Why is the ara ara girl always best girl even in shit shows?
Why is the ara ara girl always best girl even in shit shows?
Other archetypes are shit, that's why.
Fuck diversity
mah nigga
This isn't really a fair comparison though. Everyone knows clock is just that good, and that is elevated by the only other competition being a half retard, token lolli, copy pasta imouto, clones, and a robot.
It's true for every other show as well though
I want to fuck that clock
you take that back you piece of filth
>implying she isn't
Current Kurumi a slut, past Kurumi is pure.
>white panties
that's purity user
>showing them to everyone in the room
>not wanting to show off your purity
what are you, a faggot?
Purity fags will never get it.
dumb clockposter
Her VA is shit for the ara ara.
Currently watching DAL for the first time. I'm falling in love with the girl. HELP
It's okay
that's the appropriate reaction
wtf i hate clocks now
just let it happen
>Having a perfect body and perfect skin after eating all that junk and playing videogames all day.
As you rightfully should be.
>Implying she can't just turn back time for herself afterwards to undo it.
This was my first thread and my first post on Sup Forums
I'm glad that Sup Forums has good taste