It's happening you faggots.
It's happening you faggots
anime is made by nips for nips. they don't give a fuck about what american bloggers think.
nobody wants to read your blog
Japan doesn't care what the west thinks, we don't buy their shit and are not the target audience.
I don't know who this is. I don't know why I should care. And I especially don't know why anyone in Japan would give a fuck.
fuck off
Women were a mistake.
>games are made for gamers by gamers, nobody cares what bloggers think
>written by a woman
what a funny joke
>Western SJW bitch bitches at English-speaking audience for Chinese cartoons.
Dont take it too seriously OP. That site tries to apply a 3rd wave/modern feminist lense onto EVERYTHING.
Basically its a "stop liking what I dont like" article.
For a culture that is so offended by the white saviour trope they sure want to meddle in other culture´s business
With a name like Cook, I think it's obvious to anyone what kind of job this girl should be doing.
Suck old men's dicks.
I any case, she shouldn't be writing articles about anime. No-one should, really.
That's not even close to the same thing you intensely handicapped faggot. Bloggers are still within the target demographic for those games, whereas western bloggers aren't the target of most anime.
>Lurking the source
>Is a SJW feminism site
Mods ban the OP please
Now I can be 100% sure that there is no worth in those words.
Well for one thing they'd have to learn moonspeak to actually reach them, and if they ever did a nip would laugh at their stupid face
American fans and japanese producers have almost no contact. One can not say the same for game developers and their close friends who made a living by writing about their games.
My dubs are happening
Sup Forums get the fuck out with your bullshit.
dubs time
Because fanservice needs no excuses. It can exist for it's own sake.
Grandpa, stop repeating yourself
this thread has been up for give minutes
f i v e m i n u t e s
and everyone's biting.
Is this Sup Forums? Where everyone's willing to pay attention to the retard?
Anime and games have different fanbases.
Games can but anime isn't as popular as games that it can survive on physical merchandise in the West.
pastebin you faggot
Why does there need to be an excuse for service?
Dudes like seeing hot and pretty chicks, while chicks like seeing hot and moe dudes
Who are you quoting, retard?
Women don't want men to have any fun at all.
I'm just waiting for that user who post lewd so I can save stuff. Also point out that games and anme are very different and any SJW bullshit affecting games won't affect anime.
UNLESS SEALD starts doing very western SJW stuff over Japan(I hope they won't).
This is a now a dubs thread
Posting in a dead bread.
>give minutes
hehehehe you made a mistake, hehehe stupid user
>Addressing an audience who does not buy anime or the merchandise associated with anime and are largely considered an irrelevant demographic to the people who are marketing DVDs/BDs/misc. merch
Screw replying to him. I'm just gonna use this thread as an excuse to talk about cool tv show and movie themes.
They're going to take away our Anime, aren't they?
This kind of shit is why anime will never be popular outside of Japan
How do people even run into fanservice? I can't remember the last time I've seen a show with blatant fanservice that I wasn't actively seeking out other than like Gunbuster and a the original gundam where I wasn't expecting to see nudity.
save us loli spammer
>implying japs care about burgers who pirate their shit anyway
We're just 'avin a giggle, m8. No need to run to your safe space and piss yourself.
Is it, now?
>its a Sup Forums episode
Just cancel this show it sucks
It doesn't need to be. It can stay as a Japanese exclusive artform.
Just like how food and wine is exclusively an artform to France and beer to Germany.
save us dubs
So who does she think she's reaching with this article? Japan?
Let me guide you, user.
oh boy crickubeito
how do you *not* run into fanservice? have you not watched anime in the past 20 years?
Yeah there should just be anime with fanservice that doesn't have a plot, like TLR.
Janitors are being quite slow tonight.
>This is the Utena audience
Fuck off Sup Forums.
This is the same site that
-complained about a doujin artist making DLC coustumes for Soul Caliber
-said Samus was Trans
-has bitch fits about anything everyday
Us. Article says "anime fans" in english.
Hence she's talking to english-speaking anime fans which is majorly everyone outside Japan.
55 and this thread dies.
No kidding, Utena is for morons who think they are smrt.
just give it up. there is no warning these people. just like /lit/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums they will wake up one day and find their hobbies stolen from them.
Look at them doubles
Why would fanservice need an excuse?
>off by 10
Sup Forums is fast today.
>Tear down this wall of T&A.
20 lbs of PUSSY and ASS
This is everywhere its not just anime, porn is a billion dollar industry this shit has been around for A VERY LONG TIME
Check 'em
>Here’s a thought: maybe critics would be more enthusiastic if the face of anime weren’t pro-Gamergate, anti-Ghostbusters trolls. I wonder how many people who were once neutral towards anime have developed an instinctive aversion to it, associating anime girls with anonymous entitlement?
oh, its just irrelevant shit. Some stupid Sup Forums shit spilling over because they have anime avatars or some shit
Women should never have opinions.
They think it is unnecessary and is just there to fuel misogyny on anime fans.
Which is dumb since it acts as female-power fantasy instead, rather than misogynistic fuel.
Karen a cute
>hol up
>what your saying is
>visible sage
>aint a thang no more?
>because reddit
>but we can still get doubles
That article makes no sense. She's grouping anime together with video games and comic books as "boy's club" media, but anime is already equally popular with women and has been for a long time. So stripping out fanservice has nothing to do with appealing to women, it's just to appeal to this tiny cabal of elitist liberal critics, which is totally unnecessary because we already have Youtube critics who understand anime better than they ever could.
>Amelia Cook has a Japanese Studies degree, was secretary of her university’s anime society and contributed to the Directory of World Cinema: Japan series. She is catching up on the state of anime fandom after some time away, so please recommend feminist ani-bloggers and articles to her on Twitter @neutralfemale or through her website Fanservice Check.
You mean these digits.
>which is totally unnecessary because we already have Youtube critics who understand anime better than they ever could
liberal critics are losing viewers. They need click-bait articles like this.
Loliboot also dubs
I want to rip off those bandaids.
me on the left
The funny thing is that she contradicts herself further by citing how fujoshi have had a major impact on the direction of the industry.
So, women have made a major influence in anime, but they weren't the RIGHT women with the CORRECT beliefs, is what I'm getting here.
>maybe critics would be more enthusiastic if the face of anime weren’tpro-Gamergate,anti-Ghostbusters trolls.
What an intelligent sentence
It's time.
artist name? pixiv account? anything?
Who decided that?
The west represents near 0% of the gross revenue stream.
Funi? Crunchy? The dozen or so French outfits? They pay a lump sum for their license. They don't pay anything in gross points. The only time anime pays gross points is when the Japanese production companies / publishers chose to publish for themselves in the west (eg aniplex hocking klk bluray's on their own to western buyers).
No one gets rich off of one time payments. The Jap's don't fucking care. Pic related.
The end of anime is here....
The barrier will always be language. And I highly doubt one of these 300 pound gibmedats "humans" would have the discipline to learn a foreign language with nothing in common with their mother tongue. They stand no chance and this is why the nips are the final bastion of free speech. These landwales will never even be able to communicate with a Japanese person.
If dubs trump wins
I feel stupider after reading only a paragraph of this article
Every year, anime fans wonder why Japanese animation isn’t being taken more seriously by critics. I get it; in 2016 alone, just look at the blend of history and tradition in Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, the Ghibli-esque magical realism of Flying Witch, or the animation spectacle of Mob Psycho 100 to glimpse the versatility and sophistication anime has to offer. Why is unexceptional western television given valuable print space while exceptional anime is not?
And then the otaku shrug their shoulders and go back to conversations about who the best girl is, whose waifu is trash, and how irrational anyone must be to stop watching a show as soon as female characters show some T&A.
Noice dubs