Shingeki no Kyojin 84

Waiting for spoilers.

I want BR to get back home together.

Annie is love
Annie is life
I just want Annie to smile again
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

This manga is shit

BRA did nothing wrong.


BRA did a lot of things wrong but they're still best shingekis.

She will.

Did Eren take Mikasa's scarf back and give it to Annie?

I want to believe.

BRA doesn't deserved this

EA a cute!
A cute!


>Reiner's birthday
>No one cares

This is very sad

His birthday is almost over, we celebrated yesterday.

Pigner a shit.

>already celebrated for two threads
>no one cares

We need to talk about how handsome Jeans figurine looks.

I'm not wild about it. It looks more like a prize than a scale.

Looks really weird, especially his mouth.

I think that pose would suit Eren more.

So any spec about Uncle ZekZek's future plans?

No idea but once he has Eren's coordinate they can achieve it without wiping out humanity.

Make his male haram. I think we can say he only cares for young boys.

That would be really evil but cute.

He would add Armin to his collection. He looks so fuckable even if he's half-burned.

No one likes Armin.

He likes young boys not twinks. Armin a shit trap.


>All this triggering
Keking so hard right now.

Molester-kun pls


Arminfags try so hard to be even more obnoxious than they already are.

Why are you showing me this?

Armin sticking his micropenis in Annie's tight warrior pussy.

Come on guys, it's Lyner's pirthday. Post those Yumkums for him, we know he's the biggest YH shipper around, haha!

You seem the triggered one. Shitting on Armin Stu is just like breath or show good manners here.

pic related is armin in faggot clothes

Thanks doc.

>It looks more like a prize than a scale.
I love Prize figures.

Basement reveal on the second last page.
Basement will save Armin and Erwin.
Bertolt will escape.
Annie's eyes open on the last page.
It's E,A,E vs B,R,A for the final conflict.

I wish.

how is he gonna escape, he doesnt even have his arms and legs


wow how rude

Me too. Historia is my favorite and she looks way better than Jean. Which is a real shame because I love Jean and was really looking forward to a nice figure.

Yeah, keep being triggered.

>Historia is my favorite
Ymir please,haha

I'm actually not too big on the Historia figure, I'm not certain why either. I need to pick up Hanji though.

Pretty much. Just saying you don't like Armin is enough to trigger Arminfags into a spamming spree.

No. The basement thing will be drawn out for 2-3 chapters at least. If Annie returns it will be at the end of the volume.

Bort a shit

That's what they mean, this isn't the first time that was posted, but it's not the original

If the theory that Mikasa is going to restrain Eren, thus allowing Levi to give Erwin the serum doesn't happen, I really hope that this theory will be what goes down.


That's only the responsible thing to do after you got her pregnant, Levi.

Settle down Levi. But she is absolutely marriage material

>Marrying a tranny

That was Moblit's job.

>a tranny
You need to pack that in and get out.

Hange is a lady!

This isn't a woman.

spoilers never

But you can only marry her if Ymir survivers and marries Historia and then Historia legalizes LGBTQIP marriages.

She's a bit flat but that should resolve itself in a few months.

Isayama will never reveal hanji's gender, he's that much of a troll.

It's only the 1st, Why would there be spoilers?

How are you and Erwin's brood? What were their names again?

Thank you for asking but I'm afraid I can't talk much about it here because I'll get banned.

Shitmin a shitty shit.

Truer words never spoken.

>a shitty

This this this!

I don't care what anyone says. Eruri is canon.

>Levi tried so hard to protect him so he can die for the Shitmin turd to survive
Fuck you too Isayama.

Levi cares so much for his friend. This is a great scene and really reveals a great deal about their relationship. Poutwin is also adorable.

Erwin a shit.

Armin > shit > Erwong

>Levi to Erwin


Erwin a handsome

This. Armin a best

Armin a shit too.

Please your favourite is the biggest shit and AA a cute.

Falseflagging has never been so obvious


Still better than Armin.


>implying it's not made obvious to show that Armin haters are retarded
Point proven.

>Implying I'm an Armin hater

Just excited. Really excited

If the new chapter turns out to be a goddamn flashback i'm gonna lose my mind

The only thing made obvious is that Arminfags get triggered at the slightest provocation and whine for months to come.

If you're not an Arminfag or an AAfag, by default you're retarded.

It is pretty cute.

It really is.

Jesus, Annie makes my heart go doki-doki.

AA is disgusting and Arminfags are default retarded.

Someones's salty


Help me /snk/
Do I practice my awful artwork
Do I finally play Alan Wake.

Play Alan Wake or whatever it is

What would have happened if manlet just broke Erwin's legs and Hange was the one leading?

He would be hanged for assaulting a superior officer.

Which imo wouldn't have been a bad end

It bothers me he's so willing to put Hange in danger instead. My precious angel should ditch the manlet and avoid him like the plague.