
Researchers in Sweden have found Arabic characters woven into burial costumes from Viking boat graves. The discovery raises new questions about the influence of Islam in Scandinavia, writes journalist Tharik Hussain.

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Vikings fucking raided everywhere. It's highly likely they chopped off some towelheads from time to time.

I mean shieeet there is even evidence they came to North America

We also have things from China

To add to these, for a long time we thought our numerals were Arabic. Having Arabic characters somewhere doesn't mean much at all.

No. Chinks and sand people came to Norway and enriched your ancestors. This has always been the way.
Stop complaining about the shitskins because they have always been coming to Norway.


My local museum has a Viking coin hoard including coins from the Middle East and one from Azerbaijan. They definitely crossed paths with muslims. Seems likely that the exotic clothing was a status symbol acquired in some overseas venture.

Pretty sure this is just so the globalists can claim that Sweden has always been Mudslime clay. There'd be way more orthodox artifacts but no one is asking questions about the influence of orthodoxy in Scandinavia. I mean didn't they find some viking buried with a ring with a Chinese character on it no one is talking about the role confucianism had in shaping Scandinavian society.

of course we all know who's really behind it


The discovery is extremely expected since the norse had well established trade routes to Miklagård and modern day Iraq. Some served the muslims as mercenaries but most preferred the christians since the muslims were more stingy with religion.

What's interesting here is how closet marxists influenced by social-critical theory are trying to fabricate a false historic narrative to argue for multiculturalism.

Varangian Guard

Weird Sweden has been making so many discoveries that back up their new PC agenda lately. Really makes you go hmmmmmmmm?

Vikings liked Muslims and most of what we know about the Ros comes from Islamic writers who lived with them.

I think Muslims felt like they should send teachers to tell interested vikings how to do Islam properly but it never really sunk in.

They were however welcomed and treated well as guests so there are written records of Viking culture and traditions because of it.

Varangians served under christians since Muslims demand anyone they rule over must convert to a religion of the book or be slaughtered (basically any non-abrahamic religion to a muslim=satanism). Most likely the muslim stuff is spoils of trade or war. However, the byzantine cross marked on rewards for varangians became so popular it was made a "Land" seal back in Sweden. It's still in use today in the Coat of Arms of Täby. And young handsome men leaving to server as mercenaries became such a problem for the women and elderly that it was made law that no one is allowed to inherit wealth if they're in "Greece".

Fun fact though: There's loads of written accounts of old muslim men writing more or less erotic fan-fic of the tall handsome northerners.

It's a well known fact that vikings traded with muslims

yes, trade and migration are exactly the same thing, said the moron leftie who couldn't tell the difference

that stuff would be pure gold..
gay muslims had a crush on real viking men.

This is an actual ad in swedistan.


This site is 100% golden , kek

Muslims would stitch things like "There is no God but Allah" into their embroidered goods. Westerners couldn't read it and thought it was cool looking scribbles. Several renaissance era paintings of Marry have sayings like that on the silk hood because the model for the painting was wearing Muslim embroidered cloth.

Nono. Most of the written records are vikings/rus going into muslims lands, and jews/christians under muslim rule going to the vikings (cause they were the scholars). The muslims themselves wrote favourably about the visitors, often with very homo-erotic themes 'cause muslims barely got any pussy and such tall and well shaped men were apparently something new. The jews/christians that went to the norse under muslim rule usually wrote really mean things about them, probably because they had to travel through and interview loads of christian victims before they reached the norse. Still, one jew managed to document the only known norse human sacrifice, in Hedeby, which was re-enacted in the TV show Vikings. A servant girl "volunteered" to go to valhalla with her dead chieftain. She was then drugged up on shrooms and alcohol, and then changed her mind. She was then (after having changed her mind) dragged into a tent and raped (as a "greeting" to the jarl). The bards tried to play music loud enough to mask the screams to the people taking part in the funeral to pretend it was all voluntary but the jewish writer claims to have heard them still.

She was then held down and killed and dumped on her jarls funeral ship.

The muslims didn't even know what gay was due to their religion so gay muslims were (and are) 'regular' members of society but obviously gay af. Also the lack of women meant loads of muslims were probably gay. There's some seriously homo-erotic descriptions and quite some bit of cuckolding out there if you google it.

You can be an Odinist and defend your own culture's laws, but you can't be an Odinist and victimise all Muslims indiscriminately.

Here's an example of an Islamic visitor in ancient Vikingstan.


>I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor kaftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free.


aryans spread everywhere

Meh, I might be getting things mixed up for I am a bear of little brain.

Are you saying Ahmad Ibn Fadlan was a Jew?

WUZ? I thought you came a close second to anime waifus on Sup Forums.

There's a thread up already you fucking mongol brains

This is not surprising at all. They've found coins from Muslim lands in Viking burials before so it's no surprise they found this. It doesn't mean that they were adopting Islam(but maybe they would have, they adopted Christianity) it just means they were enamoured by such a powerful foreign power/culture.

Nono I'm the one getting it mixed up. There was another who witnessed a burial and travelled to Danish Hedeby who was a marrano (a Jew pretending to have converted), but that was not a ship burial and the story with the raped girl is of Ibn Fadlan probably with the Rus. I don't think Fadlan was a jew? Many of the scholars and explorers during the 'golden age' were either jews or christians acting for muslim lords, since worldly studies are not worthy for a muslim, but jews believe all study is worthy and christians believe all things are the works of the lord and worthy of appraisal. Islam permits abrahamic worshippers serving the caliph to not convert since they are still people 'of the book', as long as they pay an extra tax.

Hence the islamic golden age of scholarly progress that the new left wishes to use as a sales pitch for islam, was really mostly christians and jews continuing/reviving the old scholarly traditions of Rome.

This is exactly it. It's a fact that vikings visited the middle east to trade, and we've known about findings with islamic symbols and words for a long time. It's just very recently that they try to push the idea that the vikings were muslim and that Sweden has always been under muslim influence. If we actually had muslim vikings back in the day, then we would know about it. Either the christian missionaries would write about it, or the muslims would write about it and brag that islam has spread to a land so far away.

Pic related are two viking age finds, one from Sweden, and one from Norway. How come no one ever speaks of the Buddhist influence in viking age Scandinavia?

Female Viking Commanders and now Muslim? Sven is really stepping up their game of rewriting their history, how would Canada response?

This. It's no secret that Swedes had long established trade connections with the Arabs along the rivers of southern Russia. Ibn Fadlan even witnessed and wrote about their practice of human sacrifice at funerals.

Tharik Hussain is a globalist shill.

Next will be all Vikings were bi-sexual. Those boat journeys to raid Britain took days remember

we have this thread thrice a day.

Also a fun fact: There are some runic inscriptions in the Hagia Sophia that were etched by Varangians.

This is also true.

That account was written by Ibn Fadlan (a Muslim) and it occurred along the Volga. Also, she didn't change her mind.

Females would have been capable of combat back then according to the laws made for this. It was a necessity with so much banditry and men having to leave for conscription every summer. Also there was no christian sacred femininity so it's not far fetched at all a few butch lesbians would join the expeditions. The laws mention it, the sagas mention it, and there's females buried in full war gear. Female gods were even known to do a lot of fighting. Further, vikings were pretty gay too. Back then, the 'bad' gay was someone who 'liked to be like the woman', so trans or a sissy, possibly taking it in the ass. If someone called you this, you could lawfully challenge them to a duel to the death. Other gay activities were no big deal at all. There's stories in the sagas of men being aroused by men like it's no big deal. Christian absolution is christian... Sry.

Funnier still what they speculate he tried to write. "Halvdan was here"

As I understand it;
Sethir tended towards bisexual practices, Galdir were less trancey and more hetero.
It's like some athletes won't have sex before an event, Galdir wouldn't take it up the bum because they thought it was weakening for their particular role in the division of labour.

Thor is Galdir (he told me the other gods teased him for being a straight boy)

Yeah I'm never buying anything at Ikea again.

This ad isn't about something people like-- this ad is mean-spirited. This ad-- like most multikulti propaganda I've seen-- is calculated to cause the maximum amount of damage to anyone who still cares about their own ethnicity.

Nobody actually enjoys this shit. It's schadenfreude against their own countrymen.

Vikings traded with muslim.

One viking gets a shirt.

"Wow, this shirt does have some weird symbols on it. Fuck it, I'll buy it."

Shirt was expensive, so the viking was buried in it.


Who cares? The real question is: will there be a third season of Last Kingdom?

>If you mirror this geometric pattern, squint and use your imagination, it looks like kufic calligraphy that says "Allah"

Going full retard here desu senpai


Vikings S01-03>The Last Kingdom

Actually whole ragnar character arch is worth it with the odin metaphor and the indo-aryan philosphy base.

>Burger education
Baghdad was a trading post of the vikings, they did kill towelheads in North Africa, which had little to no army, but when they reached the Mid-east, they were welcomed (a bit too generously) to trade and have gifts, the vikings appreciated the gest and went back with loaded ships, they came back often, they say some even learned the language to trade.

That's what I thought.

Also in the Saga of Eric the Red there was a 'spy woman' who fucked every (non Christian) man in the house before doing her psychic business.

Women would do that to raise their power level to a sacred state, but a consensual sacrifice might also be brutally 'raped' at the last moment to make it more intense.

Religion and magic crossed over and there's a common sentiment that making magic more intense makes it more powerful.

Sweden is fucked
>historical revisionism
>homosexuality on the rise
>low population growth of native Swedes(whites)
>increase in population of African & Arab immigrants
>nationalism & patriotism branded as Nazism and considered a crime

Fuck, Sweden either needs white version of Sharia or Communism(real communism that is anti-gay & anti-cuck)