative if you're not.
there are fucking docs on Sup Forums ???
I thought only people who failed in life were here.
>Who is Jake the tripfag
As someone who was once a NEET briefly and now working an a gainfully employed job, it really depends. I mean, my mental/physical health was fucked up from being a NEET because the stress of finding a job and the isolation of being a NEET brings because you actually need money to do things. But then again, I work at a high-level stressful job and my doctors are basically telling me that the stress is taking a toll over my body and it doesn't help that I am not in my 20s anymore either.
Best situation is being in a job that you love that has a good life/work balance. Which is rare these days.
do you work in a hospital or something?
i've seen quite a few succesful people post on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is far from a sekrit club these days
>A hate the size of thousand suns for studying and anything non math/science related.
But the non-math/science subjects are always the easiest shit.
There are a bunch of us. As there are lawyers, politicians, and people from all work of life who just want to shit post about anime.
Culture and an inflexible labour market.
Lifelong employment means that emphasis is not on doing a good job, but on seeming to work hard.
This is incidentally one of the main drivers of long term stagnation in the Japanese economy.
I only know that faggot lelouch and kevin
>politicans and lawyers
I think we have fewer of those.
Lelouch is a doc? The tripfag?
My mind is blown.
>i woke up 8:00am and went to sleep at 02:00-03:00 am
honestly that's only a little less sleep than I normally get, and I work maybe 25 hours a week and do nothing else with my time
I'd imagine it would be tiring to do nothing but homework though
Depends on the age set. Other than the underage b& and college kids, you have your 22-29 set that have the highest population of NEETs, but the 30+ or older set are usually people who have a good job and some spare time to 'unwind and relax' on Sup Forums because at 30+. you and your friends aren't hanging as much anymore because of work and sometimes family.
not him but I've seen a few anons saying they were lawyers/worked in the judicial system, never heard of an user being a politician besides one claiming to pay a hooker 1000s of dollars to act like a Tsundere.
>emphasis is not on doing a good job, but on seeming to work hard.
Not much different from my life.
Living the life. That user.
How did it turn out?
Not wanting to be overworked =/= Laziness.
>I thought only people who failed in life were here
As well as people failing in life and people about to fail in life.
It's a beautiful spectrum of failure.
Very true. I worked in a high intensity job in a sector I loved. But the stress broke me, and I went NEET for a few years, living off my savings and social welfare. Now I work a job in a sector I don't have any particular love for, but it's far less intense and it gives me a comfortable lifestyle. I don't think I could ever describe myself as happy, but I'm at least content not to considering suicide every day due to work-induced stress and anxiety.
>tfw 12 hour work days
Man and I thought I had it bad.
No , I mean these are the only tripfags I know.
Usually I dont give damn about tripfags
No, in social work. Emergency situations means that you can be at the hospital after hours.
Pretty much the only worse job is being a telemarketer, probably.
Jake's a fucking doctor?
What do all of you fags even do for a living?
Yes. He is an internist too.
Gives the medical students some hope their attending physician could be an user in disguise.
I stock shelves at a grocery store.