Why does the language that barely appears to be a Slavic language have the name "Slovenian"?

Why does the language that barely appears to be a Slavic language have the name "Slovenian"?

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Half the words end in -nik therefore it's just gutter russian deal with it. also putting "y" sounds on top of other letters is super typical rooski

But it is a Slavic language, OP. Possibly, one of the oldest too.

Maybe using vowels between every single consonant isn't what Slavs were made for, ever considered that?

>slovenian is a slavic language right


>russian telling others they are not slavic





>ukro subhuman dark-haired trash turko-Romanian scum think they can call themselves SLAVIC

lol sage

Slovenian is derived from the ancient slavic language slobovian which was originally spoken in the kingdom of Lower Slobovia.

Calm down there, Magomed.

its actually
> da

why you so salty dear slavic brother

digits of true

wait what since when i always thought you guys say Ja like the austrian rape babies you are

Igor this is bullshit thread, and u know it...
If anything our language has some German words...

ja is slang


I love watching slavs argue, please continue to balkinize and slaughter each other for rest of the 21st century

Sub-human mongrel LARPing as aryans.
Why are borderlanders such pathetic creatures?
Hope the ethnic russians get their shit together and exterminate your kind.

Shut up Ante, only your mother sucked German cocks, when they invaded

What you posted is upper carniolian dialect, and you also missed the point, I never said russian is not slavic

Oops wrong gmajna but what I said still stands

Aren't "pure" Russians like 50% Finnish or something? And they've got a shit load of Turkic and Mongol types there too.

>50% Finnish
They are finno-ugro-mongolo-tatars. Not a drop of Slavic blood.


Nah. cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(07)00025-0


Svinka, go to hlev.


Back to aul, russopig.


>barely appears Slavic

hold your horses Ruski



Tы нe хpюкнyл

Silly Russian, you're just tsundere towards a superior language that almost nobody except Slovenes understand.


Again everything here except krompir is dialect.

Back in a days, in the bronze age, slavic languages and culture was exacly the same among slavs. They spoke exacly the same language, they looked exacly the same. The only way to tell the difference are modern day studies on genetics

Come back to aul.


You know if you test for "slavic" genes in modern day Slavs, you get similar numbers, right? Like 30% or so. You think Germans just popped out of the ground one day? Why did Romans mention Germans but not Slavs by your reckoning?

Peaching to the choir, brat.
With the fall of Western Roman Empire and decline of Hunic empire, we basically took over eastern Europe.

They did. Technically, Byzantines did after the west fell.

He is a shill. They have been trying to stir shit up between the different ethnic subgroups of the race for ages now. You need to push for the reassembly of the pan-slavic root language and reincorporate it throught a slavic identity ideology.

Educate yourself,,,
Term Germania used by roman empire was describing land north east of empire / land north east of alpes.
Term Germania as you know it today, was invented in XVI century by german Marthin Luther and it was describing only german nation if there is any.

And we would have gotten away with it, if not for those meddling Magyars.

Actually there are 2 theories on where did Slavs come from. Both are true in some way but its impossible to tell which one is "more correct"

What you have shown on map is theory that Slavs recently come from the east to the west. This theory was based on the discoveries of horse carts specific to some slavs.

Second theory says that Slavs were actually living in Central Europe for many many centuries BC. The proof for this territories are Slavic settlements and graveyards with Slavic DNA dating back to XVIII BC

Both are true in a sense that Slavs have been migrating as smaller, separate groups over longer time periods, not as one cohesive large horde.
Before Croats and Serbs arrived to the Balkans, some Slavs were already living there for at least a century.

proper Slovenian is "da" but ja is used in many dialects

We use ja as well in some dialects.

this is Janez trolling from russia, why you stir šit Janez?

>frišn krompir

why am i keking at this

Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem pu grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata nәjt u cvet pride pa mlek nәj set skisa. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bәcniva pa pәs puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Učenәš zmolәš.

U moj drušnə so usə jagrə u far; skəp ga pjemo usək dan pu šihtə. Skəp pupjemo več šnopsa, kokr ga u ceumo let u petəh občinah nardejo. Duma mam tri puše, ut tga dve šnelfajərce pa eno pušo z rešpetinəm. Z enmo šusəm uhkə frderbam tri vepre naenkat, auslezvam t jəh pa tuko hit, de tut za pumežikənt nimaš cajt. Ti se kər devej kunštnga, sam de se nauš krvau useknu, pruklet baštart.
Čep ti vedu, s kerga se kle norca devaš, nep tukole guvoru. Tis gutov tak pauliha, de hodəš u gmajno srobret rauhat; jest grem skor usək dan pu južnə u gmajno žagat tuko det puvem de səm že dost takəh pankrtov stumbou, k so pu moj host vandral.


Slovenian is of course Hungary. The problem is we Hungarian men conquer so much pussy to the point it is self defeating. That is what happened here, where we mixed in too much Italian (aka euro-nigger) blood and had to segregate the entire area.

>palastine of europe

Kae pedri?!

Hoče kdo malo da popuši? Ajde u vrsto da ne bo kdo najebal 2x.

holy fuck

Fuck off Ivan-the-rapist

t. Turkic subhuman with gypsy admixture

You speaking European language doesn't make you European. You are a shitskin and always will be, Zlatan

stay envious, slave who dreams of emigrating to a non-authoritarian non-shithole

Odjebi žid

sam otJebis dalban

how are they treating the lesser kikes from the former soviet kike union down there?

Lmaoo, why are shitting up Sup Forums these past few days? You're in every fucking thread. Someone needs to report you for gay propaganda so your ass gets sent to the gulag, you fucking mega autist


imagine the horror of folks actually,unironically saying "jok" ..

would bang

>average aryan girl
blondies are subhuman

Part of colloquial language in a lot of places, whether you like it or not. Using "ja" and "jok" with familiars from my home region is very comfy.

this ruskie subhuman apparently got fired from his job cleaning up toxic waste in the zone, but not before the radiation turned him into captain autism

Life is hard in the zone

it just feels filthy,felt that way before i even knew it was turkish

zone=outside StP and M ringroad

It's pretty obviously a Slavic language to anyone who listens to it.

Can someone identify this country?

It's peasant-speech, maybe that's why you don't like it. My friends and I even have a made up dialect with heavily exaggerated rural sounding words from various bydlo regions that we sometimes speak in for comedic effect.

Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem pu grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata nәjt u cvet pride pa mlek nәj set skisa. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bәcniva pa pәs puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Učenәš zmolәš.

U moj drušnə so usə jagrə u far; skəp ga pjemo usək dan pu šihtə. Skəp pupjemo več šnopsa, kokr ga u ceumo let u petəh občinah nardejo. Duma mam tri puše, ut tga dve šnelfajərce pa eno pušo z rešpetinəm. Z enmo šusəm uhkə frderbam tri vepre naenkat, auslezvam t jəh pa tuko hit, de tut za pumežikənt nimaš cajt. Ti se kər devej kunštnga, sam de se nauš krvau useknu, pruklet baštart.
Čep ti vedu, s kerga se kle norca devaš, nep tukole guvoru. Tis gutov tak pauliha, de hodəš u gmajno srobret rauhat; jest grem skor usək dan pu južnə u gmajno žagat tuko det puvem de səm že dost takəh pankrtov stumbou, k so pu moj host vandral.

colorblind Russia
be careful tho,it can become a habit kek

Kaj ste ravnokar izustili, nebodigatreba? Vam v preudarek, šolanje sem zaključil na samem Parnasu zahtevnega tečaja za urjenje mornariških tjulnjev in na plečih nosim tri stotnije pogibeli. Izveden sem v bojevanju na skrivoma in celokupno veljam za najboljšega daljnostrelca slovenskih obrambnih sil. Zame predstavljate nič več in nič manj kot predmet lova na daljavo. Odnarediti vas kanim s tenkočutnostjo, kakršne ne pomni svet, temu sem slovesno zaprisežen. Kaj si res iskreno domišljate, da si lahko na moj račun vse dovolite? Račune delate brez krčmarja! Govorivši to občujem s črno roko, razpredeno širom vesoljnega slovenstva in vaše medmrežno mesto se beleži v njihovo podatkovje v taistem hipu, tako da se, uboga para, le pripravite na hudo uro! Na ujmo, koder bodo plat zvona bili, a za vaše žitje zamanj. Urnemu ginevanju ste zapisani. Z vseobčno silo krenem nad vas, desetkrat sedem ducatov razstankov vaši biti stroječ in to zgolj z rokami! Ne samo, da sem tepežkanja vešč, ampak tudi z orožarno sem pobližje seznanjen, da bi jo lahko s toliko večjim pridom lahko koristil vam na neljubost širom sveta, nesrečnik! Ko bi vam bilo vsaj dano predvideti obseg mojega povračila, vašemu "bistroumnega" pridušanju navsled, tedaj bi nemara bili jezik za zobmi obdržali. A to vam je bilo docela nedomače, zatorej slednjič napoči obračun, capin razcapani! Uničevalno ihto nad vas prikličem, da vas z odplako vred proč odnese. Dnevi so vam šteti.

>it can become a habit
Yes, I know, sometimes I let it slip, but it's alright.

I speak Polish and I can definitely understand certain words. It's definitely Slavic.

The funny thing about Slovene is that it forms something of a transition continuum with west slavic languages.

>it's a slav shit-posting episode

thats every slav episode

Dad always jokes...
>go to Soviet restaurant
>sit down
>Welcome to the restaurant what will you have?
>What are the options?
>You can eat, or not eat.

i love that guy

That's because Slovenes' 1st country was called Karantanija, it's in a place where Austria would one day be created. We eventually migrated further south a few hundred years later where we reconnected with Croats-Serbs.



This, fuck the eternal anglo

goddamn fuck you for making me lol

>serbs calling anyone subhuman
Go back to fucking your sheep, shitskin balkanoid

Good post.

BTW, early medieval Russian specimen has been tested for the first time recently, and it turned out that he is genetically more similar to modern Poles (especially Mazovians) than to modern Russians. In other words in early medieval Russia was more "western" genetically than today. So the theory that Russians are just Lechs/Poles/Wends that migrated east and fucked Uralics and Turanics is now confirmed.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Polish @ 4,532001
2 Ukrainian_Slobozhanshtchina @ 4,627606
3 Belarusian_West @ 4,633734
4 Ukrainian_Poltava @ 5,562873
5 Ukrainian_Vinnitsa @ 5,628398
6 Ukrainian_Chernigov @ 5,749923
7 Russian_Kuban @ 5,825403
8 Belarusian_Gomel @ 7,10093
9 Russian_Bryansk @ 7,416828
10 Russian_Kursk_Oryol @ 7,471023
11 Belarusian_Vitebsk_Mogilyov @ 7,531883
12 Russian_Murom @ 7,600111
13 Russian_Tver @ 7,76063
14 Russian_Smolensk @ 7,832003
15 Russian_Don_Cossack @ 7,892058
16 Belarusian_Minsk @ 7,925503
17 Ukrainian_Lvov @ 7,985864
18 Russian_Ryazan_Tula @ 8,00736
19 Russian_Lipetsk_Voronezh @ 8,225061
20 Russian_Andreapol @ 8,472948
21 Russian_Tambov @ 8,775091
22 Russian_Moscow @ 8,958064
23 Russian_Saratov @ 8,96242
24 Russian_Meshtchyora @ 9,205695
25 Russian_Arzamas @ 9,986548
26 Russian_Pskov @ 10,018412
27 Russian_Ivanovo @ 10,208722
28 Russian_Uglich @ 11,533327
29 Erzya @ 11,727526
30 Slovak @ 11,783895
31 Lithuanian @ 11,948699
32 Russian_Novgorod @ 12,153018
33 Moksha @ 12,259309
34 Russian_Tatarstan_Arsk @ 12,950496
35 Russian_Unzha @ 13,455802
36 Russian_Siberia @ 14,707205
37 Ukrainian_Carpaty @ 14,71983
38 Russian_Ustyuzhna @ 15,114662
39 Russian_Vyatka @ 15,61872
40 Russian_Solvychegodsk @ 15,855408
41 Russian_Kargopol_HGDP @ 16,796536
42 Russian_Ural_East @ 16,8001
43 Russian_Vologda @ 17,027649
44 Croatian @ 17,050748
45 Russian_Baykal @ 17,090031
46 Russian_Ural_West @ 17,231365
47 Moldavian @ 17,316154
48 Latgalian @ 17,959541
49 Russian_Vyatka_NE @ 19,834526
50 Tatar_Mishar_Nizhniy @ 19,929948

>pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu

gorenjci - najhujši slovenci

desu, he is foreshadowing the future, young people (11-18) literally converse in english like 40% of the time.

Slovenly is derogatory term in english, ns why. Slovenes are next to italy

No one gives a fuck about ur irrelevant language