Why is she so perfect?
Illya Thread
How easy it would be to rape her
She is. But not that retard from Prisma.
I always feel so awkward when I watch this.
...but then I remember I'm a degenerate and enjoy it anyway.
whats awkward about two cute anime girls kissing
>garter belt
this outfit is cuter
Half Zettai Ryouiki is my new fetish
It's basically just a plain black dress. I would have liked abit more detail or design on the costume, to be honest. More like Illya's Assassin costume.
pls no
Right. Keep telling yourself that.
I want to cuddle the night away with Ilya and then bitter-sweetly restart the cycle all over again
Miracle of the universe!
She definitely is, especially that outfit with twintails. Illya is still my favorite of the 3, but Kuro and Miyu are amazing as well.
Why is Miyu so gay?
How do you pronounce her name?
ee lya sveel
For a second I thought the whole side of her dress was open and there was full-view delicious thighs and vagina bones
That garter tease is fine too
>Not being gay for Illya
What are you, gay?
I'm not sure who i'd rather be, Miyu or Illya. Or maybe Kuro would be the best choice, then I'd have an excuse to kiss them at least.
im so pumped for an emiya who knows what he's doing
Next episode is fanservice.
Oh boy, here we go again my penis.
First half fan service and second half Darius fight most likely. Should be a pretty good episode.
>outside of specials
nope, we'll get what was in the preview and nothing else
>dressed as archer
>using excalibur
>firing a hyper beam
It's like watching the animated version of some shitty fanfic
welcome to fateshit
When will Gil-kun capture her heart?
If I become Illya, will you be Kuro and drain my mana?
nah that's like 5 chapters in a single episode I could see it stopping when darius appears/
>Prisma Illya manga
>full of loli fanservice which are getting very lewd at times
>anime adaptation starts
>loli fanservice is getting tamer and more rare, where the only fanservice is of the titmonster
Anime industry in a nutshell
>loli fanservice getting tamer
Whatever you say, man.
It's definitely going to end just as Darius arrives.
We are gonna have kiddie panties this week and we had a kiss last one. I think we are fine right now.
>nothing explicit fanservice all we got is another kiss
>reposting that webm everywhere as if it were somehow the pinnacle of fanservice
How do you watch this show when you clearly have no eyes?
Illya made her that way
Post something from the series itself please after 2wei.
That's what I thought.
it's 3 chapters, so the same amount as episode 3, and mixing in meeting Erika and the Bath scene might speed up things a bit.
bullshit, why do they hide her pantsu
The same reason they hide every explicit loli fanservice.
They do keep Tanaka's though, since she's not a "disgusting loli".
best illya
user, we're literally 4 episodes in
Please stop replying to him it's a recurring troll.
Does anyone have a gif of Kuro's explosion of bubbly cuteness after her make out session with Ilya
illya's thighs look more plump in the manga, that should be something they need to animate correctly
Fuck off Gil
>he is right
>pull the "troll" card
Every time.
The adaptation doesn't sexualize lolis.
It's a miracle we even get the kiss scenes because it's not explicit fanservice, but that's all.
This is not a loli thread this is an Illya thread. Go make your own thread if you want to discuss what you think is the current state of the industry.
This isn't an anime exclusive thread from what I gather either, so the fanservice is part of it, as it is part of the manga.
Then discuss that but stop bringing in off topic shit. Illya isn't just from Prisma either.
What is "offtopic shit" is your meta posting.
The discussion about the adaptation removing fanservice is very much on-topic.
Less arguing, more discussion about Prisma Ilya.
Is this an accurate representation of Ilya's boobs?
Yeah and we're not far off the flashback arc where all the loliservice completely stopped for a year, and only just finished.
What the fuck does your opinion on how Silver Link is handling the adaptation of Prisma have to do with Illya?
Friendly reminder to just ignore LRD.
Illya's almost perfect.
Only missing the darker skin and promiscuity of the real perfect character.
I honestly don't know anymore.
Both the manga and the anime are so inconsistent with the cup sizes for the cups. Sometimes they're flat as a board and other times they have some perky bountifully budding small A-cup tiddies.
It has a lot to do with Illya.
Must feel so damn great not to care about loli service. Good for you.
Well yes, Prisma Illya is the pinnacle of loli fanservice. There's nothing better in anime.
Anime seems to mostly draw them as flat(with the exception of the official promo material and such) while manga drew them as flat in the first and early 2wei while after that they seem to generally be drawn with small budding breasts.
I don't believe the manga takes place over more than a couple of months at most if even that, but i guess it's meant to show them just starting to grow, further emphasized with the birthday episode where they become a year older.
The anime is still inconsistent, the special hot springs episode has pretty obvious buds when Kuro pounces on top of Illya.
That's not saying much.
Yeah there definitely are some. Seems it's mostly OVA and promo material and such that has them drawn as not completely flat, so could just be a case of them being cheap when it comes to the tv series as it's easier to just draw them completely flat.
This is the only show that has appealing lolis.
In every other case loli's are so nonsexual that despite any attempt at fanservice my reaction is always to pat them on the head and protect their smiles.
Kuro and Illya however are a different story.
You just don't feel attracted to lolis.
Illya and Kuro basically look like any teenage anime character, not really like a child.
Maybe it's borderline.
I want to protect Kuro's smile.
That just happens to involve lots of kissing and sex
It is. SL draws the best lolis.
Their looks always change, though. Sometimes they look 8, then 12, even 15 in some parts.
They pretty much alternate the key art with every seasons.
It did get better though, 3rei looks way nicer than the uguu season 1.
How is that even bait, Fate Ilya>Prisma Ilya.
They totally changed their personality/character and made Kuro actually way closer to what Ilya originally was.
*Altered, shit.
They also look consistently 15 now instead of the earlier younger looks.
That's probably why can happen.
Too bad they're still too young looking not to cut out the fanservice though apparently.
Both are pretty great, I can't really pick which one i like more honestly. Fate Illya is a more interesting character but I find Prisma illya a more fun character to watch.
Also Prisma Illya is obviously going to be quite different due to what she went through, her upbringing and her age. In the short part where we see Illya in fate zero she's only a few years younger than she is in prisma and she acts a lot like her there.
That's because a person's personality is largely dictated by life events.
Prisma Illya is happy and optimistic because she's a normal girl and good things happen to her.
Fate Illya is more pessimistic and violent because she's effectively a tool and shit things happen to her.
Kuro is initially completely pessimistic and violent because she was, in a matter of speaking, abandoned by her parents and a shit thing happens to her, she manages to exist but her "spot" is already taken, in a way.
Nothing bad that has affected Prisma Illya is even remotely close to the shit Kuro and Fate Illya have dealt with, it follows that they would be more serious, less optimistic, more selfish, but still value the happy times.
I think Prisma Illya is how she should be.
Kuro is better, but Prisma Illya being more like her Fate counterpart wouldn't make as much sense as what we have now.
>They also look consistently 15 now
What the hell. Have you ever seen 15 years girls? No, user, the cups look exactly like they should.
>obviously going to be quite different
Not necessarily, but it makes a lot of sense for her to be different and I probably would prefer that over shoehorning what she was in Fate, since it wouldn't make sense in that situation, still the point stands of her just being totally different character and one I personally don't prefer by a large margin.
Also I kind of prefer Takeuchi style over the Silverlink or any anime one for that matter. The manga style is good enough though.
I think it also answeres this poster.
>older art with the muh arms syndrome
>newer art suffers from angular nose and sameface
It's time to drop your nostalgia goggle m8.
I'm gar for Miyuverse Shirou.
Not him but so what? Even with those faults it still looks good.
If you enjoy your Illya looking exactly the same as Saber and a dozen other characters, sure.
That's because Kuro IS what Illya orignally was, just sealed.
But she doesn't. Did you even look at the image?
You saying they should look ~15?
I'm not talking about american burger 15 year olds either.
which special?