A Theory About Noah's Ark

Can we talk about Noah's ark for a second?

You see, for a long time i've thought to myself that it's complete bullshit that 2 of every animal Male and Female got cramd into a boat.. because the boat would need to be enormous in order to pull something like that off.. But.. i thought to myself again about the same subject not very long ago.. and i had a thought i'd like to share and get peoples opinion on if i could.. OK.. so.. What if God didn't need to put one of every animal onto that boat? because we know animals are capable of evolving over time.. so what if instead of putting every type of dog into that boat he only put 2 wolves? And instead of putting normal cats inside the ark he only put two lion in the Ark... you get where i'm going with this? He didn't need to cram every single animal of every type onto the boat because all he needed to do was get the main family member of each animal, and from there the animal could be let loose and then be allowed breed and then evolve again over the time span of 6 thousands years...

So huh.. is this theory bullshit.. or is it actually plausible?

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did no one else own a boat? surely someone was out at sea when the flooding began and would have survived

But they were caught off guard when the rain came pounding in.. And even if they did have boats they of been capsized because of the rough waters.

You don't try to find logic in religion. You believe or you don't. To the letter.

If you want to talk about "plausible" a giant ark isn't. End of story.

That's always been my thought. It was two of every SPECIES.

It was an annunaki vessel carrying genetic samples of different species they gathered before annihilating all life with their superdeathray

hi shitskin

What? why is there no middle ground here? lol don't be so black and white dude, try to open up your mind.


There's millions of different species on Earth

Dogs are older than the ark though, that is if you believe in carbon dating.

archons did it with saklas. many such cases. SAD!

Go on, I want to hear more about your hypothesi...er...I mean "theory."

But dogs came from wolves.. right?

There were no living animals on the Ark. It's a metaphor, or more likely the result of a person describing something they didn't actually understand. The actual Ark contained DNA samples, zygotes, etc.

only having 2 of each species would effectively render them extinct since they'd need to inbreed to expand the species. it wouldn't work and is full of shit.

No, that is all i had to share lmao.

Fanfiction thread

Well at one point in time something would of had to inbreed.

And this has to do with news or politics because...

It could have happened, but Noah didn't get every animal on Earth, but he made an attempt, and God just helped him out by creating any animals he missed after the flood?

>did no one else own a boat?
No. All the wicked people probably laughed at him for building a giant boat in the middle of a land mass.

Religion doesn't have a middleground, it is black or white. Manicheism IS a religion after all. There's no such thing as half a god, his Words can't be half a truth.

You believe or you don't.

I dont think so.

Science is simply the study of God's creation. It is rational and logical.

Maybe somethings in the bible need to be understand in a metaphorical sense, and not literally? Why would the word of God be so simple and basic? Perhaps the people who wrote it down didin't understand what was going on.

Maybe it was simply describing a cataclysmic event of some sort - a social collapse.

I mean maybe? This is god we are talking about.. i'm sure he could do anything he pleases.

Then they geneticly modified bigfoots wich are actually neanderthals and thus created homo sapiens in their image. That's why we only use 10% of our brain. Can't have your slaves getting too smart, so they blocked our mind chakra geneticly.

We're literally all inbred.

yes but they found dead dogs in siberia that are older than when the ark would have existed.

Well there is truth within the Bible.. so even if you didn't agree with the bible on it's (Tall tails) You could at least agree with in on it's scientific points. So huh... that's a middle ground.. right? lol

Ok.. and? lol

That's also why they can't find the 'missing link', cuz we r designerbabies.

it rained for 40 days , when you have no food for 40 days you die

The Bible implies that the ground opened up, and aquifers/springs emptied out onto the land. So there wasn't -just rain-

Imagine tidal waves headed out to sea as well as torrential rain.

Hey idiot, a species can't survive if only 2 members of said species survive. You need at least 10000 to 20000.

OP the translations you're basing your assumptions on are dogshit. There was no global flood. It was much more localized. Google: Burckle Impact Crater , that's what caused the great upwelling of seawater and rains. Happened exactly when they say the flood happened

The bible says that Noah was instructed to gather 2 (male and female) of each animal *according to their kind*.
That means you don't need to get every single species of (let's say finches for example). You just need one type so the kind of animal is represented, and after the flood, the species can diversify and differentiate through natural selection.

Yes they can, where is your proof they can't?

It wasn't really a boat, it was simply a big box. It only needed to float. It didn't need to go anywhere.

Then you believe in god but not in religion.

It's obvious the Flood is just describing a cataclysmic event but in a much smaller scale around the mediterraneans, many religions talked about it and time made it bigger and simpler than the original event. That's how legends are born.

Noah's Ark is a copy of a Gilgamesh story

Then why are we attempting to stop a couple near extinct animals from going extinct?
Might as well kill all the white rhinos etc while were at it.

The odds that they would re-evolve into the same subspecies is astronomically small.
That said, I'm not sold on carbon dating, so who knows..

It never rained before the flood. The rain was a shocking thing when it started to happen. Plant life was previously watered by morning dew.

If animals evolved that fast we would be able to walk outside and see dozens of new species every day in every part of the world.

>it's scientific points.
Have you read the bible ?Do you know what science is ?


Ah, ok i see your point now, i didn't know what you were trying to say at first. But who knows? I mean.. they didn't need to form back into the exact same dog though, right? i mean they could just be similar and that would be good enough, right?

Also i thought carbon dating was pretty accurate?

Before the flood things live for a very long time. Canopy theory. Also everything ate veggies, including people.

It depends on how you store your samples, you don't really believe that it was a wooden ship do you?



Yes, i think so.

I have heard that, but I don't remember where. I don't think/know if it's explicitly stated in the Bible that it never rained. But that's not really the point I was trying to make.

I was just referencing this passage: Genesis 7:11

>... all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

Truth is we do it out of hope that someone finds a way to fix the inbreeding problem.
White rhinos are, by all means, extinct.
They don't have a big enough population to fulfill their role in the food chain.
But who knows when the next breakthrough is going to be.
Currently, we have no way of saving them, even if we managed to get them to reproduce, they'd still reach a genetic bottleneck in a few generations.
they can't buddy.
For a few generations, sure they can, but after that inbreeding would ruin them with accumulated genetic trash. You'd have an entire species of down syndrom animals after a few generations. And then they'd just start having miscarriages until they're all gone.

Personally, I believe the Ark is an allegory.
Maybe its just the way the person who wrote it understood what had happened. Maybe "putting two of each animal in it" meant saving the DNAs of each species, male and female, to bring it back.
IIRC there is a book on whether the ancient gods were actually time travelers, but I can't remember what it was called.

evolution does not have a steady time

>Italian wall lizards introduced to a tiny island off the coast of Croatia are evolving in ways that would normally take millions of years to play out, new research shows.


It's the Moon. We came from somewhere else.

>is it actually plausible?

If Noah lived 64 million years ago, sure.

Ancient pagans saw no need to pretend their myths were strictly true or even true in any non-metaphorical sense. Why do christfags, jewfags, and muslimfags feel the need to "prove" their holy books?

The moon isn't made from gopher wood.

No you don't know what science is.

Well ok i see your point.. but my argument is that @ some point time.. something would of had to of had sex with a family member in order to spread more of it's kind. Also i know you don't believe in Adam and Eve.. but the bible says they were close to perfection and there was no need to worry about inbreeding due to their peak states of the human body. I mean couldn't animals of been the same way? i mean they would of had to been at some point in time..?

Well what is science then? inlighten me.


>two of every animal
meant for him to make a boat which would fit his livestock in it.

>implying the myths of the bible arent all megakiked up versions of proto-european pagan myths

neat, but Creationists deny Evolution and evolution takes millions of years

Why 64 million years ago? lol

You haven't the slightest idea as to what science is.

Rigorous, self consistent systems of axioms, which form what are known as theories. More importantly, they are testable, and only true once tested.

You can't boil down science to a series of vague, three word analogies.

The bible probably also mentioned that people breathed air. You want to tell me it's a scientific document for that reason as well?

And, let's not forget, how much does the bible get totally fucking wrong about science? A broken clock is right twice a day, as they say.

noah and the tribe he was part of lived in a valley. he realized that an enormous mountain lake was going to, in a cataclysmic event, burst through a natural earthen dam and flood the entire valley and surrounding areas.

this is before animal domestication, but 'god', meaning noahs intellect, told him to build a floating craft and gather two of each of the local animals so they could be bread after the waters receded.

The flood was a local event, and the animals were specific to that region.

This all happened when we were just learning to think. long, long time ago.

Science is observing a phenomenum, form a theory, build various tests to challenge that theory and repeat them until your theory is disproven or holds.

Bible isn't a science book

That is not true though. What ever negative inbreeding genes could quite possibly die off by natural selection, purifying the species from the troubles brought on by inbreeding.

The species would have troubles and could very well go extinct but it also could survive with just 2 starting animals.

But where was he knocking about where he could find a cat, dog, gerbil, elephant, penguin? Near a zoo?

>muh evolution

Jesus christ man, I'm reading deeper into your image, you're not trying to tell me you're taking that propaganda seriously are you?

Some of those things don't even make fucking sense. Atoms are not invisible. Blood is not a "source of life and health" any more than any other organ is in your body.

>oceans contain springs
What the fuck are you even talking about? That doesn't make any damn sense. If a spring were beneath the ocean, there would be no pressure differential for water to flow. Hydrothermal vents are not springs.

>Can we talk about Noah's ark for a second?



OP confirmed 12yo

You genuinely don't even have a proper 8th grade level of education in regards to the basics of evolutionary genetics and it leaves me feeling so very sad because I am assuming you are older than an 8th grader. I am curious how you view neanderthal DNA in your body right now and what sort of historical timeframe that came about in.

Also while the tree itself has renewed itself through regenerative layering, it's roots are still over 9,500 years old. Musta been a weak flood m8.

Plus, even after the rain stopped Noah had to stay on the boat for a long time until the waters abated. He was on the boat for much longer than 40 days.

The mediterranean sea clearly knew some huge volcanic activity who affected the lives of many people around the dorian age. It's the origin of noah's story and atlantis

Pangaea, dumb dumb

No, i'm here to learn, i will gladly take a beating, i only seek in knowing the truth of matters is all my friend.

Lot's of people are making good points, but they're kinda doing it in a rude way, but oh well, it's Sup Forums lmao.

>Assuming they were't allowed to eat


>axioms, which form what are known as theories
cant have an axiom without god
go on, try

The boat took 100 years to build and the atmosphere was different humans were bigger.
If the Bible is correct you have to take it all into account

Only people with a truly open mind wil be able to think about stuff like this freely btw.

If u have fully commited to a side that currently exist all u will ever do is argue and not get anywhere

it's bullshit. some guy in a village with a boat had a farm. the village was in a floodplain. 100 year flood came in and guy with boat took a male a female of his animals on the boat. probably 4-8 animals. story is told through generations and get's extremely exaggerated. it gets put into bible. thousands of years later retarded people discuss a fictional book on Sup Forums as it was real.

Noah took all the animals and went from missouri through the mississippi river and survived the great flood, it's very plausible

womyn feels

Noah ark is a space craft

see he picked a side and has completely cut off the possibility of the atmosphere being alot different, more oxygen means bigger plants bigger humanoids bigger animals..

How hard would it be to go whaling in a suba suit?

They need to prove it because of monotheism.
ITT- Protestants who have never actually read the Bible. You faggots are hopeless.

Where's my Suba Suit??

When you start with claiming science ever believed the Earth fat, I know I can skip the rest of your graphic.

Also, why site sources of Biblical points, but no sources for what science supposedly said "then."

kek, I meant scuba

But they did believe it was flat at one time... lol

OP if you're a fellow non-believer and you're trying to show how stupid religious thought is, I want to say that you are incredibly creative and doing a great job. Sorry to blow your cover I just had to give you props.

And if you're this ignorant while simultaneously so analytic and curious you must be fairly young and soon on your way to leaving religion. I wish you luck. It will get better.

Well, if they were perfect it could work, but even then, 6000 years isn't enough time for a lion to turn into a common household cat.
Incest is actually very common in nature, but not enough so it ruins anyone's genetic lineage.
The problem with having only two is that they'd be limited to only fucking family members to reproduce, so unless they're perfect like you said and have no genetic flaws, they'd get pretty fucked up after some time.

Noah took credit for the aliens keeping pairs of species the last time they cleansed earth

You seem genuinely interested, and I respect that. You're right in that I am shitposting because this is Sup Forums.

Science is complex. There's a reason it takes 8 years to get a PHD, and only then in a small subfield of science.

The bible's approach to the universe is fundamentally unscientific, because it relies on faith over verification. If science worked this way, we'd never get anything done. This is why technology has exploded over the last hundred or so years, with the refinement of the scientific process.

Much more science than anything ever put forth by the bible.

Also, the bible is a collection of stories. One simply cannot analyze it for its scientific content because, other than a couple vague words here and there like the inforgraphic, there is very little rigorous scientific content that may be tested.

Example: saying the world is simply flat is unscientific. Saying the world is flat because of, say, the appearance of masts on the ship, and then moving forward to calculate how quickly a ship's mast would descend down the horizon, and presenting evidence before coming up with other ways to verify the conclusion, that's science.

Versus the bible which says "this is true, and you must believe it."

If you approached anything else in your life that way you'd be dead. Science is simply refinement of the reasoning that we all apply day in and day out when we're dealing with the universe; and, once you understand the power of objective, scientific reason, of controls, of standards, you start to see how archaic and obviously rooted in ignorance it is. We, as humans, can write documents which are easier to understand, less ambiguous, and not subject to corruption over time, and you expect me to believe that an all powerful, all knowing God couldn't do the same? The best He could come up with was a fucking stone tablet? If He does exist, He's probably insulted that people believe in this nonsense about Him.

Yup OP
Very plausible to the point very probable

oh you will be back or you will be fucked by life

There was more technologically advanced ancient civilization Before the Flood, there is evidence for this across the world. Human history has gone on for a lot longer than we think.

I personally think the flood was some sort of meteoric impact.

yes because scientific evidence points towards these giant humanoids building giant boats because of increased oxygen levels. have you not known anyone who has gone fishing and exaggerated the size of the fish they caught? Imagine this fish story getting passed verbally through generations. at some point to make it more interesting the guy caught a whale with a bamboo fishing stick. This is how these stories were created.