Human rights

Look, Sup Forums , I ain't redpilling myself if your ideology doesn't believe in human rights.

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What kind of rights do YOU think humans should have?

Human rights are a social construct.

How about "saving people from themselves"? Is that a right? is that taking a right away?

oh we do, private property, pursuit of liberty

living aint one of em

>saving people from themselves
that's not your choice as an individual.
you're not morally perfect.

a right is a governmental protection statement. it says if you do something you will be protected from being hurt by others because of that thing. the right to speech means you are contractually protected by the government to say whatever you want without harm, but just remember: when you have that much rights, and the government is your only form of defence, the government can easily manipulate that, which is why the right to self defense is important, and also the right to bear arms.


so who's moral compass guides public infrastructure spending?

Necessities met efficiently. Shelter, food, water, healthcare, transit, communications.

Keep it that no one needs to worry about a roof, a meal, or a strange cough, but don't give them anything more than they require to live a full life.

Don't make it nice. Doesn't have to be nice. You want nice? Earn some money, buy a proper house.

There is no such thing as human rights because the whole humanity doesnt agree on it. For exemple Muslims have their own. Look it up

Right to live and be able to make your own decisions, to pursue the life you want, associate with who you want

Freedom of conscience, of speech, of practicing your religion (privately)

Universal access to clean water, housing, food, healthcare, welfare on one side

Freedom of entreprise, private property, etc... on the other

Freedom from opression of any kind and freedom from discrimination

The list goes on and should apply to all humans regardless of skin colour, gender and stuff

Am really saying basic shit here, nothing intelligent, but just to convey that fascism doesn't respect all of what I mentionned

The believe in human rights they just debate what it means to be human.

What do you mean by "saving people from themselves" ?

What about people who don't believe communication, healthcare or shelter are absolute rights? what about entire sections of my country who believe that a human of age who cannot work should not be fed?

We don't take kindly to your type here, spook

banning drugs, asking for payment for education, banning home education, censorship, those sorts of things.

>welfare is a right

you're a fucking theif I'm out.

Well I do, so that's why i'm not agreeing with Sup Forums

>Right to live and be able to make your own decisions, to pursue the life you want, associate with who you want
>Freedom from opression of any kind and freedom from discrimination
Those two contradict each other.

Gallica sunt, qui amiserint

Averte pedem tuum Victus

Tu plenus muslims

Puer es, sed cui mundi visum est unrealistic

rights are plastic, they're just a fancy name for rules or laws. human rights can cange at the stroke of a pen. the only concrete law is the law of nature

I don't agree with censorship but for the rest, i consider that its reasonable. Rights should stop where they begin to infringe upon those of others and when they begin to become self-harm, so yeah

From what I see, much of the Alt-Right are very strict constitutionalists. For how dated it is, the constitution covers 99% of all bases.

The Left however view it as a draconian document that is alterable and should be interpreted in the very loosest sense of the words.

Those are not rights at all. Rights are not substance, rights are the ability to obtain substance.

>Right to travel - Where there is no danger to person or property, a person shall not be prohibited the right to traverse public lands.

You have no right to force me to stay alive if I do not want to. People like you are cancer.

ostende mihi faciem tuam vexillum

don't hide behind meme flag

I sense a contradiction here

think about it this way
>you have the right to food
>guy gets hungry and decides to steal an ear of corn
>farmer has right to protect his property
>attacks the man who has right to bodily integrity
>who the has the right to defend himself
>and kills the man who has a right to life

rights are a faggot term used to assure the mass of retards that they are safe and protected. you can base a system on morals which express themselves as rights because rights dont mean fuck all nigga and are inherently flawed

> can

You don't need human rights if you have common law you continental piece of shit. Delete UN.

Ostende nobis album vexillum

Well I'm probably mixing up the terms "morals" and "rights" since some of my agreements about "human rights" aren't those of the others

Racial rights are human rights.


Not true Seneca, rights can be suppressed but they don't stop being human rights

>tfw no populist strongman taoiseach

Human rights are overrated.
We should only seek to preserve our own and leave all others to their own devices.