It's finally here.
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What is this anime about?
Being under a dog
Taking kickstarter money from stupid redditors who think that they are saving anime this way.
Was pretty good. Not incredible but better than most stuff that comes out a season
I like they weren't just info dumping the whole plot buy giving little hints. I like the premise but a good premise alone doesn't make a show. The pacing and build up of everything was well done
The boy and girl were a kinda generic but they had a bit of personality which was more shown through action. Kinda hard to tell where it will go seeing as the only characters we got to know died. The ending was a decent enough twist . Designs were generally decent
Soundtrack is forgettable
Could turn out good, could turn out a bit nothing. Wouldn't mind it being made into a full show
10/10 I saw a tiddie
Reddit is a fucking cesspool of self-masturbatory normies
Sounds like the majority of OVAs back in the day. Substanceless but well-animated.
It had more substance than that but also a bit less style until the end where it got pretty stylish. Sort of like an old ova that dragged out the first chapter of a manga into one episode
Wish they had spent a bit more time with what I assume is the main girl, they seem to be going for a Mokoto vibe with her but there just wasn't enough time to tell. Really the series could go a lot of different ways from here, most seem pretty interesting but it's hard to tell from this if they would handle it well
At least it shows they can be competent, which is a lot more than you can say for some shows and studios after seeing 40 minutes or their stuff
Why is she swedish if this takes place in Japan?
She didn't want to wear a burka
That was super underwhelming considering the trailer they put out a long time ago.
As this thing stands now it's not worth watching. It's basically just a promo for a potential series and not even a good one at that. The actions scenes were really underwhelming and not nearly as good as what was in the trailer. The lack of appeal the characters had left the entire thing tensionless during action and corny during the emotional bits.
Considering the uninspired premise with supernatural nonsense and lukewarm execution I can't see this thing becoming anything great even if it gets a full series.
I'd say it's above average when compared to seasonal things we get. You should watch more.
>above average
That's always such a great argument, but wait until you see my incredible comeback:
It's below average! You should watch more.
Being better than an average seasonal series isn't exactly an accomplishment.
In the grand scheme of the universe I guess you're right
Yeah, but below average really just means it didn't shit the bed. It did good enough that I'd watch more, which considering it is kickstarter is better than a lot of stuff that comes out or just doesn't
Absolute mess.
Fuck this garbage.
>if you watch more crap this mediocrity will seem better.
Look, the narrative was weak and the action scenes were scarce, unimpressive and tensionless. I finished Macross Plus just yesterday and I don't value it highly but boy does it shit on UTD.
I suggest you raise your standards instead of actively lowering them.
Jesus fucking christ that was how much money was put into this? Is there only one episode?
Only one episode.
B-but it hardly looks better than the average seasonal anime. Please tell me they didn't spend all that cash on just this one unremarkable episode.
It's visually unremarkable, but the episode has a lot of great effects animation in the action scenes by a really good animator.
>dat animation
>dat sound track
>dat story
>dat every girl is best girl
9/10 only way to make it better is if it was longer.
a/k tier anime
>tacticool accessories
>foregrip holds
>gun details
Better torrent:
I don't think all the money went to the ep. Backer rewards also cost money
Please don't let logic get in the way of my shitposting.
I'd imagine there are extra cost to get everything up and running.
Still the episode could have had better animation than it did. There are a few good moments but it would have benefited from showing off more
Not enough screentime of blonde which is disappointing.
what about that one internal drama where one of the creator left the project(with the money too iirc)?
But that doesn't even look special. It looks good, really good from a technical perspective, but it's just missiles raining down and creating a plume effect. Nothing we haven't seen before in any other big budget sci-fi military show. The fight scenes in fucking Kill la Kill looked better than that. They might have had shoddy, janky animation, but they were at least stylised in a way that made them different.
>almost 900k for this
You're not going to watch it because of how much the Kickstarter made?
Please don't share garbage.
The rewards are paid by the backers themselves and they're probably selling it at a profit. Realistically the entire budget is towards the project itself which is one episode. It's still near 900k for one episode.
Animation production + pre-production + operational costs is still 60% -> $527k
It was to show interest to investors
>people fell for this scam
Literally Sup Forums's Mighty No.9
That's still more than either of those shows.
Can someone tell me why you're using Gargantia as a benchmark for animation quality?
>Artstyle=/=Animation quality
You do realize the same applies to the other two
The damn PV looks better than the actual show. God damn it.
>none of these things were in the ova
Well, other than the kickstarter fee and amazon card making up the 10%, but then you'll have to consider the additional broadcasting fee for the other 2
Well Sup Forums has been for years a cesspool of self-masturbating special snowflake wannabes. Like yourself.
This is your first post in this thread you lying cunt. Stop embezzling money while you're at it.
lol, how much did you put into UTD? 100? 500? Don't get angry just because you made a bad decision.
Will the world ever learn to stop funding shit like this? Just stop.
I was never interested in this, I just downloaded because I saw this thread, so don't know where this comes from, but it just seems like a bad crossover between Lain and Ghost in the shell.
The art style and animation was unimpressive and average, it's use of 3D was over the top and clearly noticeable.
I may be interested in it because I'm a sucker for sci-fi action anime, but I'm not expecting anything great.
>alright, i am army man, over. Take the package to the rooftop and get on the hello. yankee oscar 3, over delta machine bazooka
>high industry standard
Yeah, high rip-off standard. This looked no better than the average seasonal Bones action anime or the like.