Is she moe?
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Plain Jane more like.
The story I've heard is that during the hiring process they rejected all animators who knew what the word moe meant.
That's bullshit but I believe you.
What's the deal with her and Kougami?
eye candy
> (OP)
>What's the deal with her and Kougami?
Mentor and apprentice, thought it was pretty clear
She's pretty moe, user.
I want to rape her.
Wouldn't you have to be living under a rock to not know what moe is if you work in the industry?
Sexual tension.
Was the Psycho-Pass movie a good followup to the series? Felt so disconnected from it that I'm not sure.
It was certainly enjoyable though. Akane is really cool. But I do feel like she's been a much flatter character since the first show ended. No more growing to become more wisened, she's just a cool tough girl now.
And that's why Psycho Pass is garbage
The storyline was sort of pointless but it added a lot of world building that made it interesting. Plus the action was good. Definitely a better follow up than season 2.
I really really enjoyed seeing the Sibyl system being implemented into a developing nation, and it exploring all the issues that would cause.
Would have liked some more explanation as to how the world became so fucked up though, if what they're saying about Japan being the only peaceful country in the world.
The movie felt a lot like Ghost in the Shell, honestly.
it's better than all of S2
now we just have to wait for Butcher to stop playing with puppets
>I really really enjoyed seeing the Sibyl system being implemented into a developing nation, and it exploring all the issues that would cause.
In the end the flaw was human corruption so it didn't have the same ethical significance of the TV series. I guess maybe the goal was to show the limited application of a Sybil system only working properly in Japan.
The TV show was closer to GITS to me since it had philosophical babble. Urobuchi's other recent movie Expelled from Paradise totally felt like a GITS movie in a big way.
The fact that Akane exists is an instant disproval of that statement.
No, they were just not allowed to use the word. Of course everyone knew what it means.
While it seems silly on the surface, this was probably a smart move. Ban the use of the word, and you prevent your animators from being able to describe something as "moe"
Forces them to describe the characters as something else, and probably draw them as something else too
I'm pretty sure that being cute is one of the requirements of being moe.
Even if by some miracle someone manages to find her outward appearance to be cute, her soul is stained by the blood of those she was too weak to save.
She sat there and fucking watched as her friend died.
Didn't watch season 2.
What's the context of the movie? Worth watching?
>when you just want good fucking SciFi Dystopian cartoon
>keep getting disappointing shit that starts of good like Ergo Proxy and Psycho Pass but then goes to shit
Erry fucking time
It ignores S2 completely. Akane finds out that Kogami is working for some guerrillas that are rebelling against the government of a developing nation attempting to implement the Sibyl system. Akane heads there alone to find Kogami.
None of the new characters have any importance.
Holy shit. It's fucking true.
We'll never see Moe Idol anime from IG then.
Bitch is fugly
It depends what cash they're grabbing for. They specifically told the Psycho-Pass staff to focus on the sci-fi noir and criminal enforcement aspects above all else becayse they were trying to repeat the successes of Patlabor and GITS. They don't have a definite vision for their works, they just decided to go anti-moe for one of them because they thought that would attract a decent amount of viewers. When they feel like there's a bigger business opportunity lying in idolshit for them, they'll move onto it in a heartbeat.
I remember watching it and thinking the plot was laughable shit. But shit is a good way to follow up shit I guess.
Her S1 design is so bad. She looks like a fish.
Moest frogface.
fuck you faggot, S1 design is best
Dont you guys think the Sybil system would make the normalfags reign though? I bet a shit ton of people would be in jail just for being mentally unstable or have anger issues.
Far from it.
From Inspector "Best face" to inspector "No moe".
I love her
Feminists should love PP, as Akane is the only female protagonist who's actually canon ugly.
I'd say she is more "bland" than ugly from a attractive perspective.
Yeah man, it's an atrocity that there's even one anime in a year that isn't filled with moe and nothing else.
her design is very moe either way
I unironically agree with this statement 100%.
Ginoza is moe enough for me
I still remember when Sup Forums thought she was Touma
>As a result, he said with a laugh that this work can only be a "strikeout or a home run," with nothing in between.
Funny that inbetween is exactly what it is.
Anyone still have that pic of Kamui with 7 dominators?