God tier anime

can you give me some god tier anime recommandation Sup Forums
non of that moe trash btw

Boku no Pico.



>I posted it again, mom


You can fuck right out of Sup Forums if you have a problem with it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou

He asked for god tier, not shit tier

watched it before

overrated pice of trash

Now fuck off


For sure in a few minutes the trolls are gonna come in and tell you to watch Boku no Pico.
Undoubtedly they will tell you it's a masterpiece.
Consider that it's actually a shotacon hentai anime.
Kindly disregard those folks who would mislead you.
Of course there are many good anime out there that I can tell you about.
Folks on Sup Forums can be a little touchy but I try to keep things more positive.
For your next anime, you should read the first letter of each line of this post.

Well that's the only god tier anime.
So i guess you should fuck off now.

thx user

one pan man
red line
gunsmith cats
riding bean

Hello, newfag.

oh wow i just started watching anime.so i guess it is just as bad as everybody was telling me

Indeed it is.