what is she suggesting?
What is she suggesting?
What's with the influx of gyarus?
And how do we insure it continues?
They are trying to make things more realistic.
Japan gave in against brown.
Is that second tier the morals committee or something?
Japan starting to get some taste.
Trying to bait Otakus int fucking Gyarus because we all know Gyaru dont like sex with condoms.
It's to bait them into nutting inside and knocking them up to increase the population.
It makes way too fucking sense, god damn.
Shinzo Abe single-handedly wrote, directed, voiced and drew every frame of whatever you're talking about, in order to get the otakus to go outside and procreate.
You're so smart, user.
Life is terrible being so smart.
a hug :3
The Japanese body politic telling its citizens to get fucking.
Fully expect Japanese women to go turbo slut mode in the next few years and for it to be actively encouraged or at least not frowned upon.
Seeing as I should go in Japan in the next few years, I don't know how to feel about this.
where is this from?
research purposes of course
Wild and rough bareback sex in public with a Gyaru
She's suggesting sauce.
Hot sauce all over her body.
Why did google fuck with reverse image search.
Thanks dude, do you have a link where it's translated ?
I can't find it for fuck's sake.
Royal Brown is best
If the Japs want to increase their population, they need to make immigration easier. Back in 2014 or 2015, they even denied 99 percent of asylum seekers.
Uh... Dude, it's Japan we're talking about. They don't want to increase their population with filthy gaijin blood.
>Sup Forums topic
Japan doesn't want too many foreigners, esp. not of their ethnicity, nationality and culture.
The day when a gyaru wins a harem/love triangle/romcom in general is the day we explode
Why the fuck would any sensible country take in asylum seekers?
Sauce? Google is fucking useless
she is a big girl
Can't wait, I want to watch the world burn.
Have we started the fire?
Got any tags for that?
Yesh, the Gyaru is rising.
what is it so secret about this?
source, please?
The authors realized gyarus fit the violent and antiestablishment tendencies of otaku more.
Also it goes well with their femdom fetish.
Why are some of my posts deleted.
At least give us the fucking artist name
why is she dressing like a slut in mcdonalds?
>this might actually be true
>All these deleted posts
Are gyarus the future of the Japanese people? What will be the biological consequences of gyarus being the only Japanese women that have children?
extreme baby boom due to non-stop breeding
Japanese females becoming slightly better looking and a lot more sociable.
All in all natural and co-cultural selection prove they are still a thing for a reason! Thank you Nature-sama!
>tfw gyarus clap after stealing your virginity
>Otakus and Gyarus
Are they trying to fuck up the next generation or something? i mean just imagine a place where being a slutty weeb is the norm
Wild girls make the best moms.
It's a meme you would have been aware of if you paid attention to the niptoons you watch.
couldnt agree more....
What about muscular tomboy gyarus?
That's a muscular tomboy lesbian gyaru, though.
No gays allowed.
Have this ever work? I mean, is not like watching New Game will make you go out and look for a job.
It probably works for some people, kind of like how they managed to bait NEETs into going outside to cath pokemon.
I don't want to discuss about it, but I think Pokemon is a whole different league above the rest.
That's a SFW manga kiddo
I truly cant understand how anyone can find those ET looking orange abominations attractive. What the FUCK
>no sex
Reeeeee what is the point
It's summer
Tanned waifus await
>jap otaku are so desperate they made up a whole type of women that are sexually aggressive and basically do the whole job for you and are now popularizing it
This and monstergirls are monuments to just how disgusting otaku can get
>implying the Greeks weren't the first people that wanted to fuck monster girls
They didn't want to fuck girls period, user
Nah, mesopotamian did it before them, and I'm pretty sure other people did it even before writing, painting, sculpting or any form of art was invented.
The Greeks just understood the divine principle: "if it's pretty, fuck it." Truly they were a people to admire.
Oh they fucked girls.
But just for procretion.
As it should be if I have to be honest.
>It's to bait them into nutting inside and knocking them up to increase the population.
Does the pill not exist in glorious Nippon or what?
Stop i can only get so erect!
Is tanned azunyan a gyaru?
You mean neo-neo-Sup Forums I assume ?
American adult entertainment producers tend to be a fairly independent bunch, and so they keep to themselves. Relatively few actually belong to any of the trade associations. The idea of for each video going to one of them and getting an identification number would be absolutely mind-boggling to them.
I guess it just shows the difference in cultural attitudes. When the Japs do anything, they always do it as a group.
It does, but taking it is seen as being really slutty.
You can call me user-Kun
What happened to this thread? Even legitimate posts are being nuked...
>how amazing otaku can get
>if it's pretty, fuck it
Words to live by.
Learn to keep your 3D shit somewhere else. Saucefags also need to fuck off.
So you thought it was better when they just made shy moe blobs that want you to do everything instead?
Based mods doing their work instead of just deleting threads.
Getting rid of shit posters starts by deleting their posts and not just threads
He deleted posts of the Gyaru manga too, dipshit.
I'm not talking about the 3D shit.
You can ban a poster and let it delete all the posts he made in a thread
That's at least more realistic
>shy moeblobs
I meant part about "want you to do everything" specifically
sauce me please, I'm terrible at this shit
>gyaru were made up by otaku
>Author name on the cover
>Doesn't know how to find it
The OP image though, no results from GIS/SN/TE and there are 16 pages of gyaru shota content on the panda.
So, got a sauce?
>633 KB JPG (OP)Wild and rough bareback sex in public with a Gyaru
Apparently the OP image is SFW, according to , so no sadpanda.
Are you talking about the OP, or ?
145039360 is Sian, it's right there.
>the OP image is SFW
Please lurk more you retarded faggot
Please don't spoon feed other retarded faggots you retarded faggot