Cat, Crab or Monkey, Sup Forums?
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The only choice for the patrician is cat.
Cat > Monkey > Shit > Crab
Why is short Hair so shit?
black cat > long hair crab > long hair cat > long hair monkey > short hair monkey > short hair cat
Meow meow kitty cat.
hair length isn't that important to me
Best body: Cat
Best girl: Crab
Best sex friend: Monkey
Short hair looks the best on her, fuck you.
1. Cat
2. Crab
3. Monkey
Monkey > Crab > Cat
Also short hair cat > long hair cat
>huge increase in Cat love post-Kizu
Sup Forums sure is predictable.
Crab on Monkey
Excellent taste.
Crab > Monkey > Literal shit > Cat
Cat, Crab and Monkey
Refer to pic related.
Monkey because I like girls with great butts
I prefer mid-length hair Monkey.
>jealous dyke
>insecure, unstable autist
>conservative cute girl
Such a hard choice.
Monkey > Cat >>>> Crab
None of the above.
>Short hair looks the best on her
Only when striped. It just looks a bit bland otherwise.
I'd rather the fiya sistas, but Monkey is fine too
Why don't Ararararagi sex them all? Everyone seems to want the D, even his sisters
I'm so glad there's at least one good doujin of these two.
Cat > monkey, crab can fuck herself. No, I haven't watched Kizu yet
Crab is fucking shit
Which one we talking about?
He's gay. He's been gay the whole time, a blind man could tell. His obsession with Hanekawa was his subconscious putting up a last piece of resistance.
Because Crab threatened to gut him like a fish if he stuck his dick in anyone but her
The one with the penis
because he doesn't want a nice boat ending
Serious family baggage. Always steer clear.
Math, obviously.
Where's the crab on monkey?
Monkey appeals to me more, in terms of personality and body type.
Cat was better long hair than short hair.
Anyways, Monkey > Crab > Cat, in that order. But I like all three of them. In fact, I like everybody in Monogatari, rarely do you find a series where you like every character.
Always Hitagi.
arararararagi gets killed anyway
That fucking heresy user
>there are people who would actually choose crab
>rarely do you find a series where you like every character.
But Snek a shit.
Getting killed doesn't mean you die user
Cat - slut
Monkey - no comment
Crab - best girl
>has horrible family problems
>still best girl
user, you take her and spoil her by giving her the good family she's always yearned
Don't bring Snail into this, she is OP
Cat, because she is just like the only female friend I've ever had.
Try and stop me
Kizu cat is so much better than post haircut cat
>not understanding the tease
Cat, easy.
I like her, she has cute girl problems is all.
>posting old and busted cat
Disgusting. Enlighten your taste.
Crab > Monkey > Cat, but they're all great.
Why does everyone want Monkey's butt?
Best body: Monkey
Best girl: Monkey
Best sex friend: Monkey
It's a really nice butt.
Firmness no implants could imitate
It's an extraordinarily great ass.
Kizu cat is fake cat
Why can't I have little sisters like Ararararagi? What reason is there to live if you can't be lewd with your imouto?
As someone with an imouto, it's never like that. Imoutos are annoying shitters.
Forever till I die Cat and only Cat.
Cat is the prettiest, Monkey is the better choice among these three obviously.
There's always this one faggot
It hurts. I don't care about Bird though.
Cat has tits AND a great ass
Tsukihi annoyingness is what makes her very cute though. I guess only fake sister capable of this
mine is pretty comfy, we watch movies and I brush her hair
>Can confirm.
t. user with 4 Imoutos.
One even broke my goddamn arm out of jelousy as a child.
Toss all the little shitbags in a fucking meat grinder.
T. spineless imouto manservant.
make that two faggots.
nadeko best girl
As someone with three onee-sans only, one of them being almost as old as my mother, it isn't much better.
Only people without sisters desire sisters.
A somebody with 2 brothers, this is something I only recently came to terms with.
>You'll never experience being with Shinobu as a child, teenager, and adult
Shit taste.
Don't be a faggot, user.
They're all shit
Kung Fu Sister a best
She is worst monogatari though. Shitty personality, dumb and ugly.
>ahoge censor
Very clever.
Let's see your favorite girl then mate.
Make that three.
There is only one correct answer.
The things I'd do to that body.