You are not a Patriot

Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

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just because your country failed every time doesn't mean you have to drag us down with you.

Nice definitions you just made up

I never claimed to be a patriot. I am a nationalist, because the people I live among are brainwashed marxist whom I wouldn't bruise a knee for. Patriotism is being willing to risk your life in actually fighting against the enemies. There's no doing that today, because EU has cucked our weak government, anestetized our people and shackled our patriots.
There's no fighting anyone before ridding yourself of the shackles.


so germans are not patriots because they want african cocks in their mouths instead of normal gay german cock?

Lel. A cuck quoting another cuck. The homology of shitposting.

>it's a leftist creates new simple meanings for words he finds difficult episode

You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.

>love of your own people comes first

This country hasn't been "my people" since 1965.

Never, ever let communist fucks try to define words. That's 80% of their game - making it so that disagreeing with them is literally unthinkable.

The definition of nationalism is in the dictionary, fuckwad.

Nationalism is to blame for this century's wars

>it's a triggered faggot cries about a thread episode
>goes straight to a smuggie thread afterwards

Are you retarded??

A complete retard. Nationalism and patriotism are completely different and not excluding

I'm Patriot and nationalist.

>german education

and Germanism is when your love of sandpeople makes your little puppenschafte twinkle

stop projecting your lack of national pride for a country with no morally respectable history onto other countries forged ironically out of your countries failures.

Don't forget to put those black Germans/Arabs first.

Nice try faggot, you are still being replaced

Nationalists will always think that criticism of their ideology is dangerous. They will always equate their hate with patriotism.

Kill yourself faggot

Wrong, patriotism is simply love for the state.
Nationalism is love for the people.

Nothing wrong with hating kikes and niggers

so I guess the opposite of nationalism, which is internationalism, is when hate of your own people comes first, right?

gosh I guess internationalists are pretty fucking dangerous to have running around in your country huh, really makes me think

Patriotism is love of your COUNTRY (literally a geographic and state unit)

Nationalism is love of your fellow nationals, who share the same common blood, language, history, and culture.

ok? Pretty sure I'd get a long a lot better with white nationalists from Europe than niggos in Detroit

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war.


Where do you learn this shit? You are still being replaced.

Patriotism = country
Nationalism = nation

When someone says he was a great American patriot what nation is he for?

Patriotism is loving and defending your country against external threats.

Nationalism is loving and defending your country against external AND internal threats.

I just explained you that being proud for the accomplishments of your ancerstors is patriotism.

here you dumbfuck:

Patriotism is to care about your homeland.
Nationalism is to care about your people.
You can be both.

Patriotism relates to nation. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with race or ethnicity, but for most of history it did. Today, patriotism mainly refers to a particular set of values (i.e. the American constitution) or a vaguely defined culture of some sort. This makes patriotism easy to undermine and/or subvert. There's an effort in the US to redefine patriotism as "punching Nazis" and in the UK, the supposed "British values" of diversity, love and inclusion (or something of that like) are often spoken of. Hence, patriotism is flawed.

Nationalism is not "hate" (whatever that means). Nationalism can be defined in various contexts. I think most on Sup Forums would define nationalism as the idea that a nation and a people are intrinsically linked (ethno-nationalism), giving it a much deeper and more-difficult-to-subvert meaning than patriotism. A healthy nation cannot be sustained through a belief in an arbitrary and ever-changing set of "values" (patriotism). A healthy nation needs a people united in their shared history, culture and identity, and this identity should be based in something deeper than man-made principles

Have you properly apologized for The Holocaust™ today?

Holy shit, stop talking you glorified monkey of a human. Cringe as fuck

Patriotism is loving your country and the standard and law your country has set.

Nationalism is putting your people and your first and enforcing your country's standards and laws to protect your homeland.

Patriotism + Nationalism = Unity


Anglo > All

And yet you still don't have any authority to define words according to your own desires. Must be frustrating for you.

At least he is not an amerifat

Think of Europe in the 20th century. Two World Wars generated by nationalism. Also stop writing if you just here to shitpost.

Ooo ooo ooo, brazilian hue. Go back to practicing your soccer. Only thing you're useful for.

Oh god 5th grade brain washing!!! Totally not caused by imperialism started by the kaisers or anything.

imperialism is caused by nationalism, people think they are better than other and have the right to conquer them and make them to slaves.

My people are american whites, I love them, I am a white american nationalist, I love other ethnic nationalist, I want to save my people, fuck off genocidal cuck.

And shitting in cups, stealing phones, etc.

America is a new country, and maybe patriotism helps Americans create unity, since it is a melting pot. But nationalism in Europe has a bad history, as you may know.

nationalism is the opinion that nations should be sovereign and self-governing and act in their own interests.
This is the definition of the word.
All the rest of your bullshit is just obfuscation and agitprop from COMINTERN / the small rootless international clique

De Gaulle was a cuck
there's an account that goes along the lines of
>after the victory in Europe, several members of the French SS division were brought before De Gaulle
>De Gaulle asked the men "why do you wear German uniforms?"
>one of the men responds "why do you wear an American uniform?"
>De Gaulle orders the men to be executed
he was a pathetic sellout pretending to be a nationalist

what a shitty fucking post

kill yourself Kraut

Does it matter. Most 'Patriots' are just edgy conservatives. Basically good Goys

We are the best in the best sport. Fine.

What are you good for, again?

Remember when Germany raped you at your own home game? 7 goals remembers. Watching you monkeys cry was a great day.


Apologize, faggot

Nationalism is about blood and soil, Patriotism is about the veneration of an Ideal.

No, you're not best in sports, your people are just good at playing football, not even close to be the best at football. 1-7

Fuck off, Achmed.

OP is talking arbitrary shite.
Pure opinion that contradicts dictionary definitions.
Redefine other words too OP. Newspeak should flow naturally for a denizen of the remaining unliberated outpost of the UUSR - Germany
Look at the fucking state of yourself.

>We are the best in the best sport. Fine.
remember 7-1?

We're good at calling you out for being the jungle apes that you are.

A nationalist loves his people, it's right there in the name. A patriot loves the government, the state.

USSR, even
They pulled down a wall but did nothing to cure society
1 in 4 Germans from the Eastern half were informants for the fucking Communust secret police, the Stasi.
OP is probably one

Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn't.

Non-whites were never intended to be part of my nation


Why don't your clubs win anything?
You only win because there's no money in it compared to club football so nobody from the big teams - in the U.K. and Italy - give a shit

7-1 was the best thing that happened to us, we renew ourselves and we are much more strong.

>1 in 4 Germans from the Eastern half were informants for the fucking Communust secret police
not becouse they wanted to be but becouse they got forced to be or getting in trouble.

>They pulled down a wall but did nothing to cure society
the people pulled down the wall and not the regime, they cured them self with that.

>Where do you learn this shit?
In the public education brainwashing facilities. OP talks like a typical brainwashed Germcuck

No, you're not, your team will never win anything again.

Is that what you learned from the Stasi.
Why do you pretend to be a real country when 1 in 8 of your population used to literally sell the other 7 in 8 to the communist secret police for a good goy pat on the head?
You never cured yourselves of communist sneaking and treachery and that's why Merkel is there now.

>7 in 8
Well 3 really

in 4 Germans from the Eastern half were informants for the fucking Communust secret police
>not becouse they wanted to be but becouse they got forced to be or getting in trouble.

How can you be that naive?

Can't wait for you to get btfo again.


>be american
>get shot

Also, I remebered what americans are good for.
You are good to make wars to your masters jews.

Nationalism is for real countries.
Patriotism is for non-countries.

And why did the soviets invade countries like Poland before 1941? Were they communist-nationalists?

Sauce plz
I think you are being as arbitrary as OP
Snitches in Germany snitched because that were politically indoctrinated. If you are referencing that shit Tom Hardy film plz say so so I can be amused

You know what you have to do.

Except empires and interempire wars existed long before the concept of nationalism.

The ultimate end of any ideology is totalitarianism and militarism.

And tolerance is when hate of white people comes first. Checkmate roach.

Relax, i just don't buy that they were indoctrinated. If they can't see whats going on for themselves they are nothing but useless bag of shits, which they are not.
Der Smeagol magazine says snitching was far more common than even I thought...

And this is the biggest voting bloc in the EU...
Merkel branch of ANTIFA is called Germany

Damn I'm glad I have javascript disabled by default.

All that shitty emote is a script and fuck knows what its running.

this is now a national socialist music thread:

what you are talking about?

>America is a new country, and maybe patriotism helps Americans create unity, since it is a (((melting pot))). But nationalism in Europe has a (((bad history))), as you may know.
i wonder (((who's))) fault that is?

If you dont hate something you cant really understand love. Kill jews

i love you P5QHzZxO, now come worship daddy's cock

>Reality is subjective!
>Just pick and choose your morals!

Wow OP, I don’t think anyone except your filthy commie buddies are gonna believe that bullshit

It's true though. Commies have always been like that with getting people to inform on other people, even their own parents, because they were so terrified of a threat against the regime. This is how you know Bobby Fischer was right about Communism being a mask for Bolshevism and that being a mask for Judaism. Only Jews are so neurotic that they think anyone questioning them is an automatic attack on what power they hold. Jews like to do this thing of pretending they're leveling the playing field when they're actually doing the opposite, just like when they pretend they're making people more free, but in reality they're doing the opposite.
If someone is indoctrinated they don't think for themselves. Why do you think so many goys have no issue with more and more Muslims coming over who do nothing but cause more and more problems? It's because they're good goys who do what they're told. If you have a bunch of people who aren't concerning themselves with non-issues then they might start looking (((your))) way and, due to the neuroticism, that's a potential threat to your (((power))). That's why goys need to concern themselves with things like tranny bathrooms.
Just the other day I saw someone, for the umpteenth time, complain about the housing crisis, the NHS being massively stretched and other societal issues that come directly from having too many people in a country with too few resources. Anyone logical can see this immediately and think "what's the easiest way to stop the population exceeding what's available, what's the quickest way to curb the supply outweighing the demand? Stop unchecked immigration". For the life of him he couldn't find this answer and when someone finally pointed it out to him, he called him a racist. That's what indoctrination is, not being able to see what's in front of you because the government deems it (((wrong))).
You might enjoy this video btw.

Interesting because De Gaulle was a nationalist by all means

that was Leclerc, pic related

I dont think you know what either of those words really mean

Ahhh, sounds like Liberal Nationalism then, Hans. Right?

Degaulle fun to root for, but he messed up stuff too

the best explaining i've ever read on Sup Forums. thanks dude (serious).

I have seen hypernormalisation. But i probably have to watch it again.