Macross Delta

Where does Macross Delta sit for you right now, compared to episodes 18 of SDF, 7, and Frontier?

I think it's right at the bottom so far. Not that that makes it as bad as shit you see elsewhere, like Re:Zero, but it's my least favorite Macross right now.

>Where does Macross Delta sit for you right now, compared to episodes 18 of SDF, 7, and Frontier?

I don't really like it....

I think I'd like it better if Mikumo and Messer were the main characters. Hayate is a cute kid and all but I don't really take him seriously and Freyja's kind of a joke.

I might be biased because I don't really like that 'fang moe' kind of little girl character being a romantic interest. The songs are kind of okay I guess? Mikumo's voice is great, the rest are forgettable.

I just don't like the music. It hasn't touched me the same way other Macross songs have. And even compared to Idolm@ster, which I adore, it just isn't good idol music.

And there's just something wrong with the character animations. Like in episode 17 when Hayate was watching Freyja on stage, what the fuck was up with his mouth? It looked like a trapezoid. And that's an important moment; the QUALITY minor scenes are even more jarring.

>It hasn't touched me the same way other Macross songs have

Yeah..I really miss Yoko Kanno's presence from Pulse and Frontier. I still listen to Pulse's OST and a lot of Sheryl's songs; the only Walkure song I have on my phone to listen to is Hametsu no Junjou.

Also I don't really like idol groups. Considering how little focus is put on the other members of the group, what's the point of even having characters like Reina or Makina in the show? Get rid of them and put the saved time on other characters that badly need fleshing out (example: Mirage)

It just seems like Kawamori wanted to cash in on idolbux and just ran with it without thinking it through.

What if in the inevitable compilation movies, Kawamori removes Mirage and gives all her lines and scenes to Chuck? Would people be happier about that character or less happy because a waifu is gone?

Having watched all of the Macross series I think thus far this is my least favorite. Its not nearly as emotionally strung as any that came before it. It's all very flashy and pop centric but completely lacks emotion and sympathy for the characters. Combat sequences are short and hold almost no meaning. It's not about survival and revolves around pride. If I were to make a contrast it would be a lesser version of Aldnoah Zero with pop music.

On the bright side, there aren't any obnoxious characters, The art is great though some animation is hitchy and not terribly fluid. The pop music is good but I feel that the songs in Frontier were far more meaningful and moving, invoking emotion rather than just background music for combat scenes. All in all, it's decent but it's clear this one is made for post series profit from concerts, soundtracks and the like.

Is Yoko doing anything this season? She did Aldnoah right?

SDF > Frontier > 7 > Delta

>On the bright side, there aren't any obnoxious characters
Bogue is pretty obnoxious. All he does is scream about Walkure. He's like an autist or something.

I like it better than Frontier, and aside from the appeal that SDF gets from being the original, I like it better than that as well. 7 is my favorite despite the slow pacing. Plus and Zero I can't really rank with the others just because of how differently they are handled. They are both great though.

As for how I feel about this? I love the music. Freyja is my favorite Macross girl now. Mikumo's voice is great. Plot I can't comment on because it's not over yet, but I do think that people are being silly about Mirage not getting more focus. It would be silly to shoehorn in someone who isn't really relevant to a lot of the stuff going on for the sake of 'muh love triangle.' For me, it's solid and I have no serious complaints.

Anybody have that photo of Hayate's character design where he's wearing those hideous jean overalls with a green shirt that's an abomination and an insult to the fashion industry and life in general?

2nd or 3rd best. It ties with SDFM in my opinion but it might be better simply because our main idol is so damn likable and our main pilot isn't a complete idiot, however the triangle is non existent and if there was never a triangle to begin with, it would definitely be better than SDFM no doubt. Too bad that's not the case. It's not as good as Plus. Plus had better action and animation. Also, Isamu is a badass so sorry Hayate. I guess my top 3 would be Plus, Delta, then SDFM.

>Is Yoko doing anything this season?

Not sure what she's up to. I wish she'd come back though


>pick this up for Ami
>get onee-san Ami

>no obnoxious characters

I'd classify Makina, Freyja and Bogue as being fairly obnoxious

I feel like nothing has happened since episode 13. This could've been a 13-episode Macross instead of 26 and been much better paced.

Better yet, remove Chuck and give all his lines and actions to Mirage.

Nvm found it. Look at this fucking idiot in his overalls. Jesus fuck Hayate. He needs an appointment with Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.

What are going to do in those overalls? Go pick fucking sunflowers out in the countryside?!

Oh wait. Nvm, maybe it's his outfit for picking apples when he moves to Windermere after he marries Freyja. OK that makes sense.

Remove Delta version of Mirage.
Create NUNS version of Mirage, friendly in 1st movie, enemy in 2nd movie.

Main plot related done.

My taste is shit so I think it's kinda cute.

Hayate and Freyja would make glorious apples together.

Overalls are on trend right now. The hoodie is what's making that fit shit.

t. /fa/

And then we have this precious Hoina looking absolutely adorable in those pajamas.

I miss her original Windermere clothes. Loved the cute country girl look.

Who the fuck designed these characters? Why does Hayate always wear shit pants?

He's too cool for pants and too straight for shorts.

Tfw you'll never have a Hoina gf this cute to cuddle

Okay, so I watched the first 6 episode of this. Also, never watched any other Macross.
I liked it. I mean, the premise is kind of retarded but the music is good and I have a huge boner for dogfights + music, so I found it really, really fun to watch. Can't wait to catch up tomorrow.
Anyway, Mirai is OLEV

This is objectively the worst Macross ever and is a disgrace to the name. Mddf eat shit.

still better than 7

That is a stupid and silly question, since the only difference between any of those choices are their titles and the names of the characters that are all identical to each other in every respect from title to title. It isn't as though Kawamori's ever stopped being a perverted idolfag who's never grown up enough to actually possess the imagination to produce anything more than the inane, shallow tripe he's abjectly worshipped for on this board. In the realm of proper military science fiction, not a single thing he's ever made is even worth consideration. In the realm of magical princess fairy land, it sits at the same table as Akazukin Cha-Cha, which ought to be offended that Macross's clone byblows are even present at its table.
t. Carl Macek, the Invid Flower of Life

So when's that new movie coming out?

I used to love it but I'm not really sure right now.
The series is underusing most of its cast and the story is progressing in a weird way for me.

I don't know I'lll have to think about this some more. It's still entertaining me a lot though.

The only underused cast are Chuck and Mirage. Everyone else including the Windies are getting fleshed out.

The Windies are just stereotypes though.

By far, It's my favorite Macross show. I just really love everything about it.

I like it enough to buy the overpriced BD's

This crazy M7 DBZ power level shit should have happened much sooner.

I'd rather buy Frontier's BDs. I thought Frontier had way better battle sequences, especially ones involving non-main character fighters and ships.

Eh, not really. It was mostly just blowing up the bugs. I should know I own those BD's as well

Not that I'm complaining about Frontiers action, but Delta's been great too, if a bit sparse.

But look at episode 1, the first space battle against the Vajra. And episode 8 when they save the Dulfim and the VF-27s go in. Or when they have to fight the Vajra mothership that came from Gallia IV. In Frontier the grunts actually do something, whereas in Delta they're literally just CGI models that show up occasionally in the background or fought the heroes twice because of VAR.

Watching Delta just makes me miss Frontier

Same. I really think some of the texture work for the ships was better in Frontier. Like that shitty freighter model that they keep reusing just looks so wrong because everything is mono-toned.

Say what you will about each show, that's not really true though

>muh fights
macross was always SOL
but yeah having a bunch of pretty boys as enemies would result in shit fights, because there's no cannon fodder and you can't just kill off the pretty boys

Untrue, the boys can die. Only them, though.

Frontier had better plot but it also looked like shit. Though the hype moments in Delta are on the level of Frontier's finale.

What? No they're not. They've fizzled out every single fucking time.

>hype moments in Delta

There have yet to be any. There's more hype in the first episode of MJP than there has been in all of Delta.

I really like it.
The only show that's been keeping me watching every week since the first ep.
But then again, I've liked all the Macross's Ive watched, even Zero.

Delta is always worth watching for any Mikumo and Reina scenes.

It's my least favorite too, but the first episode was incredible

Zero had cool dogfights.

Same, until episode 15. Now I want to drop it.

I've only watched Frontier, Plus and this, and my memories of the Frontier anime are practically non-existent due to how long it's been since I saw it, but I've been really enjoying Delta, it's a lot of fun, especially listening to Walkure, though I doubt it's gonna get a dogfight as fun as SnT's last 30 mins, also thought Plus was pretty shit besides Info High, the main trio were a bunch of unlikable cunts

>I want to drop it after it got much better

No, it's got much worse. Literally nothing happening for episodes, Mirage doing absolutely nothing, not even flying, and Freyja and Hayate's awkward romance is just not interesting.

>Mirage does absolutely nothing

Granted the show has problems, but you listing this as its some huge major flaw of the show seems rather out of place.

Episode 1 was amazing, hyped me way too hard, but it's the worst out of the whole franchise so far.

Myung was a cunt and Guld was a jerk, but not liking Isamu? Poor form, user.

The combat scenes seem rather obviously designed for music. It's good for camp and one of the few shows airing right now I can actually watch but not such a great addition to the Macross universe. Really I'd argue there hasn't been an especialyl great one since Plus though.

What I was trying to say is that the combat scenes kind of feel more like flashy music videos than scenes where there's something on the line a lot of the time.

Way to start threadshitting this show too all of a sudden Sup Forums. Of course some people are directing the conversation that way and it's just that easy.

>it's the worst out of the whole franchise so far.
how can it be the worst if it doesn't have Aimo?

It comes after she was actually a pilot.

At this point in F I was really frustrated wit h the plot, but the last few episodes really turned it around for me and I liked it quite a lot. Right now I like delta more, but I have a feeling it may not end as well as F.

I only have vague overall impression of the older Macrosses because I watched them so fucking long ago. It's hard to say how good they were but they were not some sort of iconic masterpiece for me.

Isamu was also a cunt. Everyone was a cunt, just like real people.

Where is his swimsuit designs?
Or anything with him shirtless?

It's time.
> [gg]_Macross_Delta_-_18_[6868B836].mkv

7 > Frontier > Plus > SDF > Delta
I'm having fun watching Delta, but not as much as the other series.

Frontier was total shit. Panty raids, school setting, and an actual fag for an MC. The movie made him even more of a fag by being a bug sympathizer.

Nonetheless it wasn't the worse and the music and mechs (except Quarter) were memorable.
Delta > SDF > 7 > Frontier > DYRL > Zero > Plus

The pacing is great in delta and I like the music right now because I haven't listened to it as much as the others yet.


About the only post in this thread that's not certified wrong

SDF > 7 = Delta > DYRL > Plus > Frontier >>>>>> Zero

I'm not that big of fan of the pacing in delta since the side characters are really getting shafted. I think they should have pushed for 36-39 episodes to really flesh out everything, but at least the manga is filling out the blanks. Nevertheless, Delta is shaping up way better than I ever expected it to. Frontierfags pls go.

I can't watch any macross post plus

How about the real important question, which is
VF-31 vs VF-25, which is better

I don't think anyone can argue against the fact that Delta is the weakest.

Zero is the weakest.

Shitty opinion, just for music alone it's already better than Delta

31A > Ozma's 25 > 31F/J > other 25s

No one even talks about the music in Zero, its so damn forgettable.

Delta's music is even more forgettable. No Kanno hurts a lot.

Nah mate Frontier is weakest. Characters are shit, the music is shit and the enemies are shit.
DYRL > SDF > 7 = Delta > Plus > Zero > Frontier.

More like
DYRL > Plus > SDF > 7 OVAs > Delta > Zero > 7 > Frontier.

just admit it, Zero had the weakest OST out of the entire Macross franchise.
Plus had Information High, SDF had OBOETE IMASUKA, 7 had Totsugeki Love Heart and others, Frontier had Seikan Hikou and Triangular, Delta has Giri Giri Ai, what does Zero have? Some gay ass french shit you can't even sing along to.

Plus > original > 7 > Frontier

I don't know where to put Delta yet, but I don't like the direction it's taking.

So now idolshit is better than actual decent music? kys

VF-22>VF-29>VF-19>VF-31>other vf

Welcome to neo-Sup Forums. Macross threads are now inhabited by love live faggots, they dont even PLANE.

SDF movie >F>Delta>7>SDF TV

DICKULTURE > Bust of about 85 Cm, will expand when unrapped > ORE NO UTAU KIKE!!!

Everything else is irrelevant

Solo Wing Mirage soon

Freyja is the best girl of the year. No one can compete with this pic related.


>Create NUNS version of Mirage, friendly in 1st movie, enemy in 2nd movie
[buddy intensifies]

Kawamori needs to remove Mirage in the new movie?

Or at least redefine her character

Without having seen SDF and 7, its by far my favorite macross now. I didn't care for the main characters in Frontier, Plus was pretty cool but a bit stupid at times with the triangle, and DYRL was too triangle heavy for my tastes.

Delta has the perfect amount of fun and seriousness for me.

>DYRL best
What is wrong with you? Aside form visuals it was terrible.

>Frontier at the end