>old anime looks better than new anime
>people can't even draw between the lines.
Why do you defend this shit?
>old anime looks better than new anime
>people can't even draw between the lines.
Why do you defend this shit?
That has nothing to do with whether something looks better or not.
>new anime looks better than old anime
>the computers doing almost everything for the animators can't even shade properly
I always felt the art style of SoBW was kind of ugly.
It fluctuates throughout the series.
Old anime looking better is mainly a meme pushed by people who have seen high budget movies/OVAs and high quality sunrise shows and nothing else.
The average 90s shows looked like garbage in comparison to today's average.
I think the point is they want anime to look like those high budget OVAs rather than what it looks like now
Is that supposed to be evidence?
Please never use the word meme again.
whoa look at that BUTT
>Implying Sunrise TV shit didn't look awful until around 1995 or so when everything else started to look good anyway. Digital stole the beautiful future of Cowboy Bebops and Outlaw Stars from us. Not because of their Western-pandering plots but rather their high quality TV animation.
Then maybe they should only watch new high budget OVAs and movies.
You know the blu-ray has a lot of a digital touch up to the colour and art, right? You didn't actually think that was how the colour looked hand drawn, did you?
You're kinda ugly.
It is a meme though. For some reason the idea that all 90s shows look like cowboy bebop somehow pushed itself to the general census of most western "anime fans"
Those people are free to form a production committee and give the anime studios a far higher budget and enough time than normal to produce a show to a level of standard they like.
Give the studios enough time and money, and they can produce something good. At least on the visual level. Storyboard and script might still be shit, but that's another question.
>new high budget OVAs
u wut m8
There is no such thing.
Also digital movies don't really look that good, many look worse than some TV shows now due to overuse of CG
>Western-pandering plots
This almost never happens
I was just heading off the kooks who would scream "LOL U LIEK COWBOY BEBOP AND OUTLAW STAR BECUZ U A NORMIE"
>using Berserk as an example of the typical modern anime movie
It's not a meme. Not everything is a meme. Unless you want to get super literal with it and define all thoughts as memes, but that's not how anyone uses it. On the internet it just means "joke", at least until it got popular to say recently with a helping of irony.
No one is saying all anime pre-2000 was as good as Cowboy Bebop. I like for instance.
Please stop with this meme.
High budget stuff from the 90s definitely looks better than high budget stuff from today
It didn't mean joke until it became a phrase used by casuals, and I still use it to mean a popular idea that spreads in a viral way.
I was using the word literally thought.
OP is a troll.
>old anime is bad animation
Only thing I miss is the texture that old shows had.
...Actually, has anybody made a media player filter that'd add one to whatever you're watching? I'm curious how that'd affect the look.
I fucking love Paradise Kiss' art style.
>old anime is good animation
It's sort of the opposite, 'internet meme' really just did mean a macro or joke until fairly recently when it started to be applied to every possible concept. It's terribly misused.
Of course, the original definition does still exist. Bringing up the word in the first place in lieu of an actual argument, though, isn't helping you.
I don't know what the "typical" anime movie is supposed to be but every one I've seen recently has had awful CG in it
>cherry picking filler episode hastily animated by Koreans
Nadia's Island Arc is infamous for a reason, user
It wasn't just referring to macros until the facebook crowd got a hold of it. I'm not the user who referred to something as a meme, I have no idea what you're arguing about, I just get triggered by people trying pretend that meme has never been used for its intended purpose.
>implying I'm being serious
Wow your suggestion is so reasonable and possible for the average poster on Sup Forums!
Then you're stupid for intending the word "meme" to stand alone as an argument against something.
"It's an idea that spread."
Wow. Harsh criticism.
>High budget OVAs and films vs 2000s tv series save one film which uses a minimalistic style
Here's a classic old school anime for you
>implying Poe's law isn't in full effect in this thread
But really, old Gainax isn't really a fair comparison since they managed to have far better animation than the standard TV series of the day.
CG mobs are nearly inevitable in any modern production regardless of format, but the usage of CG models like Berserk did is rare where even characters who are the focus of a shot at CG.
Whatever it was referring to in the past, that's not how it's (mis)used now.
These threads usually devolve into nothing but shitposting. May as well enjoy it while we can.
His argument works just as well if you replace the word meme with idea in it.
>Old anime looking better is mainly an idea pushed by people who have seen high budget movies/OVAs and high quality sunrise shows and nothing else.
>The average 90s shows looked like garbage in comparison to today's average.
>It's an idea that's spread by a strawman
That's hardly a point.
You should work on that reading comprehension bro. I said I was bothered by people pretending it was never used that way, nothing to do with how it's used now.
top: high budget vs mid budget
middle: high budget vs very low budget
middle2: high budget vs mid budget
bottom: mid budget vs low budget
Fact: All digital anime looks like shit.
>CG mobs are nearly inevitable in any modern production regardless of format,
Why is this allowed?
I don't really care what you were complaining about, I was clarifying that it doesn't matter how it was used in the past.
>typical episode of modern one piece
Probably because the first sentence is an explanation for why the idea would be popular in spite of their actual argument, that the average show looks bad in comparison to today's average.
A 12 episode anime in the higher quality range is surprisingly very cheap at 4 million dollars.
Gather enough whiny losers and start accumulating some of their neetbux in a foundation for the purpose of creating "ze gud animae", or have them make another whiny thread here on Sup Forums about the dumb old days where apparently everything was better (but in truth wasn't).
Then, why are you here?
>meme artstyle
Into le trash it goes
I like when time and money constraints and other limitations of the medium forced directors, animators, and screenplay writers to be creative about working around those limitations, instead of just going hog-wild with CGI everywhere.
Yes, a lot of times they just animated everything shittily or used Koreans, but some directors were masters of getting around the limitations of traditional animation.
that is one cute brown girl.
do you ever see her nips?
Well that's what happened when they outsourced to Korea and modern shonenshit is nothing but outsourced to Korea.
Then it's not really an argument, it's more like an opinion.
Oh well, it doesn't really matter.
Crowd animation is difficult, and doubly so in time-constrained modern productions.
What did he mean by this?
These threads are just circle jerks about muh grain and muh cels ignoring absolutely everything else about old shows
I don't have the gif, but yes, and they look just like milk duds
You have no concept of reality, do you? Not only is gaijin forming a production company unprecedented but the kind of staff who can actually do cel work anymore are so rare it'd drive the price through the roof
It's the best kind of meme
The entire concept of "this thing looks better than this thing" is a subjective opinion.
Solution: Avoid doing crowd shots
And an ass shot while I'm here.
Why would you even want cels to be used? There's no benefit to them.
Such as? The shading? That's what usually impresses me.
It is not anime unless it has the anime artstyle. Otherwise it is just Japanese cartoonshit.
It's more Oda just making the cast run around way to much instead of doing anything of interest
Long-running shows have a mix of in-house and locally and foreign outsourced episodes.
I think that might just be the shadow or outline of her bracelet, which you can see more clearly on the closeup.
Anime is literally just the japanese word for cartoon.
Please kill yourself.
Of course.
Anno liked sneaking in one or two frames of nipples onto TV. He pulled it again in Eva, once each with Asuka and Rei.
>Wings of Honneamise
Literally the greatest anime film of all time. A truly beautiful and ambitious film, tastefully done and with a good message.
>Gurren Lagann
All bullshit that panders to waifufags with no standards.
What happened to Gainax?
Behold the beauty of modern digital anime and despair.
t. kramer
Is Wanwa the Puppy anime?
Why does Lelouch have tits?
Which has always been the minority in anime
Everyone always puts out a list of good looking shows which consist of maybe 5% of the anime made in that era
It's just cherry picking bullshit
Fucking love all that shading, bro.
Holy shit the whole point was people thinking animu looked better in the "old days" before digital. What did people use in the old days before digital? Cel.
No. It's tumblr cartoonshit from Japan.
No, it's QUALITY.
It's a pity you fail to appreciate Ohira's genius. I can only pray that you will see the light one day.
Into the trash it goes
Notice how all the Nadia shots people have are her naked?
Why haven't the Megazone BDs come out yet?
What are you implying?
They have.