Teru's debut, best boy after Reigen
Mob Psycho 100 episode 3 in 8 hours
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Teru a shit.
You have a shit opinion. Teru a best.
Also he suffers too much in recent chapter.
I really hope BONES don't fuck up the Bloodbath scene and the whole sequence in general
Saiki is the better psychic comedy show with lesser budget and screen time.
I wouldn't consider Mob Psycho a comedy
Saiki is poor man's Gintama.
Gintama is poor man's Yakitate Japan
Yakitate Japan is poor man's Shokugeki no Souma.
I have faith that BONES will deliver.
Stop spoiling that shit you fucking retarded low functioning autist
Episode 4
>Shitty gag comedy with gag characters that aren't even remotely interesting
The first episode like got only one half chuckle from me.
Immediately dropped afterwards.
> Literally just introduced a character that would be introduced next episode.
Calls it a spoiler like it's gonna ruin the show for animeonlyfags.
> Reigen is secretly a powerful psychic and the boss of a secret psychic organization aiming for world domination.
Now that's a spoiler, retard
Can't fucking wait.
How much you gonna bet hs will screw that part up/water it down?
Is 96.3 or 97 out?
That's Ritsu
Not like a word can ruin it if there's spoken lines. I can see how in the manga the choice of wording would matter a lot, like when Dimple goes "...the fuck is he saying?" but the anime version is gonna live or die by how the VAs perform
Every friday. Stop asking.
You do realize that the swearing is just ultimateking's choice of words.
I can pretty much agree with this. It would be the voices and visuals that need to be able to capture this moment from the manga.
Reigen is legit. He even lifted my curse when I had an aching shoulder and waist.
Yea I really like the manga translation, that's like half of the comedy of the manga
Sket Dance is poor man's Gintama.
96.3 was posted on a thread earlier in Jap.
You don't seem to understand as expected from a mental recluse as yourself.
The introduction of a new character to a show is meant to be experienced while watching the said show. It is a novelty effect that is supposed to be part of the enjoyment. Even the character design is an element of surprise.
You are taking all that out of the equation for people who want to discover everything through the anime.
Also, what's the point of making a thread about an episode that hasn't aired yet from an episodic anime ? What is there to discuss ? Did you make this thread this early because you want so badly that the future discussions be held on a thread you create ? Don't you have anything better to do with you life ? Was that the first goal you had to achieve this morning on your today's to-do-list ?
No you
Isn't that Reigen talking?
saiki is a great show but it shouldn't be compared to mob psycho, similarity ends at the psychic powers.
This is next episode too
Will be a nice reaction image.
Huh? No way man, I'm just trying to be objective here and give my two cents.
I fucking love that part in the opening.
>Spoons turn to Ritsu who turns into the cactus
Teru is seen multiple times in the anime's OP. He has literally been teased for the past three weeks.
Look at Reigen desperately trying to defend himself when he's about to be finished off.
i'm not on that faggot's side, but that's not really an argument. lots of spoilers are "teased" at in OPs. there's a difference between teasing and fucking.
Good job, Rüppell's fox.
Don't you feel ashamed?
I can't wait for the ritsu arc.
Please give me your sign!
Piss off, fraudster
I don't get it.
read the manga
Is this Mob talking?
Nice bait, faggot.
Overrated shit with vocal circlejerking fanbase general?
This is not the Re:zero thread faggot.
Re: Zero thread is one thread over to the right user
The posts have been made in reverse order. You absolute mad men!
Just a few more hours
Long hair > short hair > wig hair = ochimusha
I really miss his longer hair. Can't stand his current hair.
Also it flared up really nicely when he fought with Mob. I hope BONES will show it.
Teru is for next week.
his first appearance will be this episode
assuming all went according to the manga
Not to jinx or anything but so far BONES followed everything really well.
except for that one fucking panel.... but yes, you're right.
There's nothing wrong with how they did it.
Your expectations and how you think it should have been done are what is wrong.
It's not bad, but it could be better.
I didn't laugh, tho
You could even hear the anger in Ito's voice building up. I liked it.
>There's nothing wrong with how they did it.
I'm tired of arguing with retards to be honest.
What panel?
read the manga and compare it, you'll know
When will people fucking stop replying to stupid repeat comments
>mp100 is opm clone
>saeki whatever the fuck is da better psychic show
I swear every fucking thread just ignore them, goddamn
Repeating comments?
I have to admit ep. 3 felt a bit underwhelming for me
People basically saying the same shit but worded differently,
only that part for me. The actual fight is terrific
I did read the manga, but I don't remember anything being off.
What part about it is repeating then?
the mp 100 opm clone was a meme exclusively for mob psycho thread. Saiki is just a weak bait
Serious question though:
Do you think Mob would actually become a legit religious leader one day? If so do you think the current Manga arc is the beginning of his ascend as a messiah ?
No. But he will be a better man through eradicating the broccoli lord along with Dimple
I still like the theory that Dimple is setting everything up so Mob can become his legacy as a god.
Live action Dimple arc leaked
These are both possible, like Dimple could be setting himself up as a false messiah so that Mob can take his place as the "true messanger of God" kinda like what happened with the lol cult
Contain yourself in the Re:tard threads please
Butchered in the anime version
Also they got rid of Tatsumaki's cameo
>Improved in the anime version
got an even better cameo though
Dunno, that seemed fine to me
I heard that some people complaining that Teru's first encounter with the Claw to be vague and out of no where. What if the anime will put a filler scene where Teru fights one of the Cadre or his henchmen during Ritsu's arc? That would fit I guess.
How could they fuck it up, we didnt see anything in the manga, so whatever bones does will be better than the manga
How can anyone not find Reigen attractive? Just look at the man.
This was the big thing I was waiting for.
It wasn't as great as I thought it was, but then again most moments I've thought of like that haven't been.
Still a decent ~7.
No, most of Sup Forums just have difficulties reading properly.
I guess the manga from 1-8 is decent ~5 then. Cause in no way was the manga better as a whole than the first 3 episodes.