Nobody can afford houses, nobody can afford universities with getting life-time debt., children are a mega financial burden.
And yet somehow our countries can put billions of dollars into shitskins with their families and foreigner aid.

Other urls found in this thread:




Regulations, welfare state, foreign aid, ACA.

Enjoy the blackpill.

my solution is to practice selective breeding to create super-intelligent offspring who won't have any trouble landing a good job or starting a successful business. My kids won't be technically mine, since I will use genius sperm, but they'll come from a similar gene pool, and that's all that matters.



>Why are things like this.
Well, who has controlled the majority of political influence since the 30's?
The people? Certainly not.
The politicians? Sure, but how did they become politicians? Who paid for it? Who makes the largest campaign contributions? Who are THEY beholden to?

At the end of the day the only people holding the cards are the dealers, and the house always wins.

We went from a 90%+ white nation to a barely 60% white nation in less than a generation. I don't understand why it's suddenly so hard for White Americans to have a family and by?



Almost none of what you said is true.

you want a house and 7 kids? go to work for 40 hours a week, stop paying for a bunch of BS "luxuries"
if you pay more that 2K on a vehicle youre doing it wrong
if you spend more than 20$ (40$ in Canada) on a phone bill youre doing it wrong
if you spend more than 100$ a month on food youre doing it wrong
if you go out to a restaurant more than once a month youre doing it wrong

save your fucking money. THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO.

because we rejected Christ
we pushed God and his doctrine out
we have become arrogant and self indulgent

that is why

this reason is beneath and before and after all others

it obsolesces and supercedes all others

Over populated Earth is one problem. We have more people than jobs.

what do you think?

>hey these jews have been financially raping us with welfare and taxes and breaking down our culture in the media to devastate our society, so-
It's people like you that allowed this to happen.

While we certainly are arrogant and indulgent, when you are talking about us rejecting God, you are really just saying you wish the church still had the vast social and political influence it once did.
Most people are still religious. Atheists are still a comparatively tiny minority.
God didn't make this country great, people working whatever jobs they could to support their family did.

The Jews, lad, it's the same fucking problem it's been since the fall of Rome, the Jews

>zerohedge com/news/2015-06-10/guess-how-many-nations-world-do-not-have-central-bank

But actually central banks control money supply, issuance of public debt and interest rates in all but three countries around the world: North Korea, Iran and Cuba.
Any questions on American foreign policy, Mr. Trump? Pic related.


It'd be a fucking start at least.

surely the god of the jews wouldn't jew us

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.


>Nobody can afford houses,
Have you tried not blowing your money on stupid shit? If a house costs half a million, then there's good reason for it.

I'm a millennial and I just bought an $845,000 house with a $170,000 down payment. Get your shit together.

Granted, I'm an early millennial and probably have ten years on you shits. Good luck though.

Having a six figure combined income in Vancouver doesn't hurt either... But most cities don't require such huge investments into real estate.

it's the jews, user. if you dont understand why then you should lurk more

>spend 850,000 trudeaubux
>buy 300 sq foot cuckshed

Fuckin leaf

Get in here serious discussion about finally figuring out the Jews end goal.

That's a thing of the past, check this out. Designer humans are the future. Wait until this tech flourishes.




Whatcha doin' FBI man sir ?

It's almost like mass immigration hurts the native population. Depresses wages, raises taxes and cost of living, nobody could have predicted.

But now we have Thai restaurants, so it was totally worth it

Same reason in Rome

Same reason in the medieval period

Same reason in modernity

Jews, user. Europeans have had a parasite for 2,000 years. One day we will shake it off.

Federal Reserve (which is run entirely by jews) if you want to do something start a flyer campaign

Quit trying to live in the city. Life is pretty affordable for us rural retards.

>bragging about buying into the peak of a housing bubble...

>Yes Goy good, blame the immigrants while we mysteriously lose your pension in a stock market "glitch".

do you even know any of the events of the Bible?

such as the israelites abadoning God and thus Him abandoning them?

>"your just lazy user jobs are everywhere you could have a house a car and amazing life instantly if you tried"
>literally every person I talk to over 40 who has no clue what job hell exists today

You're projecting your failures onto everyone else. Most people buy a house these days by the time they're 30, it's really not that different from how it used to be.

pretty sure our history classes started bc

> My bags!

God expanded Israel, Israel = the Church, they never got un-chosen, good Israelites became the Church, bad ones became Talmudic Jews, incurred more hereditary sin
>let his blood be upon us and on our children
but they can still repent and God gives them the grace to do so.

Not even Christian, just a Sup Forumsack

jews are immigrants


Money is worth so much less than back in the days that now the lower classes have less purchasing power.
Much bigger population and also the shift in economic poles made it worse, but in the end of the day we got jewed by the banking system.
We will either break free or die as slave for this system. You can also play the system and make it work for you instead of working for it but it's not moral and part of the problem.

make sense

>you are really just saying you wish the church still had the vast social and political influence it once did.


>God didn't make this country great, people working whatever jobs they could to support their family did.

both together
we could not have done it without Him
but He could have done it without us

>Israel = the Church,

unless you mean new Israel, and the physical one

> they never got un-chosen,

yes indeed they did
the cross ended the old covenants and formed a new one with all would believe, with the new Israel, jews of the SPIRIT and of the FLESH

>good Israelites became the Church, bad ones became Talmudic Jews, incurred more hereditary sin

judaism rejects Christ, it is dead and wicked
>but they can still repent and God gives them the grace to do so.

only if they believe in Christ and place their faith in him

Good write up senpei

>that low of a down payment
lol, based debt slave

>yes indeed they did
citation needed

Salvation is of the Jews friendo

>While we certainly are arrogant and indulgent, when you are talking about us rejecting God, you are really just saying you wish the church still had the vast social and political influence it once did.

yeah, you tell him what he meant, instead of finding out. it has to fit your ready-made conclusion.

retard. no, that's not what he's 'really just saying'.

>adolf hitler is evil

try again.

yes, jews of the spirit

this is all true, but people have been heavily, heavily conditioned to higher living standards, and risk social alienation by opting for something far outside the norm
you're right but it doesn't work as a mass strategy (at least not yet), there are mountains of social conditioning in the way

Romans 2:29
Hebrews 8:6-13

among others

Youre more than 750k leafmoney in debt
You are Jewed

In a growing economy, wages increase more than prices; prices may even decrease. How much have our economies grown?

Just saying dude, corporations fuck people over far more than immigrants ever have.

I found my mom's pay stubs from the 70's and a lot of receipts. When I did some math I realized that most people make about 50% of what she made, but you can only buy 50% of what she bought. So you can only get 25% of what a person in the 70's could afford.

their good is a symbolic representation for their atavistic impulse to dominate all life, their morality is at it's heart jealousy and resentment. that they threw a faggot off a cliff one time changes nothing.
it has given rise to a race of people who believe they are oppressed if they are not on top and who lack any amount of self-awareness. monotheism is cancer.

Lower my taxes, wagecuc--, I mean responsible laborer. Yes... yes.... That's the problem.


but only if he doesnt exist

im assuming you mean *good=God, yes?

How else would you put it?
Saying we rejected God implies that at one point we accepted God. And since the colloquial "we" means our society, and by extension our government, it can be safely assumed he meant that his opinion of us rejecting God means that we stopped letting the Church have such a profound influence on our government.


Study Hermetics. The pendulum will swing back and is in the process of doing so now. It will always be bad before it is good again and vice versa. Swing with the rhythm

Buy a gun, form militias. March on washington dc and hang the politicians.

Once you lift the rock the snake will show itself

wojak being so angry is such an unfunny meme. It's obvious to me that it is a 'made to order' image.


By that logic muskets are the only thing protected by the 2nd amendment. I dont like that picture

It's all the boomers fault. Decades of living beyond their means and expecting to die before they had to pay for it. That's why most of them have nothing saved for retirement and why they are making their grandchildren compete with them for jobs.

I think 10,000 pages wouldn't be enough to describe all of the ways boomers created problems for future generations.

The only thing you bought is a pair of shackles you moron.
You COULD have spent 170,000 on a house you could pay off fully. Instead you now have 700,000 worth of negative net worth and debt.

>muh christcuck
Good goy!

fractional reserve lending, sub-prime mortages, deficit spending and federal reserve interest rates.

that was fast; nice work

watch The Money Masters with Bill Still and watch The Big Short movie from a few years back.

A dollar bill is nothing more than a dollar loan to the Fed. Look into Interest Free Treasury Money aka Greenbacks, which is how Lincoln paid for the Union army to finish the war.

Sup Forums banned phone posters
Christianity is a vector by which slave morality infected the west. You must reject the foundation of Judaism or you will be pulled inexorably away from the strong and noble and toward plebian politics.

Currency is no longer the main medium of payment out of pocket. It's debt, insurance, and government programs trying to make things more affordable through their own debt all quick can be traced to central banking and that final breakaway from gold in 1971 with the Breton Woods agreement. If it gives you any black pill level solace, the global economy is overdue for a correction and faces a grand scale one at that.


boomers will defend them

You know what? I wonder this myself, my dad always complains that at my age he already had 4 houses and a corvette, and how come I dont have those things. How am I going to afford 4 houses and a corvette? this isnt 1992 when houses were cheaper. houses cost way more, the expense of living is more. even a decent job sets you wageslaving until you die. retirement is a thing of the past now. I want to start my own company doing whatever because I'm not going to be a wage monkey, I dont want to be poor, but in this day and age you're more likely to be poor than middle class. living now is different than living back then and requires more oomph.

Once you realize how fucked the money situation is in this country, you'll think twice about all the crap you sped your money on like fast food, expensive hobbies like vidya, high end clothing, even shit like cable television, unlimited data plans, cell phones etc

All I think about now is buying a plot of land in a fronter state with low/no property tax and look up carpentry/home building tutorials. Literally the only reason to save/spend big bucks.
Once you have a frontier homestead figured out, the rest is luxury. if SHTF and you live in an urban area or near the coast/border, you are fucked. Just read (((steinbeck))) for an account of how bad the depression was.

>God abandoning anyone
>literally not there

>landing a good job

still pushing the same faggot ideas

Because in 30's you had much less population and more ''lebensraum''

This is pretty delusional thinking. I could understand if you're an American living in a state free of consumption and state income taxes, but a Canadian is nothing more than wage slave in a broken system. Higher Interests rates will soon destroy your solvency and and asset prices.


the amount of losers grew in proportion to the overall population

sorry OP

in life there are winners and losers

if you post here you are most likely a loser

few know this! and yes it really is that simple. i struggled for the longest time, looking everywhere except inside myself. until one day i asked "how come so many others have succeeded but you have not? could you possibly be at fault here? no, of course not, it's everyone else that is wrong"

think about it OP

building a home is cheaper than buying one. let me guess you live in California? everything here is expensive

This is Wojack were talking about

>tfw 24 and still living at home

Entry level houses in the ghetto cost $500,000+ in my area. Feels bad man

Nice try schlomo. Real estate has inflated 6 percent compounded annually while wages have remained stagnant.

Back to the oven.

Welfare state maintaining old people and useless people.
>boomer retires at 50
>lives until he is 90
>he gets 40 years of high income salary for doing nothing
>money comes from your pockets

they earned it

really? we're going after our parents now because muh trinkets take priority over responsible decision making?



>boasting about becoming a debt slave

I know this is bait, but yes, boomers made irresponsible decisions. Retirement was supposed to be for people that would die in 2 or 3 years, now they are dying after 40 years, that puts a huge strain on the working class population.

Don't blame politicians when it's clearly corporations that did it.

Parasitical business practices need to be stopped, or society falls. Plenty of corrupt pigs at the trough. Not the kind of place I would want to live in. The middle class are especially guilty. Buy-to-Let landlords are a menace.

Having kids is expensive if you don't have a support network of friends/family. If you have a decent network of reliable people it's really not that bad but Millennials are too fucking antisocial so it becomes expensive

Exponential growth in the economy, much like everything else in nature, is not sustainable

when are people going to actually start talking about this? we are overpopulating fast and jobs are shrinking thanks to automation.