Manly fucking anime thread

I'm tired of this bullshit "waifu" threads about boring mindless drone anime shows about stupid bullshit. I'm tired of this weak-ass pussy shit where it's all about pointless pandering to weak people.

Fuck that shit. I want some manly shit where skulls are crushed, planets exploding and some hardcore Japanese Ninja cutting shit up in half a nano-second. Where's my manly anime? Where the fuck is it? Too much pussy shit, I want some destruction and justice being fucking served and a million people dying in an epic war.

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Ah yes, I must legitimize my juvenile and embarrassing hobby by loudly consuming cartoons for eight year olds, rather than cartoons for weird 17 year olds


Only manime out there "friend"

I thought manime faggots all left in 2012 when they realized how embarassing they were.

Is this a pasta? I never paid attention to that sort of thing.

Keep prancing around like a fucking faggot wearing your mothers underwear and hugging your faggot body pillow like the lame virgin that you are.

This guy gets it. He gets laid probably everyday and shit. Learn from this guy.

Do you even lift bro?

Kenshiro is mai waifu.

would recommend Saint Seiya, seriously

cause gay != not manly

I blame the gringo censors for not letting you enjoy full Saint Seiya uncensored. Now you are going to be ruled by a bossy woman or a living wig.

yeah, americans truly have it bad when it comes to their saint seiya.

in case anyone bothers with it there is pic related

Missing Soul of Gold, also Episode G finished and its sequel Episode G - Assassin is currently being fully translated/scanlated into English.

well its an old chart, I like it for introducing people into it

Funniest thing also, the spin-offs and side stories are generally far better then the source material. And I forgot to mention, Lost Canvas Gaidens, each volume focuses on one of the Gold Saints from Lost Canvas getting their own origin story.

>original series: decent to good
>Next Dimension: total shit
>Lost Canvas: good but Gold Saint wankery is heavy (not that anyone cares, 99% of the fandom doesn't give a shit about the Bronzes to begin with or only suck Ikki's dick)
>Episode G: liked it a lot; Okada's art style takes some getting used to but its pretty amazing and faithful to the original series and serves as a prequel to the Sanctuary Chapter; also more canon then any other spin off or side story
>Episode G - Assassin: multiveral antics, various parallel worlds and alternate timelines; Shura is the main character in this while Aiolia is the secondary one which inverts the dynamic from Episode G
>Soul of Gold: all the main characters are Gold Saints; ONA series but decent outside of QUALITY even baring in mind that each episode had two weeks of time between the last, weirdly set during the Solar Eclipse event in the final parts of the Hades Chapter/Bronzes invading Elysium to fight Hades and rescue Athena
>Omega: season 1 was great and had Umakoshi frequently direct the fights and animation giving it more physicality then energy beam spam unlike the classic story under Kuramada; Season 2 is basically a Hades Chapter expy but the Heavenly Kings and Saturn were still great

I haven't touched Saint Shaina but I've heard mixed things about it.

All of Saint Seiya panders to fujoshits and women in general even if its a shonen manga. Its the manga that pretty much spawned yaoi doujins and otome interest in Shonen works in general with the bishies. The classic manga is guilty of starting so I don't even get why bringing up LC being majority followed by women is a big deal. Most of the figma and figurine collectors in Japan for any SS show or manga are women.

>99% of the fandom doesn't give a shit about the Bronzes to begin with or only suck Ikki's dick

whose best bronze in your opinion user?

I think its pic related, also

>Saint Shaina

what is this? Something recent? also, is Kurumada dead, I heard he got cancer or some shit last year

>Whose best Bronze in your opinion, user?
Hyouga. Ice powers are always cool, he was the one who saw through Ikki's bullshit and nearly beat him even when getting punched through the chest, nearly getting his heart blown up and mind-fucked, he nearly beat Ikki.

>nearly beat Ikki

that doesn't mean anything user, Ikki has armor hax, Shun is the real top tier Bronze, he's nebula storm is probably the strongest attack any of the bronzes have, fucked up Pisces pretty good with it

Strongest potential ! = strongest fighter. Its the same shit with Gohan in Dragon Ball. 99% of the time Shun has to be rescued by the others.

>fucked up Pisces pretty good with it
That's not saying much when Aphrodite is tied with Deathmask for the second weakest Gold Saint in the original series and their only strongest then Taurus Alderbaran who IS the weakest.

A-am I allowed? Can I be categorized as part of MANIME?

Why the fuck do I remember Saint Seya being manly as fuck when I also remember all these gay ass scenes. Makes you wonder.

yeah but Shun pulls through when he needs too, he couldn't get saved by Ikki when he was fighting Aphrodite, and he managed.

But I guess what I'm actually trying to say is that Nebula Storm > the rest of the Bronzes moves, Shun's faggotry and all

probably your nostalgia goggles user.

Same thing happened to me when I was re-watching Ranma 1/2 earlier this year, kept asking myself how come I didn't end up liking traps or some shit with Ranma's whole changing into a hot chick thing

rei best nanto
he was too pure for this world

I prefer Hyouga as the strongest. Ikki needs super saiyan style powers up when he auto-revives to get stronger because his Phoenix Cloth is bullshit OP. Hyouga is just naturally fucking awesome and Shiryuu can beat up niggas even without his Cloth.

So what I'm saying is:

Hyouga >= Shiryuu >>> Ikki > Seiya > Shun

if we're gonna talk about resilliance then I would put Shiryu over Seiya, Shiryu's always was loosing his armor, so I don't think you should give him bonus points if we never really saw if he would have been stronger with the armor.

But lets agree to disagree, what did you think of Soul of Gold?

So, how old are the bronze saints again? 13? 14?

>thread direction


virgo was my favorite gold saint having just watching the original a month or so ago for the first time

HNK movie is pretty mandatory MANime watch, even if just to explore the "genre"

yeah, I think its Seiya and Shun are 13-14, Hyoga and Shiryu are 14-15, and Ikki is 15-16

the golds are like in their mid to late 20s, which was reinforced in SoG when Shura was shown no older than fucking 11-14 in a flashback, I thought that was a pretty nice detail

user, behind every great man is a waifu.

what is your take on the age old debate of Shaka vs. Saga's powerlevel?


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I think Saga is stronger but not by much, though Shaka seems to have stronger resolve than Saga which leads to miracle powerups.

Shaka's moments in Hades arc were really good, i was disappointed how strong that arc started and how it progressively got worse


Does this count as a "manly" anime?

yeah, the quality drop is so bad, I like the overall way the story took though.

Sanctuary chapter of Hades is some of the best shit in the whole franchise. First time I watched I was fucking pissed at best gold for being "evil", pic related

kek, I just watched that TNG episode for the first time yesterday

I wondered what his original ideas for Poseidon were, that arc was too short for it to be on purpose.

I haven't watched the heaven chapter movie or whatever since it looks like that part of the series is never getting done

Next Dimension just looks weird, i don't really see the point of it so i haven't started it yet.

the manga for this was p cool

the fight in the final episode is pretty legendary