>advertise it as one of the greatest anime episodes ever
>it's just a neet and a cuck talking on a balcony for 20 minutes
What the fuck?
>advertise it as one of the greatest anime episodes ever
>it's just a neet and a cuck talking on a balcony for 20 minutes
What the fuck?
Delete yourself
Don't you understand? There's suffering and a MC whining and bitching constantly, this is a masterpiece happening right before your eyes and you can't see it.
I agree 100% op
>50k tweets
>top trend
>still being tweeted
I guess it worked. Maybe, just maybe, you are the shit OP.
>just talking
You can see even from the poster Mazda is warning you of the suffering
You read my mind, OP
Remfags eternally BTFO'd
you should have dropped a few episode before
Definitely the best anime ever made, desu senpai
OP, what is this word? 心?く
I can't seem to find that kanji in my dictionary either
This reads like a Shillary tweet.
Learn your radicals, man.
>delet your Sup Forums account
Ok seriously, why the hell does anime air so late at night?
It's cheaper. Everyone just records or downloads online anyway.
NEETs are the target demo?
It looks like 火,,丶,勹 to me, but that combination is not in my dictionary
Neither 心灼く nor 灼く appear in my dictionary
You don't want kids seeing your waifu's pantsu, do you?
>my dictionary doesn't have every kanji for やく
Will sales go up or down?
Ditch that crap and use jisho.org then.
OK, I switched it to J-J mode and now I see it's listed there as an alternate for 焼く . Makes sense, thanks
>50K on how shit it is
anime is for teenagers and social retards
so a series that spells out emotions in a very specific way is great because they can finally understand whats going on in the characters emotions
I loved it
RE:Zero is better than monogatari
No no, it's dys
How many NEETs caught the message and will now be good working citizens?
The message only works if you have someone like Rem to support you.
Some anime airs at 3/4. 1pm is pretty tame comparatively. Even some salarymen are still up at that time.
Subaru you are my cutie pie.
Monogatari is only lewd.
What the fuck does this hashtag say?
>the pleasure of cucking best girl
Fucking agreed and they managed to slip in recap shit as well, honestly I just kept on skipping through that episode to get to the fucking end.
How often do they make ads for individual episodes? Also what are the awards at the bottom?
it felt apt to me
probably the best recap episode in that case
Probably "#1 spring anime!!" or some shit like that.
>ad with Subaru and Emilia
>it's a Rem episode
It's SAO of our time
>SAO of our time
>our time
What? You a newfag?
that shit got me too
fuck you emilia
fuck you
it is Evangelion of our time
>Is this the evangelion of evangelion?
There were several variations of the ad, maybe 4 or 5.
SAO is the Evangelion of our time.
This episode made me hate Rem.
I mean, she's pretty good waifubait, but a waifu is not what I want from this anime. I don't want to spend 25 minutes hearing about a side character Talk About Her Passion of Leaving Lagunica and moving into a secluded log cabin with The One She Loves and fuck his brains out until she's had a dozen half demon children and live their lives out as Shiny Happy People. They spent an entire episode on having the characters Stand in the place that they shop and reflect on one Bad Day like it's The End of the World.
Because it's an R rated anime aimed at otaku.
>I love emillia